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Posts posted by bkklife

  1. Surely they can trace the account the money was deposited in...?

    ... practiced at scamming, corrupt Thais usually use an uninvolved innocent new friend's bank account, putting them on the tiger's back ... the excuse being, I have a friend sending me money and he cannot wire into my 'xxx' bank - can I ask him to send it to your bank account and I will pay you THB 500 ... then, the corrupt Thai disappears with the ill-gotten money, and the new friend is then complicit in the crime.

    ... how could anyone be so stupid as to give a stranger money!? ... especially in a country so thoroughly corrupt as Thailand!

    The reason why they are so stupid is because they are greedy. Greedy scammers....Greedy customers....what goes around comes around!!!!

  2. Two thing, with this being Thailand. First there will be a minimum purchase, to make a report, say 100baht and every staff member will want to hear what your complaint is……..It may be a good story to tell their friends later.

    Just a suggestion regarding the language barrier, 7/11 could employ a flip chart, (hung where the fags are) and one of the staff slowly turn the pages, each page depicting a different scenario, theft, stabbing, con, bar girl related incident, buggery! 7/11 could make a killing, they could get all the shoppers involved, a bit of a game show, they could call it; "What's your complaint" The best one (in a 24 hour period gets there complaint passed to the BIB.

    Dont use the word 'hung' and 'fags' in the same phrase again please, thank you khap.

    Or Buggery !!

  3. How will it be advertized ? by sticking a talking, waving, man sized dummy outside 7/11 saying " report your mugging here" ? But seriously though, how many short stay tourists would know about this, and who would opt to go to a police station, just like in every other country in the world.

    Never heard such nonsense !!!

    I was going to post exactly the same the sentences as you bkklife.

    Same thinking, did you work in advertising as well?

    How would tourist even get the idea to go to 7/11 for reporting a crime. How would it be advertised. I was going to design a window sticker "report your crime here". A red logo with a knife, white border, sticker to go on the door? Probably cheaper than setting up little manned tourist police booths at the beaches and tourist areas.

    Or maybe the flight air hostesses will issue a business type card, with your immigration card, detailing information such as " if you get mugged in Pattaya, report to your nearest 7/11". That would be far to easy to implement and not to mention the corruption written all over it.:bah:

  4. Thai can be learnt very fast depending on what you want your end results to be. For example... Over the years living in Bangkok with my Thai girlfriend and her family, we have had a number of Burmese girls working as maids for us. They where all around 16-20 years old and didn't speak a word of Thai having just came across the border. After only 1 year most of them could speak almost perfectly, this was due to them being thown straight in the deep end and knowing that they must learn in order to gain a better salary etc....

    But me on the other hand can speak decent Thai but took me about 5 years to grasp as my girlfriend and her whole family speak perfect English.

    This is my observation anyway !!!

  5. This is the way I look at it....

    1, Martin and his wife have been arguing and probably stressed out with the demands of looking after a young child and with work commitments.

    2, His wife puts her son into day care so she could go back to work and probably free her mind a little for the stress.

    3, Grandmother found out that her grandson was in day care and wasn't having any of that as she could take care of him in the village or where ever they live....

    4, Martins wife is probably feeling relieved somewhat that her son is in good hands and with family and also not having to pay for expensive day care services etc....

    5, Martin is starting to miss his son and demands for his return but his wife is thinking Ummmm probably better he stays with the grandmother, but doesn't tell Martin this of course.

    6, Martin is getting more and more frustrated and wants to report to the police etc.... His wife plays along with this to keep him happy.

    7, Wife and grandmother have been keeping in contact everyday while shes is at work but doesn't tell Martin this of course

    8, Grandmother is starting to feel the financial effects of taking care of a young child and requests money from her daughter....Wife doesn't want to pay out of her own money and tells Martin that grandmother is demanding money to make it sounds more dramatic....AS THEY DO !!!

    9, 2 Months go by with the wife passifiying her husband and Martin starts to contact facebook, twitter, new papers, thai visa in a last bid effort.

    And this is where we are today with no progress what so ever.

    Martin, Please don't take this the wrong way but wake up and take action !!! Get a grip please !!!

  6. What like that similar scam, sorry scheme, where people could be compensated for having to stay longer at hotels in BKK when the airport was overrun by bandits. Oh brother.

    Hi Bridge,

    So if the situations turns ugly in phuket and tourist are been force to over stay, will there be any compensation done by thai government??


    When the airport was overtaken and tourists were forced to extend their accommodation because they simply couldn't leave Thailand, there was some half baked offer that tourists would be compensated for extra accommodation costs. From memory however the conditions to claim were so onerous that I doubt one baht was ever handed out.

    As for compensation being paid out by the Thai Government, I think anyone would have a better chance of winning the Thai lottery, and that's even without buying a ticket.


    My parents where stuck in Bangkok for 10 days during the airport take over. They stayed in an approved hotel that was offered by the scheme for FREE, which included breakfast. The normal day rate for the hotel was 2,200 baht. One thing I will mention though is the hotel they stayed at is owned by a high ranking army guy, who lives in my area !!!

  7. Just carry on as if nothing is wrong, sell both houses using a cover story that you want to build an apartment or buy land etc.... Her and the family will go for it if they think there is money to be made, thats if the houses are in her name (Probably) Once you got your assests back....

    Pack your bags and run like F......

    No way would I put up with that kind of disrespect after all you done.

  8. A few years back, I got scammed the same way. They used a copy of my CC in London while I was in Thailand. The bank never paid me back. I lost the equivalent of 200.000 Baht. I wrote registered letters, went to the police as I could prove easily with my passport that I was in Thailand and Laos. Nothing helped.

    To jail all of them and as long as possible.

    That sure sounds like bad luck on your part, or an outright rotten credit card company...

    My credit card must have gotten "scanned" while shopping in one of three fairly large homeworks-type stores in Pattaya. Two weeks later I got a call from my credit card company in Switzerland, asking if I'd recently done some major shopping & dining in Italy. No, I said, haven't been near that place for years. A "red flag" had popped up in their system, because shopping/dining big time in Italy didn't go together with my "profile". I had to sign a form saying that I hadn't been near any shop in Italy, and that this was the truth and nothing but, and got all the illegal shopping removed from my CC bill. For reference, that was Mastercard.

    My visa debit card was copied one time when I was on holiday in Pattaya. It was the only time I ever used it in a gold shop in walking street. Thinking back now I remember the girl bending down behind the counter and then saying my card was refused.

    Anyway I went back to the UK and 1 month later I was deployed to Iraq in 2003. During my 6 month tour I recieved some bank mail and when I opened it I was in shock. The fraudster had helped himself to 1800.00 pounds from my account. The card was used in 3 large shopping malls in Tokyo, Japan.

    It was easy for me to get the money back through the bank as I could prove I was in the desert for 6 months, just had to fill out a form and the money was straight back in.

    I've never used a credit card overseas again since then.

  9. I've been involved in a few minor accidents with motorcycles and everytime they've always tried to provoke me into an arguement and get some form of compensation out of me.

    Its very simple to avoid this by keeping calm, calling your insurance company and let them do all the talking with the other party.

    As it turns out on all occasions the motorcycle drivers didn't have insurance and this is way they try to intimidate you into paying money on the spot. Just don't do it guys !!!

    Call your insurance company, they know how to handle these vermin !!

    You are correct about this,it's what I always do.Even if they get some cop involved,I lock my car and refuse to talk anything other then that they will have to wait until the insurance guy show up.

    Your 100% right I've done this also and works great. One time when a motorcycle ran into me, he called all his friends, and in a show of force they tried to provoke me into getting out of the car. There was about 5 guys all holding thier helmets in hand ready for action. Soon as I called the insurance guy they all disapeared into the darkness like a bunch of rats.

  10. I've been involved in a few minor accidents with motorcycles and everytime they've always tried to provoke me into an arguement and get some form of compensation out of me.

    Its very simple to avoid this by keeping calm, calling your insurance company and let them do all the talking with the other party.

    As it turns out on all occasions the motorcycle drivers didn't have insurance and this is way they try to intimidate you into paying money on the spot. Just don't do it guys !!!

    Call your insurance company, they know how to handle these vermin !!

  11. Typical Thai disregard for anything resembling safety. Nobody has any foresight in this country when it comes to public or worker safety.

    And the same can be said about a lot of tourists coming here also. You should never swim when you are drunk! When they behave like idiots, this things will happen. Read and learn!

    Your totally right, a friend of mine was drunk and thinking he was an olympic diver decided to dive of his balcony in to the pool. He misjudged the hight and hit his head on the pool floor breaking his neck. Spent the rest of his holiday in the hospital feeling sorry for himself whist everbody else was out getting pissed and laid. What an idiot !!

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