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Posts posted by desbo

  1. My wife and I have 4 rai in Rayong, The land is perfect for growing just about anything expect rice. What's the best crop to grow in Thailand right now? Any suggestions on what I should grow? The land is empty and we just want to fill it with something that will make a little money. It's better than leaving it empty. We may build a house on the land in the far future. We already have been in contact with a farmer who will plow the ground for us now all we need is to find something worth while to grow. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks

    Why not investigate Hydroponics I can help you if you PM me.

  2. As I'm very fond of tomatoes I am constantly disappointed with the quality of

    tomateos that are regurlarly available in Thai markets.

    Now I know that the environmental conditions are really different from what

    I'm used to. But surely there must be a tomato that can do well, not just

    survive in this climate. I don't think Floridians or others living in the tropics

    go without decent tomatoes.

    Has any one had success in growing these vegetables in similar climates?

    If you have would you mind shareing the methods and variety grown?


    Try hydroponics it's so simple and you can grow such beautiful tasting tomatoes. Plenty of demand at markeys and shops. I can help you with advice.

  3. I presently own a nice house with swimming pool and small garden on a half rai of sub division land and it is a high maintenance monster with no returns on investment...simply put it's a $drain to maintain. Paid 4 mil baht and invested 5 yrs of sweat and [hoping] that i could at least recover my baht investment of 4mil.

    Now, I have the opportunity to purchase 7 rai of nearby rice land [with water] for 1,000,000baht with the intention of making it self sufficient for my [extended] family with intensive and diversified farming. Plan is to dig a 1 rai pond and use the 'diggings' to fill the rest of the land. The rest of the land would be used to grow various farming products, fruit trees, ornamental landscape trees, vegetables, fish farming in the pond, possibly a rai of rice and anything else to make a few baht and set my family up with some 'security' in these troubled times. I have no life insurance and they would piss away any lump sum anyway when i go to the "ATM in the sky".

    I estimate a 1 rai pond could be dug for under 500kbaht and another 500kbaht for developing land, buying fruit and ornamental trees and that would leave me 2mil baht for building simple housing for my immediate family and some for extended family. Moma and Popa are in their 60's and still live in a shack that I have improved somewhat, but it is a sinking ship and they are getting older and i do realize some obligation to help them and they are farmers themselves and I can help them help themselves.

    The wife has a degree in agriculture and knows and loves plants and farming and I'm on old 'back to the land' hippy with a bit of practical experience. I have no illusions of getting rich, but simply want to offset the expenses of survival and maybe have a little left over to pay electric and buy an occasional beer.

    this new attitude has come about as a result of my shrinking $'s and the realization that the [world?] economy may be in for tough times ahead and would at least want to have food on the table and help the [extended] family survive.

    Other posts running are suggesting 100+ rai to farm for self sufficiency/income [?], but that would take lots more manpower and inputs$ and headaches and I just want a simple, secure life and legacy to leave my family.

    Can do on 7 rai?? and is 1milbaht enough to develop 7rai of raw rice land near Chiang Mai??

    any suggestions, comments or feedback appreciated.............

    Why don't you consider aquaponics or hydropnics as we here in Australia grow thousand of veges and other plants on small areas of land. There are many crops that can be grown and it's an easy way instead of a back bending way of doing work. I can help you if you would like some info.

  4. I am living in the UK. I am working 40 hours a week in a callcentre. I have severe emotional/mental problems and the stress of the job is really becoming unbearable, I am truely stuck, opressed and really not well. The place is like a prison, the management treat the workers like shit and I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown. I am 33 years old and I can't see a way out. With a severe anxiety condition I am trying to meet the living costs in the South of England and just about manage the minimum repayments toward credit card debt- which again was used just for living purposes - no holidays/extravagance.

    I shouldn't be where I am today but numerous life events have ended up with me cornered in this hellish position. for 40 hours of work per week in this modern day victorian mill I net about 200 gbp or 800 gbp per month. This amount is just enough to keep me spinning on the spot. But I really can't take the job anymore.

    Could anybody here, please, please, please teach me how to start a small internet concern which will net me about £1k gbp per month. I spend every minute of my spare time scouring the net for online businesses and I don't know where to start. I really need some help before I completely lose it - I really can't handle another day £1000gbp per month will cover my bills and give me some breathing space and the ability to seek proper/help treatment for my illness. Please guys I'm not joking I'm in a pretty bad way at the moment

    You are in a bad way my friend. I agree with others, call centers are the worst place to have a job. It's a place where rejection is rife. You have to have a job or something that makes you feel good about yourself. We are in a very, very, very competative world. I am 78 years old and have been very succesful in business. IIf you prefer to stay in England I may be able to help you if you are a person who can sell on a one to one basis not over the phone. I am launching a new concept worldwide and it will be up and running soon but Thailand is not the one place it will be good for. I know just how you feel as I have always suffered with anxiety and I take medication three times a day,have done for years. Drop me a line at [email protected]


  5. hi,

    interested in learning more, from the lao side there could be potential, depends on scale and inputs

    what else can you tell me?



    I have experience in this field. If you would like to get some info please PM me

  6. must admit the thought has crossed my mind, but you must really compete with the big exporters, or sign a deal where they will buy your products off of you.

    I have information in this field and there are many places here established selling to supermarkets and small outlets. You can contact me via PM

  7. I am looking at setting up a small hydroponic farm on about 1.5 rai of land, just outside Pattaya. Would appreciate any advice or information from members as to where I can buy the necessary equipment for this and any tips you may have. :o:D

    I am in Australia and visit Bangkok regular. I know the Hyroponics well and have contacts here for equipement etc.. There are many business's here selling to large supermarkets. You can PM me.

  8. hi,

    interested in learning more, from the lao side there could be potential, depends on scale and inputs

    what else can you tell me?



    I am in Australia where there are many farms of this nature and I have contacts here for supply of all types of equipement. If you wish toget onto me drop me a PM

  9. Does anybody know where to buy Stubby Holders / Coolers in Bangkok.

    I am looking for just a small quantity - maybe 50-100.

    I guess the small quantity could make this more difficult since I don't want any cooler with commercial prints on it like "Drink Chang" or "Visit Samui".

    I am looking for single-colored black or white coolers and I would like to have a logo printed onto them.

    Thanks a lot

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