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Posts posted by Setanta159

  1. Am wondering if anyone has information on where it might be possible to hire a road bike in Bangkok and/or Pattaya/Jomtien area? I understand that some tour operators 'rent' bikes but from what I can gather you also have to book rather expensive guided tours with them. Any info much appreciated.

  2. RIP

    Something very odd about this death. The guy was one of the top amateur cyclists in the British Isles. Still very fit at 38 and apparently not the proverbial piss head.

    I am constantly amazed at the number of 'farang deaths alone' in apartments. Certainly living in patts/jomtien might not be the best place in the world for those whose minds are already on the brink but the frequency of this type of incident does not add up.

  3. Really nice beach i.e in the military area. Unusually for Thailand there are even signs not to play loud music and create too much noise which is a welcome change. It's possible to stay there too overnight although the chalet style lodgings are very basic and have no electricity as far as I remember. Don't think it is overly expensive but can't remember price.

  4. Just curious as to what cycling is like around Pattaya and Jomtien. I'd imagine it must be very dangerous. Presumably best time for cycling is early morning. Have seen groups of cyclists on the dark side all decked out in cycling gear, probably members of a cycling club. Anyone got any hints of best places for cycling in the area i.e. where you won't be killed. What are the prices like for a decent carbon fiber hybrid in those stores mentioned?

  5. Thai police are corrupt across the board. It is a multi-billion baht industry. Notice how district police chiefs are switched around regularly. This is due to internal auctions taking place for control of individual districts. The highest prices are paid for areas such as Patpong in Bangkok and obviously Pattaya. Encroachments on other people's territory occasionally happen, all due to financial requirements. Personally have been stopped just outside Pattaya by Bkk traffic police and 'fined'.

    Have some pity the next time some brownshirted bonehead stops you on your bike or for being in the 'wrong' lane whilst driving. The money you pay over will probably not be burning a hole in his pocket and will go up the foodchain. Eventually a small percentage might get back to the initial bonehead. The brass demand 'honesty' from the rank and file to pass the money up the chain. Those deemed guilty of transgressions are dealt with severly and sometimes pay with their life and act as an example to others. A sad but true state of affairs concerning policing in the LOS.

  6. forgot to mention. Their wifi is 1.5k per month and is crap plus depending on how much AC you use utils are expensive there. I regularly paid 3k per month but that did involve sleeping with AC blasting etc. The place seems a bit run down in my opinion but I enjoyed it there. Must have one of the largest pools of any condo in Pattaya/Jomtien.

  7. IMO the bus service from Pattaya Nua to Ekamai is excellent. Having taken the bus at least 40 times in the past 2 and a half years I have NEVER experienced serious problems like the ones described. Been to Bkk twice in the past 2 weeks encountering no problems whatsoever. For 113 - 117 Baht you arrive almost as quickly as any taxi and are not put through the ringer by the often crazy taxi drivers. Thailand has many problems but the bus service linking Pattaya with Bangkok is as efficient and certainly much better value for money than the vast majority of similar services in Europe, North America or Australia.

  8. Have noticed a farang driving around on a motorbike with somtam/bbq sidecar attached. He does the driving whilst some Thai lady does the cooking. I think he might be English. Looks bizarre to say the least. I certainly don't believe immigration is giving out business visas for such an activity :o . I've never seen them sell anything and think the locals are somewhat put off by the sight of this pasty farang driving about with a few bottles of Chang in his front basket. Just curious as to whether anyone else has seen this guy. He's been doing this for at least 8 months now. It's one of the stranger sights I have seen here to date.

  9. You guys have way too much time on your hands.......(one would think enough time to develop a sense of humour :D )....and yes, she really does love you; yours is a special relationship! We're all visitors here boys, 1 week to 20 plus years, doesn't really matter. Amusing to see the 'sexyman' delusion is alive and kicking NanLaew. Unfortunately it's often the oldtimers here who can't see the forest for the trees. :o

  10. Some of you guys are so far removed from reality that it's comical. Imagine this scenario....Lek the 20 year old 43kg pretty girl from Isaan is under pressure to send a few bob home to village so that the family can take care of her kid and get sloshed with the leftovers. Only option is to have a sexual encounter with Helmut from Duisburg who is 65, weighs 220kg, smells like he's pissed himself (but pays her well) and has just asked Lek if she does 'O' Levels as well as taking it up the back door! Now I don't know about you lot but if I were Lek......Metamphetamines, Yaba, Opium and a bottle of Mekong would be required at a minumum to do the deed. It's no suprise to me or many other visitors to Pattaya why women might be more prone to dallying in drugs than men in this fine city :o

  11. Look around at the farangs here, hardly the 'beautiful people'. The prospect of getting shagged by the 200kg sweaty Gunther would be enough to put anyone on Yaba or worse. Probably the only way most of these girls can stomach it.

  12. I currently have a wifi connection in my Condo in Jomtien which is supposedly Hi-speed etc. Of course it's nothing of the sort and frequently disconnects. Does anyone have information where I can get or contact someone to obtain a hi-speed, secure and reliable broadband connection which I need for my work. I often have to leave my pc running overnight with programs running on the net. My condo does have a phone line which in these days of mobiles I have never used so presumably a secure connection would have to be be done in conjunction with using that. Any info re price etc greatly appreciated.

  13. I've been living in Pattaya (Jomtien) for about a year now but from time to time feel the need to get away from the general madness. Have visited Koh Larn for a few hours on a day trip. It's not the prettiest of islands but does have a nice feeling about it after the hustle, bustle and hassle of Pattaya. Has anyone stayed there overnight? From the boat it looks like there are a few hotels but on the net I only found one, Lareena Resort. For those of you in the know some more info greatly appreciated.

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