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Posts posted by CenDiv8680

  1. I've lived in Thailand the past few years and have traveled to the Philippines. I don't think you can really compare them and come up with one that is "better". They are both very unique places with good and bad points.

    Thailand is a beautiful country with a wonderful culture. I have really enjoyed living here. But the Philippines has a lot of good points too. My recommendation is to spend most of your time OUT of Manila. Manila is interesting and loud and fun, but I think Sagada and the mountains in northern Luzon are much better. Beautiful scenery, fresh air, and great people who speak English well. And the food in Sagada... amazing. One of my favorite things about PH as opposed to many other Asian countries was that I could easily talk and interact with so many people.

    Thai food is awesome, there is no denying that. But anyone who says Filipino food is crap is crazy. I had a lot of delicious food while in the Philippines. Some of it was home-cooked, some at nicer restaurants, and some at open-air markets. There was a lot of fresh vegetable and good cuts of meat. I should say that all the places I had Filipino food were places outside of tourist areas (some of the worst Thai food I've had has been in tourist areas).

    About the guns... I'm guessing most posters don't have much experience with guns, and therefore simply seeing one is scary. There are a lot of armed guards, even at places like McDonalds sometimes, and that's weird at first. However, from what my Filipino friends say is more of a precaution than it is a reaction against a supposedly dangerous environment. I think maybe the terrorism in the south has something to do with that mentality. At least in the Philippines the guns are out and on display in trained hands, unlike in Thailand where they're stowed in a motorbike, waiting for their owner to lose face ;-) I never felt unsafe in Manila, though Ermita at night seems a little seedy. But so do parts of Bangkok.

    I met more hospitality in the Philippines than anywhere else. But the tourist facilities kind of suck in some areas. There is no Khao San in Bangkok equivelant in Manila that I saw - only dirty streets and too many prostitutes (thanks to all the sex tourists). It's a shame, because I found the locals more willing to strike up a conversation and hang out. I think the Philippines has the potential to be on par with Thailand as a SE Asia destination, but some things will have to change first.

    Overall, I don't think of Thailand and the Philippines in terms of "best" or even "better". They are just different. Both are very unique, and I have had a lot of fun in both places. Check them both out! Good luck :)

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