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Posts posted by sunnitimes

  1. Fellow TVF readers:


    I am currently on the other side of the world and so will be calling it a night soon.  In the meanwhile, please contact the coordinator mention in the second posting above if you can help.


    Dr. Brian is an amazing man and has tirelessly contributed to the less fortunate children of Chiang Mai through the Dulabhatorn Foundation.  His family and friends will greatly appreciate any and all help.  Thanks!

  2. Update of contact information:


    Single donor blood platelet A Rh- is urgently needed for Dr. Edward Brain Doberstyn. Donate Blood at National Blood Service, Thai Red Cross 
    Contact Coordinator "Pat" 0813471757
    Blood Platelets Donor onfo by Thai Red Cross 



  3. A Rh- (negative) is urgently needed for a foreign doctor who established the Dulabhatorn Foundation in Chiang Mai.    If you can help, please contact the Thai Red Cross for patient HN No.: 344572 .


    Blood type: A Rh negative (A Rh-)
    Blood products: A Rh- whole blood and A Rh- platelets


    If you need further information, please contact the OP, by PM.  



    Thank you!




  4. While I fully agree that spraying to eradicate mosquitos may be necessary, one really ALSO needs to avoid inhaling the fumes as these can bring on medical conditions just as harmful as Dengue, and in some cases, more long lasting.

    Take this from someone who got trapped in a house that was being "sprayed" and is still receiving treatment from the resultant illness, years later.

    Neither dengue or the sprays used here in Thailand are something you want to "mess with".

  5. The no smoking coupled with no Indians would indicate to me, anyway, that the owner is attempting to keep his apartment from needing to be steam-cleaned and repainted when the tenant leaves.

    Can attest to the experience that there are a number other cooking traditions, like the outdoor frying operation on the balcony favored by the Thais, that do not go well with condo/apartment living.

  6. UPDATE: I have just returned from the Red Cross. The place was full, and it seems they have had an amazing response. I was turned away, as they have had sufficient donations for Lucy! thank you to all the kind souls who were able to donate! I will continue to follow, and will donate in the future if the need arises again.

    Thanks for this update

    Noted that according to the Thai Red Cross site they will accept blood donations from persons up to age 70 so we were headed out the door before your update came in.

    Good to know for future blood requests here in Chiang Mai.

    Godspeed to Miss Lucy.

  7. Apologies for being imprecise in the description of the location of Nong Ho intersection.

    As MESmith correctly pointed out there are street names here in Chiang Mai. But in giving directions landmarks sometimes resonate better with people. That said, Nong Ho interesection is at Canal Road (Hwy 121 to be exact) and Rural Rd 4307 (sometimes referred to as Convention Center Road as it runs pass the Convention Center).

    Will try to be more precise in the future with my comments.

  8. Actually, I'm surprised that it hasn't happened, multiple times, already.

    You know where is Nong Ho intersection ? Is it in the city ?

    Nong Ho intersection is close to the Resorts Condominium where that busy road intersects with the multiple lane Canal road. Crossing Canal road is tricky at the best of times and doubly so at night. The full article makes clear that the green light the woman was crossing with was not green in the direction she was going rather it was green for vehicles traveling in the direction she was crossing. In other words, she stepped out in traffic.

    Also agree that being a pedestrian in Chiang Mai, which I am often, requires constant vigilance and giving way to traffic.


  9. One of the main symptoms of wheat sensitivity is headaches. When MDs are testing for sensitivity to foods, such as wheat (which is in beer) they normally restrict that food group from your diet for at least 6 weeks and then reintroduce a small amount of the food. Your cleaned out system then usually reacts very strongly; which I grant is counter-intututive.

    You may be having an allergic reaction to the components of beer (wheat and yeast) as much as to the alcohol. I can assure you an allergic headache can be a real bone crusher and last for days.

    Agree with earlier posting that a visit to the MD might be in order; your body is definitely telling you something.

  10. When I read the news I knew that the forum would be split on their opinion and more than likely a number of members who had direct experience with Maggie's policies would speak out. As a Yank brought over to the UK for the electricity privatization, I remember that at the time there was controversy as to whether her policies were helpful or harmful. Good, bad or indifferent, It is for sure that what she started has lived on far beyond her terms of office. She was an agent of change at a time when change was needed. History will judge whether the change was in the right direction.

  11. Just as an update:

    Got the driver's license with no problems as to the paperwork. As a result of all the advice here, and on previous posts that I researched, I had the application, medical cert, residency cert, copies of passport details and international driver's license in hand.

    The only hiccup was the staff inadvertently slipped my passport into someone else application and handed it to that person. When I came out from the reflex test there was no passport with my application; few moment of heart stopping anxiety ensued (which of course, being a polite guest, I was not suppose to show). Finally the person who had gotten my passport came up and returned it to the desk. Just as an aside, I am a very blond woman so it would be stretching it to say all of us farangs look alike.

    The main reason I was getting a driver's license was so I could quit using my passport as ID; afraid it would get lost. Point proven!!

    Once again, thanks for all your help guys.

  12. Best part of the day was sitting idly in the air conditioned Starbucks, sipping a Grande latte, slowly reading the free Bangkok Post, while waiting for the CM Immigration to process my Residency Certificate. Idling away a hot day in a cool space always makes for a good day.

  13. Great, a cake with a file...that may come in handy.

    Agree it is always an adventure trying to figure out just exactly what the rules/procedures really are; keeps one on their toes.

    Guess if it was straight-forward and laid out in detail we would all complain of the system being too bureaucratic.

  14. In the crush of people today I failed to notice the paper outside so thank you for spotting that and passing on that information.

    Since this was the first time I have gotten this certificate I was not totally sure what it should look like. I know the bank always seems to have multiple rubber stamps that go all over a document and thought the same might be true of Immigration.

    Now onward to the Driver's License queue :)

  15. Went this morning for my residency certificate (for a Driver's License) at CM Immigration; handed in the application, pictures, copy of passport details and copy of lease. Was told to come back at 2pm.

    Duly came back at 2pm, reported in at the middle counter, sat and waited until my name was called, and then went and picked up an official looking document with my picture and a big red stamp on it. Waited a moment for the person at the counter to ask for the 500 Baht fee, hearing nothing, I picked up the paper and walked out.

    Did I just experience dumb luck or will I be told I need a "cashier stamp" when I get to the Driver's License bureau??

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