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Posts posted by clausewitz

  1. There was one instance when we went to the Thai police station and the "boss" there asked my wife in Thai . If I spoke Thai? I answered in Thai, yes I do. Thus was many years ago when there were fewer Farang residents that actually spoke and understood Thai. There is a saying in Thai, "Farang loo mak, mai dee"; Farang know too much, no good!

    Fascinating, I speak fairly fluent Thai and in all my years of living in Thailand and overhearing thousands upon thousands of conversations in Thai, not once have I ever heard this 'saying' .

    There is website in thai (which i forget the name right now) where thais, and especially women , talk about foreign men and customs: kind of a Thai counterpart to Thaivisa. You will see many Thai women, the "experienced ones" warning that those farang who have been here long, who know Thai ways, are not good 'catches" and its better to get the ones straight off the boat.

  2. I think there are several issues in Thailand politics that push peoples buttons. The prolific Thaksin haters on Thaivisa have varied motives but seem to feel that the Democrats are basically good people who treat everyone fairly and never play political games or tell lies. They feel that the redshirts allied with thaksin went so far as to kill and shoot there own members - and wounded around a thousand - but made it look like the army was doing the shooting. Such lies must be corrected.

    Another group feel the redshirts and Thasin hate gays - and so they should be opposed. The fact that so many redshirts are gay is a phenomena they are possibly unaware of:

    Take this case: red shirt leader has been found dead with his throat slit in his wreath shop in Phrae’s Muang district."Udomsap Thammuang, 56, was found dead in the shop with a 20cm long knife wound on his throat around 11am yesterday, police said.

    . They say Udomsap was gay, and may have had a tiff with an admirer."

  3. I just wish for Foreign Minister they had found someone of the caliber of Kasit Promiya, the outgoing FM. A diplomat's diplomat and the leading cause of the improved relations with several countries including Germany, Cambodia etc.

    And when he was on the stage at the Airport invasion in 2008 he really wowed the PAD crowds with his comments about Hun Sen.

  4. Yes it is a great day and a major step forward in Thailands road to democracy. Many or even most of those who vote phuea Thai no longer want a country run by 'good people' handpicked by military generals and deeply corrupt businessmen, and "unbiased judges".Thaksin is merely a symbol of the democracy movement, no longer the main factor in this vote.

    However, The democrats , their backers and the military will be looking for any chance to overturn the vote and that is going to lead to more unrest..

  5. I find it extremely amusing that the Democrats have failed to understand over the past years the importance of Isaan to their success. They didn't do anything for Isaan and therefor they've lost the election.

    Free education. Free healthcare. Pension.

    But, what Abhisit didn't do was hand out cash and give easy loans that didn't get paid back.

    Actually his first major act a few weeks after PAD set him as PM was to give a 2000 baht handout to miilions of people..

  6. Don't worry guys, remember when thasin started to get unpopular on thaivisa back in 2005 - we didn't have to wait long before there was a coup.

    then when PP won another big victory in 2007 (despite the generals changing the constitution to suit the Democrats) all the anti-thaksin posters were crying and moaning (much like today).

    What was it only a few months before samak went on a cooking show and the absoultely balanced and unbiased judiciary expelled him as PM. Remember how Thaivisa cheered at the extreme fairness of true justice.

    The Somchai the next primeminister was banned and the party banned, all your wishes came truue and the real rulers of Thailand - the military, judiciary and procteors of the realm, the Democrats were where they belong, in control.

    I wonder what it wil be this time to overturn the election. We know the constitution court is unbiased, it was proven by those youtube videos, discusssing how to keep the democrats in power.

    We know the prosecutors are unbiased, espically that one that brought the charge against Thaksin for signing the purchase paper of the land his wife bought: like that PAD member of the prosecution committe who, before he was chosen as a member was televised on the PAD stage saying Thasin is worse than Hitler. Like he said, after he was chosen "I just look at the facts and have no bias' And of course we should take him at face value.

    Anyway I expect the election results will be overturned within this year, just a matter of figuring out a convincing story and picking the right people to prosecute and..

    So cheer up, the democrats, PAD, and the army will soon be back, and corruption will be just as much as under Abhisit now (business says it has reached 30% of the govt. projects).

  7. For all it's popularity with the masses, and not withstanding voters dissatisfaction with the present Army influenced power, Puea Thai is not a party you can take seriously, it's a farce run on r emote control from Dubai with a clone political lightweight as it's prime minister, and an agenda to whitewash the most divisive and criminal leader in recent memory. that alone is a good enough reason why smaller parties can be persuaded not to form a coalition it, clear and simple. But if PTP 'win' by 40 seats or more, the public just aren't going to accept a minority govt and we should face up to the fact that the Reds will have good reason to take to the streets once more.

    It's shaping up to be an election that will only spell trouble for Thailand. Best scenario is that PTP be allowed to form a government but with coalition partners who block any moves towards amnesty. Let them get on with dishing out to the poor and we will soon see that they are no better or worse than the present govt.

    Minority govt? This term means that a coalition with less than 50% of seats takes power because of a hung parliament. If the non-PTP parties have more than 50% of seats and form a govt, the reds will hit the streets because they just don't understand how democracy works - and Thaksin's educators/agitators will tell them it is NOT democratic when the opposite is true.

    What is truly undemocratic is running persons facing serious criminal charges as candidates assured of being elected (high on the party list) to give them indemnity from facing those charges indefinitely. This is subverting the other branches of the democratic system. To claim that these are the best possible candidates that can be found would be (hopefully) absurd.

    Do you mean like when the current Minsiter of Foreign affairs was arrested under charges of Terrorism and then given his post?

  8. The press is freer than at any time Thaksin was in power


    The group also released the Global Press Freedom Rankings for 2011, in which Thailand ranked 138th, down from 124th last year. The country's press freedom status has been downgraded to "not free" _ the same as Cambodia,

    The report noted that repressive governments have intensified efforts to exert control over new means of communication, including satellite television and the internet.

    Some democratic and semi-democratic states also moved to impose additional restrictions on the internet, including South Korea and Thailand, which increased censorship of online content, the report stated.

    "While we have come to expect restrictive and dangerous environments for journalists in the Middle East and the former Soviet Union, we are particularly troubled this year by declines in young or faltering democracies like Mexico, Hungary and Thailand," said David J Kramer, executive director of Freedom House.

  9. Sadly I feel it unlikely that Abhisit will return to his position. This would be a sad day for Thailand as a whole.

    The, so called, plan by the PTP or even a suggestion that this party will instigate a law that will absolve previous politicians of their misdoings should, by all rights, scare the living crap out of the people. Should such a law be passed then there is simply no hope for Thailand, ever.

    Could someone explain to me why any amnesty now is so bad, but the amnesty for the Generals and other parties who started a coup is fine?

    In many countries taking power by gun is considered bad form and will get you a long stretch in prison.

    In Thailand one of the coup members was appointed by the current government to be commander of chief of the army

  10. Some posts promoting bike rental business have been removed, as promoting your own business is for sponsors only

    I am assuming this information is not a secret that should not be revealed so

    is it possible for the moderators to post some addresses: this is hard to find information that a forum like this should provide I think.

    at [email protected] ads can be placed for free. To promote a business in this forum one needs to be a sponsor, suggest contacting our sponsor Sumet Cycle

    I am not trying to promote a rental shop. I am a person with a car, living in bangkok, who needs to rent a motorbike for a week, as my car is in the shop for repairs. Is it really that harmful to give out information about places to rent bikes?

    Do you have a phoe number for sumet cycle?

  11. Bangkok Bike Rental is currently advertising rentals of bikes " Large choice of Motorcycles from 125cc to 650cc" and "PCX KLX DTX ER6 Versys Bikes".

    I have never been there so I don't know what they have. But the ad is from this week.

    do you have an adress or phone number, i need a rental bike in bangkok as my car is in the shop for service now.

  12. March 18, 2020


    Cambodian courts today jailed 51 year old, James Alger, a British national, for 8 years after he was convicted of having sex with a 41 year old prostitute.

    The victims chidren, both in their 20s, said their mother was shocked to find that her short-time partner was over 50, as he had assured her he was only 45.

    Alert staff at the 5 star hotel where he was staying recounted seeing him bring the woman back to the hotel and then alerting police. "We were amazed that he would have the audacity to take a woman back to his room when he must have known we saw his age on his passport upon check in". Police colonel Syet Sor said he regretted not being able to break into the room in time to stop the act happening.

    Alger's 25 year old daugher expressed horror at her fathers behaviour after the sentencing, but laid some of the blame with British lawmakers who last year voted down the "mandatory castration for men at age 50" bill for those who intend travelling overseas.

  13. Cawow is in majority owned by Major en Mcdonalds Thailand.Because it gets delisted from the stock exchange doesn't mean that it will close down.Because it makes a loss for the public share holders doesn't mean it really makes a loss.;)

    Actually the largest shareholder is its canadian founder ,with about 38% of shares, the Major group owns 24% (and must be rueing the day they were suckered into buying those).

    It was a ponzi scheme , but I weighed this up when I bough into it at a cheap rate in 2007- one of the lucky ones ...

    Hope they can keep going for a few more months as I still use it occasionally.

  14. ^As is life itself!!! There have been so many of these threads.... I still say one of the best places for straight men to seek good partners is *where they work*- i.e., to be employed and have real people working around them, or to look for such people in their work environments. The number of times a (female) dentist assistant or doc's office staff lady have flirted with me quite obviously.... it is hard for me to fathom why any reasonably decent and functional straight men have any problems here.

    A couple of my old bargirlfriends from a few years back now work in respectable jobs ...

    The fact that they slept with a few hundred men puts me off taking them on but I guess they are not technically 'bargirls"

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