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Posts posted by pistolpete

  1. Greenside,

    The reply is not meant for u? Sorry

    High on Thai

    If you would spend a little more money and not fly on those low cost carrier like UNITED or which ever airlines you may get a hold of for bargain price, perhap you would be smart enough to realize that THAI do offer NONSTOP flight from LAX to BKK ( for like da past few years) this will enable you not to stay over night in da place like BKK.

    pistol pete

  2. :o DORKEYS, If you every fly non stop with Thai Airways from Lax to Bkk you will arrived at 6:00 am in da morning. First flight out is around 8:00 am ( HELLO???). The passport is stamp in BKK but the baggages are transfer thru CNX...this is went you meet the real Mr Robinson :D got it???
  3. Crow Boy,

    Thanks for understanding. I guessed I was not firmed enough with the officer. Frankly I was quite scare I am not sure of what they are capable of (if you know what I mean). So I figured $30 dollars is not worth to fight for!!! I am also surprised that no one here ever run into the same problem. Have you guys ever arrived at the Chiangmai International Sector? Not to many ppls you know.


    Actually as soon as I check in to D2 hotel I did ask the front clerk about this incident and I was encourage to report this incident to the Custom Dept main office near the airport, ( I think is the one next to Central Mall). Well I figured for a 1000 baht is really not worth it for me to take the taxi back to the airport. I was so tempted to report this incident on my way to Phuket. The reason I didn't go to complaint about this incident to the Customs Dept because I figured they must be all in it together so why bother??

    ps actually i have a great time in Chiangmai. I join the local tours to the temple, hiking to the karen village, and river rafting. I don't really like the elephant ride that much. They torture these animals and hit them hard with the crowbar.

    Thanks for understanding all and just wanted to be helpful.


  4. Thai Airways Marketing team should learn from EVA air. They are very aggressive especially from the States to Asia. 2 yrs ago I paid $599 roundtrip from lax to bkk with them. Thai wanted at least 1075 for their direct flight. So the choice was clear last time, forget about the mileage not worth it. But you get what you paid for. I ended up getting a flight from hel_l. First my gf and I didn't get to sit together. Then the plane need to refuel in seattle because of a strong headwinds ( took about 1:30 on ground) The flight was delay by about 3 hrs. But overall we saved $475 each which i happily spent it on the Pimalai Resort in Koh Lanta.

  5. I personally like Thai Airways. But for my own curiosity how do they justified charging more for their tickets price than other in the same league. Thai products are not that consistent. One minute I am flying in the New Airbus A340-500 the next I will be in this antique A300-600 with no IFE and cramp leg rooms? The onboards service is excellent and very attentive but please enlight me about their pricing structure.

    BTW is it true that they treated Farangs much better than Thai??? :o

  6. I actually happen to know a few Thais that live in the states illegally. Most of them work in the Thai Restaurants. I guessed if the visa waiver is implemented many more Thai will definitely overstay here. I don't know if that is a good or a bad thing. Thai restaurant is often half the price compare to the american, and Thai foods is totally awesome.. :o Let's them come.

  7. FYI for the inspector gadget. My flight number is TG 795 from Lax to Bkk and then transit to CNX with TG 102 arriving in CNX around 9:30 am. Seat number 53a-53b and 46J 46k. Why waited all this time to post this? I guessed today I am bored to death. LOL (departure date June 7 arriving in CNX on June 9th)

  8. Trust me I didn't make this up Ulysses G. The tour booth is on the right hand side before exiting to the "Nothing to declare lane" in CNX. My guess is either they owned the shop or they work part time for them. They asked us politely at first how long do we plan to stay in Chiangmai. They mentioned the cheapest way around is to join the local escorted tour. Ask us if we already booked the hotel and they can get us really good deal if we haven't had a reservation. Please follow them to the booth. We pretend to look at some pictures and politely decline.

    I am sure someone else had been thru this similar situation before that they can attest to it. Trust me like I said earlier, this incident only bother me a little bit and I am not a troll either. Again I just want to share my experienced with you guys. So if you ever get yourself into the same situation at least you will know exactly what to do.

    BTW D2hotel rock!!!

  9. Maestro,

    I just want to share my personal experienced with you guys. Like I said before there is no hard feeling! Thailand is totally

    awesome. I love to travel and I have been to Thailand many times. Usually I arrived in Bkk not direct transfer to other airport.

    london thai

    By the way this incident happen inside the inspection area, so for sure is the Thai Custom Officer.


  10. I think they work as a team, everyone in that morning shift probably earn a 100 bath each or something?

    The living wage should be enough for them to support their family and have some pride in their duty as a Custom Officer.

    By the way if you are familiar with the airport the tour desk is on the right hand side before entering the green lane these officer push harder than the

    person behind the counter.


  11. My girlfriend and I were harassed at the Chiangmai Airport back in June of this year. We were planning a nice 12 days vacation from Los Angeles to Chiangmai and Phuket via Thai Airways. Thai offer direct nonstop flight from Lax to Bkk after arriving in Bkk, Chiangmai is only one hour away. After about 20hrs of exhaustion I finally arrived at Chiangmai International Airport.

    At Chiang Mai airport, I was approached by two uniforms custom officer asking to check our baggages at the international arrival area. We complied and pretty soon I realized what their intention was. I was asked a lot of stupid questions, they were offering discounts tours or hotels accomadation and etc. I was just being polite and listen in to their sale tactics, mean while I was thinking didn't they wanted to check my bags? :o:D:D I didn't realized that Thai Customs Dept allowed their officers to work partime as sales associate for the tour company while on duty? Anyway after I refused any of their services they starting to ask me a serious of intimidating questions. Why am I bringing in a can of peanuts into Thailand, they also said that my girlfriends makeup and prescription drugs are not certified by the Thai food and drugs adminstration! Did you know that peanuts, sun block and personal makeups are very expensive in Thailand. By bringing in these items I have to declare them and paid a little duty. I was puzzled by their actions and was asked to follow them into this tiny room in the right hand side. Now only one custom lead me into this room and asked politely for 2500 bath and a receipt will be given to me. I declined and said that I wanted to talk to Thai Airways personal and I don't mind sending these items home or leave it at the airport until we leave this country. He said he doesn't work for Thai Airways and nothing they can do for me anyway but ok this is my first offense he will let me go for 1000 bath. At this point I was annoyed and very frustrated so I complied and gave him 1000 bath he let me go and welcome me to Thailand. I got it easy sabai sabai Thai styles.

    This incident bother me just a bit it create a very negative image for the Kingdom of Thailand. This kind of incident will not happen if the Customs Department of Thailand pay their officer at least a living wage so at least they won't have to beg for tourist money. :D

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