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Posts posted by cafes

  1. Frist what were your intentions when you had SEX with this girl. I assume you were not paying for it, my other assumption since you had sex with her you were planning on marrying this girl. In Thai culture when you meet the parents it's sort of giving intention on marrying thier dauther. Having sex with a Thai lady leads to the next step marriage. So are you going to marry her? Or just having fun on the side (no condom) with total disrespect for Thai culture and the women.

    Wakie wakie it's 2008. how long have you been in Thailand? no disrespect meant here.

    Im sure your intentions were honerable and if you love this women and you think she loves you as well your next step would be to send money to the mother. The average educated Thai only makes between 9,000 and 12 ,000 baht a month, so 200 $ = 6200 Baht.

    Not necessarily. Some make 9000 -12000 a month but some make a LOT more than that

    So sending her 50 USD a week, this would help to keep a roof over thier head and food on the table.

    No. This does not help the family in any way. It makes the family more lazy and lot more greedier. Laziness creates additional problems... so, DO NOT SEND MONEY TO THE GIRL OR FAMILY.

    Also I know this is off topic but I also think that you would benifit from studying Buddhism. This would help in many ways it would help you understand the Thai culture, help you understand "good" Thai people and would help you thru this painful time in your life. You have the power inside you to change anything you want. GOOD LUCK

    You seem like a nice guy and I have all the respect for ya but you really got to stay a lot longer in Thailand to truly understand Thai culture. Thais are a proud people. Most "good" families won't ask for money from the farang no matter what. Nor will they expect money form the farang. Just my opinion.

  2. They looked after you for?????????? well... you guessed it. For a reason. Trust me, they just want to get paid for having looked after you. It's probably not the girl but the family that want something. Since you did not "force" them to look after you and help you out. I strongly beleive that the 8-year loan story is just a scam and I'd strongly advise you against giving them a cent!

    Ok here is a story of which many of you will probably say " we got another one", but all opinions are being sort here so no problem.

    My marriage fell about after 18 years in 2005 to an English girl who kept the house etc, etc.In Apr 2006 I had to freelance out in Los for 2 months and met girl X.

    I met her in Pattaya ( I know, I know!).in a disco

    By observing her over many days, I came to the conclusion she had a good heart and was pretty honest.

    When I returned to Uk in June we kept in touch ( her always phoning me)

    In Aug 2006 while homeless and skint and feeling down, I travelled back over to Los.

    We hooked up and travelled around Thailand

    We did the usual trip to Issan etc, etc

    Her family were lovely too

    Somewhere during this trip, she got pregnant.

    I was due to return to UK after 5 weeks but thought I have to stay and not leave this girl to cope with this alone .

    Because Of the visa situation in Thailand I had to keep leaving so, we got her a passport and she came too

    I took her for two months to Cambodia .then back to Thailand, etc, etc.

    On one of these trips we popped into Pattaya she hated it I loved it, but we moved on.

    Just before the baby was born on a that last trip to Cambodia We were involved in a bad crash.

    Luckily she was Fine I was a mess ( smashed leg, shoulder etc, etc.).

    We transferred to Trat Hospital where The baby was born, and I was cast up.

    After 15 days and 2 ops I had to leave hospital as all money gone.

    X, baby and me had to loan money and rent cheap place in trat for the next 2 months till I could move.

    She said to me " I would love you even if they cut your leg off- reference to what Cambodia clinic were

    advising to me, she looked like she really meant it.

    In all the time there she never moaned while looking after a new baby, and an invalid day in, day out. getting food etc, etc

    Because of leg cast and shoulder cast, I couldn't even help by holding our Daughter.

    Anyway when we could move from Trat we had to stay with her Family in Issan as I had no cash and couldn't get on my plane yet due to leg.

    All the while in Issan X was positive making the food, looking after baby etc, etc.

    I explained many times that I was going back to no job, house, and a complicated divorce.

    When the time finally came for me to face the UK, X cried real tears ( so did I) we had travelled 14 months solid, day and night, with me being quite poor ( for a farange), if truth be told.

    When I got back I found a lovely little note written on our daughters tee-shirt, hidden in my bag.

    Also I was shocked to see all my clothes secretly ironed

    Anyway I have been back 4 months now, and although we spoke everyday at first, now both of being skint, we are down to emails.

    X works 300 kms+ from baby who is in Issan with Gran. X is selling clothes- trat ( of all places)

    Now I discover her mum is Owing 100,000 Baht ( and has done for 8 + years) to a loan person who now wants to call in the loan, i.e. House/Land etc, etc.

    Now this part I believe having been there a few times and observing what goes on.

    But If happens My Daughter who is parentless now becomes Homeless.

    I am switching between totally believing the story, and thinking that at worst they just want the security of the home, and that the loan shark doesn't really want the house now. Which are both good enough for me as I lived there so long and have a daughter and genuinely like them all.

    OR am I being carefully scammed.

    One Brit in Pattaya some 12 months before said to me- without meeting her " she'll have the lot off you mate", to which I replied " too late the uk wife already has it all- and this Thai girl doesn't seem to want anything, i.e. I give her money she goes and buys me clothes etc, etc.".

    He said to me " Oh she is playing the Long game, for the big score"

    In order to pay that 100,000 baht at this time I would have to loan, so not something I can do Lightly-if at all-

    I can't believe I am so blind after 18 years marriage, or am I just rebounding and that is blinding me

    What do you guys think ?

    Is this just another "sick Buffalo story"- or are there ever any honest stories?

    She is 25 and mature I am in my 40's wise to some things not all.


  3. Excelent post from "guesthouse" I hope you follow his advice, I really do.

    It is sad to see that some poeple forget "rule number 1": NEVER BUY PROPERTY in somebody else's name in Thailand unless they are your own children then of course it's a different matter....

    And rule number 2: NEVER TRUST A THAI (but we all knew that already :o )

    As you don't own the land but you do have rights to use the land.

    On your side you have the knowledge that no one will buy the land while your signature is on the Chanote.

    Against you are the rights of the OWNERS and importantly your eagerness to sell up to get your capital out.

    As others have said, if you go to court you may well be seen as holding the OWNERS to ransom.

    What you ought to be aiming at is getting to a position where the family want to sell, and they are asking you how much you want compensating in order to give up your valuable life long tenancy.


    It of course seems that there is a lot stacked against you, but I do think you have two more cards up your sleeve – Time and your knowledge of the life style and habits of your former partner's family.

    You have stated that you have previously paid off their debts and that you have provided an income to them in regular hand-outs.

    A few things to note here – My guess is the family have an ingrained habit of debt, lately encouraged by the expectation that you will always be there to pay off debts they amass.

    I also suspect that the sudden expectation of a cash lump sum has been the cause of much partying, much planning and much expenditure.

    Added to which the steady income you once provided has dried up.

    Time and old habits are almost certainly going to bring new debts. Thwarted expectations of easy cash and the goodies it has been ear marked for is sure to bring about frustration. Loss of income is simply going to hurt… every single day.

    I would therefore withdraw your offer, get a tenant (or better still continue to use the property yourself). Get your lawyer to write to their lawyer that 'the offer they have made does not compensate you for your loss of tenure, you can't afford to accept their offer and you shall continue retain and make use your rights to the property'.

    This is a double message – a message to the family they are not going to get any easy money any time soon and its also a message to their lawyer that he himself is not going to get paid. Don't tell your lawyer your game plan (as others have said, he may be in on the act) - just give the outward impression that you have changed your mind.

    Then wait and see what happens.

    Greed is a vice that right now is being directed at you – when you cut off the family's expectation of easy and quick money, greed will remain and start to eat at them.

    Greed, debts, frustrated expectations, daily hardship…. Believe me - They will be back with a better offer.

    In summary, calm down and play hard to get.

    You foolishly created a dependency – Now for once use it to your advantage.

  4. Very nice to see some real pics of the beach as opposed some pictures that usually look more beautiful than they actually are in brochures.

    It looks nice anyway. I Will be staying at the Seaview Resort & Spa soon. Never been to Koh Chang.

  5. Sandwiches at the Landmark cafe AVOID AVOID AVOID

    Burgers at Santas AVOID AVOID AVOID

    Fish and other crap these peasants serve at the Offshore on Sukhumvit AVOID big time and... it's so filthy and sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo smelly, one can barely breathe in there!

    AND the service at JOOLS Sukhumvit 4 is the worst. Never again!!!!

  6. I am a good friend of actor Kevin Bacon. We used to be at the same school. We still email each other and he visits Thailand from time. When he comes over I take him to @#$@#$@#$ for a drink. He's good fun. Robert De Niro and Michael Douglas and Steve Seagal once joined us at @#$@#$@#$ sorry guys, can't tell the name of the joint..... their privacy comes first.

  7. Etihad is good Abu Dahbi ariport isn't as people are allowed to smoke inside!

    Qatar airways: great food and service on the planes and all that but applaling and shocking service on the ground. It took me 5 hours of calling in order to get my return flight reconfirmed. they just wouldn't answer the phones. And when I finally got through the arrogant qatar booking agent said "you should feel lucky I answered your call because I was in the middle of a conversation with my boss and I cut him off just to answer your calll" - truly amazing.

    Etihad: Yes!

    Qatar: Never again. They can go and F off :o

  8. Agreed. The internet connection via True is has been slow lately. Apparently there is cable or two that snapped somewhere off the coast of Taiwan. Well, what can we do? Nothing much I think. I think that poeple who are paying over 590 Baht per month could consider going back to the lowest package which is again 590 Baht? why pay more for "slow" & "unreliable" service?

    As for boycotting a Thai company or companies. Thais are a proud people just like most Asians. they'll laugh their heads off just hearing the idea. We are guests in THEIR country with ZERO rights. Personally I report to immigration every 3 months. This, after having spend over 25 years here. Go figure......

  9. A friend deposited 700 Baht into 3ix's bank account. He never heard from them again. You seem to have had a good experience with these tossers. Most have not. There is more negative feedback on the net about 3ix than positive. This is fact. Dozens of Thai Visa members will advise against 3ix only a minoirty will endorse them.

    To the Original Poster:

    Enter 3ix into that small box on the bottom left and hit "search topic" and you will see for yourself.

  10. a good friend of mine was a teacher at St Josephs and another Bilingual school here in los (can't remember the name). He said they're all crap. He says you pay money for nothing. His advise to another friend of mine was "stick to the normal private schools or even government schools as all these bilingial schools are just businesses." He did say that there are a couple of REAL International Schools that are pretty good. But they are expensive.

  11. I developed a heart condition years back is los the thai cardiologist at Bangkok hospital said there is no cure you gotta take the medication I am prescribing for the rest of your life. An operation is not recommended although you can opt for it. Basically I did some internet searching and decided that I was not going to live my life on cpotentially dangerous medicines. I travellen abroad and got the operation done. I have been cured never had a problem again. oh and before I went I had to do check for blood clots in the heart. The result "blood clots". I went abroad and the doctors said "no blood clots" you're ready to go under the knife....

    11 years ago I was told that I had an apendix at Ramkamheang hospital. Turned out to be minor cramps. I got suspicious and went to a government hospital. There I was told I had only stomach cramps.

    Another doctor here is los told me that green tea contained more caffeine than black tea. Did some searching on the internet and found out that is is the opposite..

    Also the problem is they never give you constrcutive advice. After they examine you they immediately start writing that prescription. You only get edvice after insisting. Otherwise yo're left in the dark.

    Do I trust Thai doctors? some people do; I certainly don't. Especially the ones working for private hospitals.

  12. Buy domain name with namecheap.com and host with godaddy.com AVOID 3ix.org at all costs!!!!!!

    I am pretty sure that 3ix.org and 3ix.com are the same company. Whatever you do avoid those bozos as they'll promise you the world and do not deliver.

    Do a search on Thai Visa and there will be dozens of threads/discussions about them. All of those threads are negative. A friend of mine got robbed off his money. They took his money and he never heard from them again and this after emailing them over a dozen times and submitting dozens of tickets.....

  13. There are two kinds:vertical spinners and horizontal spinners. I think this timre around I want a horizontal one as the vertical ones damage clothes. What does the sister-in-law have, a horizontal one?

    I need soemthing that you put everything in you press a few buttons and after an hour or so it's all done and ready for dryng on a clothes line

  14. Anyone suggest a brand name washing machine that does not rip clothes to shreds. Had one of those cheap spinning machines. But all my clothes have basically almost become unwearable now becasue of this 3.500 Baht machine. Anyone suggest something better. Budget is somewhere between 10k and 20k.


  15. Got a reply from my host godaddy.com - see below. The problem is I did check my spam filters and I did check other folders. Anyone know or have some advice as to why 2 out of 3 of my email addresses can no longer be used?



    Thank you for contacting online support. If there are no bounce back emails then they are not being blocked by our system. We suggest checking any spam filters you may have set up along with all other folders in your email account.

  16. I posted here back in November about our flight (me, wife and 2 small kids) back from bangkok to manchester thru abu dhai with Etihad.

    In a nutshell flight out of BKK delayed so missed connection in AD...hours sat around in BKK...no help no info...promised hotel in AD....no help in AD no hotel 9 more hours on floor in AD...ended up in london then manchester 13 hours late....terrible service airport and etihad staff non-existent throughout...baggage lost for 48 hours...the complaint is pages long.

    Well I have been mailing etihad and getting nowhere until this morning when I get a lengthy response they have obviously investigated the matter and offered a couple of free flights.

    Question is what would I expect to get if I refuse and press for financial compensation ?

    Anyone know approximately ?

    Ummm how unusual from an airline to do this. I would accept the tickets and thank them. Most airlines wouldn't do this you know.

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