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Posts posted by webtv

  1. I would call this extreme


    a step to far!!!

    Probably seemed like a ' cool ' idea at the time ?

    Likely that his girlfriend ( if he ever gets one ) is not too keen on the missionary position. :D

    :D or boyfriend ..... wonder what the petrol station attendants in Thai motorways would think when this guy steps out the car to pay for petrol :o


  2. 'webtv' date='2008-11-17 23:30:28'

    .P.S. Naam.. dont have the bypass surgery.. read up on vitamin c and heart complaints. You do not have to go through that procedure at all.

    They linked cardio vascular disease and scurvy years ago.. I would bet my house that if you take 4000 mgs of Vitamin C every day for 4 weeks, you will be clear of any cardio vascular disease.. A 2 time Noble Prize winning Dr, the late Dr Pauling and Dr Rath proved that in the 90's.. Read the book "why Dont animals get heart attacks, But people do" and it will become clear... The majority of animals produce their own vitamin c, except guinea pigs and monkeys.

    Please don't tell someone not to have bypass surgery when you have not examined the patient nor have been privy to his medical record and tests results. It's irresponsible.

    The people you cite were never able to prove their vitamin theories. 50 years on and not one reputable clinical study to support linus' theory. Nutricicals & vitamins are a profitable business segment. Don't you think if the companies could come up with a way to show that Linus was right, they would have by now. It would certainly be lucrative to do so.

    Linus had cardio vascular disease when he died of complications due to his prostate cancer. Know what? When you get old, it's common to have cardio vascular disease. It's part of the aging process and for some people based upon their genes, inevitable.

    Regarding your

    In the interim, read this



    ^ quackwatch is for sheep, please dont throw garbage unfounded propoganda into the mix to make yourself look like a professor. :o

    With respect, Quackwatch is a joke and should be treated as such.

    I find it irresponsible to not explore other avenues and to not keep diagnosing the same drugs and the same treatments, that are total failures as cardio vascular disease will return again if not actually dealt with from a deeper level. Getting a DR to go in and clean out the arteries is not a cure, its a cleaning process and the same problems will keep coming back as they clearly do.. How many times to do you read, people having 3 and 4 bypass surgery's etc.. its getting beyond the ridiculous.... If people get off the drugs, go to a vegetable diet, drink clean water, detoxify the body and get the body back to a natural state of life it will be a better method of getting well, than throwing down bottles of medications weekly.

    a link that should explain why I agree with Dr Rath.. There are plenty of others online that have some great points and YEARS or tests behind them.

    http://www.encognitive.com/heart-disease/w...008-sep-12.html"Family Health News: Dr. Rath, your book is entitled "Eradicating Heart Disease." Do you really believe that this deadly disease can be eradicated?

    Dr. Rath: Absolutely. There is an interesting phenomenon that startles most people when they hear about it: heart attack, stroke - cardiovascular disease in general -is virtually unknown among animals. It isn't impossible for it to happen, but it simply doesn't occur, regardless of the animal's diet, level of activity or other factors. And yet coronary and cardiovascular diseases are epidemics worldwide among people. They are the number one killers in all industrialized countries, accounting for about half of all deaths.

    For years, scientists have puzzled over this phenomenon, and now at last research is shedding some light on it. With the exception of man and a few other species, animals synthesize the vitamin C they need in their bodies. We do not produce vitamin C, and must attain the levels we need from food and supplementation. If you don't get enough vitamin C, your body cannot produce adequate collagen and collagen is the substance which gives your cardiovascular system its structural integrity. Low vitamin C intake over many years leads to chronic instability of the vessel walls.

    Deposits develop over time as a reaction to this instability. Once you understand heart disease as a vitamin deficiency, treatment is easy, non-intrusive and risk free.

    But if it were as simple as a vitamin deficiency, wouldn't we know that by now? With the millions of dollars that have been spent on research in th is field, how can this just now be coming to light?

    Dr. Rath: Well, I guess sometimes the simplest ideas can be the hardest to see. But there is also an economic factor involved. Vitamins are not patentable. Therefore, there has been little incentive for vital research and clinical studies.

    Also, linking disease and nutrition challenges the way many doctors think. This is changing, and more and more doctors every year are considering nutritive factors. But this kind of vast orientation change takes time.

    When you mention "vitamin deficiency," most people probably think of scurvy, the disease sailors got a hundred years or so ago when they failed to get any vitamin C in their diets. Is the vitamin deficiency that leads to heart disease the same kind ofthing?

    Dr. Rath: As a matter of fact, it is the same thing. Heart disease is a form of early, or chronic, scurvy. When a person develops scurvy, their body is totally depleted of vitamin C and all bodily tissue degrades quickly. The first symptom you see is bleeding gums. And what is this bleeding? It is leaking of the blood vessel walls. As the scurvy progresses, the blood vessel walls----- not just the gums, but throughout the body-------- break down and are no longer able to contain blood as it is pumped through them by the heart. Eventually the blood escapes from the blood vessels, and death results.

    The reason that a lack of vitamin C causes scurvy is the same as the reason that a shortage of vitamin C causes heart disease. Among the most important functions of vitamin C in the body is the production of collagen. Collagen molecules form the structure of the entire cardiovascular system. They function like the steel girders in a skyscraper - they form a supporting grid that assures the strength and stability of the veins, arteries and other blood vessels. With no vitamin C, collagen production ceases and in a relatively short time the entire system loses its structural integrity. This is scurvy.

    Today most people get enough vitamin C to avoid getting scurvy. However, enough to prevent scurvy isn't necessarily enough to keep your cardiovascular system healthy. If your diet includes only minimal amounts of vitamin C, collagen production is reduced and blood vessels weaken. Tiny lesions develop in the vessel walls, and the blood vessels lose elasticity.

    In order to combat this, the body sends clusters of fat molecules into the blood vessel walls, acting as repair agents to do the work that collagen should be doing. But like a plaster patch on a wall, the result is a repair that is not as strong or stable as the original structure. Over time, the body overshoots the repair mechanism. Arterial deposits are nothing other than nature's "plaster cast" against the weakness of the blood vessel walls. If these deposits develop in the arteries of the heart they lead to the heart attack. If they develop in the arteries of the brain they lead to stroke.

    Are there other factors involved besides vitamin C?

    Dr. Rath: Yes. Animals that do not produce vitamin C in their bodies, such as humans, do produce a specific type of fat molecule called lipoprotein (a). This molecule is naturally very sticky. The reason why cholesterol particles and other fatty particles deposit in the blood vessel wall is because some of them are coated with these sticky lipoprotein molecules, which form a biological "adhesive tape" around the fatty particle. So it is actually the stickiness of the lipoprotein particle which makes the fat globules accumulate inside the blood vessel wall, which leads to the buildup of deposits and eventually to the clogging of these arteries. In summary, the new understanding is that less stickiness means less risk for heart disease.

    Of course, now that the stickiness has become the focus of therapeutic attention, it is logical to say, well, let's look for "Teflon" agents which can prevent and neutralize this stickiness, and thereby prevent the spread and buildup of new deposits, and more importantly reverse already existing deposits by loosening the fatty particles, the LDL and the other cholesterol particles, from the arterial wall and thereby decrease the clogging.

    And are there actually "Teflon" agents that can do that?

    Dr. Rath: Yes, there are. Part of the work I've been doing, and the patents I've received, involve using the natural amino acids lysine and proline for just this purpose. These two nutritional supplements are the first generation of "Teflon" agents that we know, and of course since they are natural supplements, eventually everyone can take immediate advantage of these new discoveries.

    So there are two factors which make humans more prone to heart disease than animals?

    Dr. Rath: Yes. First, animals produce a lot of their own vitamin C, which humans do not do. Our ancestors have lost this ability to produce their own vitamin C. All the vitamin C for our bodies must come from our diet.

    The second factor is, animals do not have these sticky particles, they just have normal fat particles. This stickiness is the second reason why human beings are much more prone to this disease than any other living beings on this planet.

    You hold a patent in this area. Can you explain that, and the studies that led to the patent?

    Dr. Rath: Certainly. The scientific search - the drive - that I was involved in over the past eight years, started by looking inside the human arteries. What is it exactly that leads to the buildups of deposits, and kills millions of people every year from heart attacks and strokes?

    The key we found was really the adhesive tape - the lipoprotein particle. No adhesive tape - no stickiness - no fatty deposit, period! So, the patent that we received comes directly from this discovery, and that it is the possibility to use the amino acids, lysine and proline, as agents to reverse these deposits, to get the fatty deposits out of the wall and thereby decrease the risk of heart disease. This is the core of the patent. Of course, in order to get the patents, you have to have a certain amount of experimental evidence, and first clinical evidence.

    So, we already have a series of testimonials from people following this program, who have been taking higher amounts of vitamin C, lysine, proline and other important nutrients. A person who has angina pectoris experiences chest pain, which results from the narrowing of the coronary arteries. People following this program report to us regularly that within four to six weeks they almost entirely get rid of this chest pain.

    The blood circulation through their coronary arteries has obviously improved, and therefore the chest pain, which is a sign of the suffocating heart muscle, does not occur anymore. Studies which will document the reversal of deposits in the coronary arteries of heart disease patients are in and the results are remarkable.

    Beyond vitamin C, lysine and proline, are there other nutrients that you recommend supplementing?

    Dr. Rath: Yes. What you have to keep in mind is that your cardiovascular system is your largest organ. One person's cardiovascular system has the surface area of about half a football field! This'system is made of millions of individual cells, and keeping those cells healthy is of paramount importance. So it is essential to follow a well-thought-out nutritional supplementation plan.

    One important and powerful antioxidant I have researched is pycnogenol. I recommend this very highly. Pycnogenol is a little known extract of a European pine bark that is tremendously effective in fighting free radical damage. It is absorbed very quickly by the body, and helps potentiate vitamin C and other antioxidant activity. Pycnogenol is a fairly expensive nutrient, and rather hard to find, but it is very worthwhile to seek it out.

    I also recommend including other antioxidants such as vitamin E and beta-carotene, along with vitamin C, for their protective ability. Moreover, many of the B vitamins are important as cell fuel, as are several key minerals and CoEnzyme QIO.

    Are there any dangers in using these supplements in the amounts you recommend?

    Dr. Rath: The answer is no. Clearly no.

    So there is no downside and quite a bit of potential for preventing or even reversing heart disease.

    Dr. Rath: Yes. I think the dimension of these discoveries has not yet been understood. What we're talking about is that today medicine has only surgical treatments for heart disease. We are now entering an era where we can reverse heart disease without surgery, based on nutritional supplements. These new safe, effective treatments represent a complete change in our approach to these health problems.

    In Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks, But People Do, Matthias Rath, M.D., an internationally respected cardiovascular researcher, asserts that high cholesterol is not the actual cause of heart disease. Bears, for example, have average cholesterol levels of 400 milligrams per deciliter of blood, but they don’t suffer heart attacks. Why? According to Dr. Rath, it is because bears produce large amounts of vitamin C, which optimizes collagen production and ensures maximum stability of their artery walls.

    Dr. Rath’s research identifies the true cause of heart disease as a deficiency of vitamin C and other essential nutrients in the cells composing the heart and coronary arteries – not high cholesterol. Once the artery wall is weakened by vitamin deficiency, the body responds by producing excess cholesterol in the liver and depositing it in the injured artery. If this process continues without nutritional intervention, the buildup of fats in the arteries will eventually lead to atherosclerosis, the cause of heart attacks.

    Using easy-to-understand language, Dr. Rath explains what the reader can do to prevent heart attacks and other cardiovascular conditions naturally. He presents his ten-step program for achieving natural cardiovascular health, as well as his clinically proven Cellular Health nutrient recommendations for preventing and improving heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart failure, arrhythmia, diabetes and other conditions. Dr. Rath even provides clinical proof – complete with the Ultrafast CT scans of patient’s arteries – of the natural reversal of atherosclerotic deposits, without angioplasty or bypass surgery.

    This revised edition of Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks, But People Do! has been updated with new research findings that corroborate Dr. Rath’s vitamin C deficiency-heart disease discovery, his cardiovascular presentation at Stanford Medical School, and information about the recent efforts of the pharmaceutical industry to suppress his medical breakthrough. Dr. Rath also exposes the pharmaceutical industry’s profit motives for pushing statin drugs, which do not target the true cause of heart disease and have dangerous side effects.

    Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks, But People Do! is the blueprint for a new health care system based on the needs of patients, not profits from statin drug sales. The information contained on its pages will empower readers to take control of their cardiovascular health and end their dependency on pharmaceutical drugs.

    About the Author

    Matthias Rath, M.D. is an internationally respected cardiovascular researcher who worked closely with the late two-time Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D. Dr. Rath was appointed by Pauling as the first director of cardiovascular research at the Linus Pauling Institute, formerly located in California.

    The author of four bestselling health books, Dr. Rath developed the scientific concept of Cellular Medicine, which defines the deficiency of nutrients at the cellular level as a root cause of chronic diseases. His research has been published in numerous scientific journals, including the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine and the Journal of Applied Nutrition"

    other links:


    "Dr. Thomas Levy's

    eye-opening book, VITAMIN C, INFECTIOUS DISEASES, AND TOXINS. I recommend it to everyone who visits this forum."


    answer to your "semi question" / statements"

    Don't you think if the companies could come up with a way to show that Linus was right, they would have by now. It would certainly be lucrative to do so.

    Unfortunately there is no money in these types of cures due to not being able to patent a natural ingredient.. it comes down to money as in any business.

    Did you realize you need $200,000,000 to even get a drug tested by the FDA.. Its a business that why!

    another one of your "semi question" / statements"

    Know what? When you get old, it's common to have cardio vascular disease. It's part of the aging process and for some people based upon their genes, inevitable.

    Actually also not true.. The "healthy" that die of common natural causes is because of our DNA, it has NOTHING to do with cardio vascular disease at all..

    an easy answer.... Think of our DNA as a shoe lace, when the shoe lace gets old, the "plastic bit" on the end "burrs" and the the shoe lace / DNA comes unraveled.. Old age is just like that and that is what we die of, it is not cardio vascular disease at all.

    Now stop making things up and stop reading quackwatch.. Ill stand by for some of your facts and hopefully by the end of all thos, we can help Mobi and others become aware of other ways to fight illness.

    regards :D

  3. Illness is mainly bacteria and bacteria cannot live where there is oxygen.. You PH your swimming pool, you oxygenate the water in your fish tank.. what happens if you dont? the fish die due to bacteria and your pool goes green due to algae..

    Look, this is just totally wrong. Many (most?) bacteria *thrive* on oxygen. Aerated fish tanks are packed with bacteria and your typical fish tank 'filter' is basically a device that provides lots of surface area for useful bacteria to grow on (and oxygen to keep them alive), which break down the toxic nitrogenous waste products that the fish produce. The presence of these bacteria significantly reduces the incidence of fish disease by improving the water quality in the tank.

    Disease is also not necessarily 'caused' by bacteria or other pathogens. Disease is the result of a complicated interaction between the host, the environment and (sometimes) a pathogen. For example, you happily coexist with a huge load of potentially harmful bacteria and viruses in your everyday life, but usually your immune system keeps them in check. If you (say) get stressed out at work and your immune system becomes weakened, you are more likely to have a problem. In such a case is it the pathogen that made you sick, or the stress at work?

    I get sick of reading all these drug company sheep responses in the forum from guys that are pretty smart from what they post, but are so dumb in regards to how their body works.


    Well.. Its all about balance when it comes to bacteria and the types of bacteria your are posting about. Bad bacteria cannot live in an anaerobic environment and oxygen therapy is used in extreme cases to kill it. This is why exercise and proper breathing is a crucial part of living.

    Oxygen therapy can also stop the progression of gangrene infection, because the bacteria do not like oxygen. By halting the production of the bacteria, white blood cells are able to get in there and clean things up." In many instances, hyperbaric oxygen therapy supplements traditional treatments such as surgery and antibiotics.

    Pom Mai Chai Bahh, Pom me fum kit! :o

  4. Tolley: what and where is Yakult? This question of where to find probiotics arises often in this forum so would be good to know.

    Totally agree with geraitrickid re the irresposnibility of telling people with serious medical conditions that they do not treatments physicians have prescribed. That goes for the well-meaning but way off base poster whio suggested the OP -- an insulin diabetic with significant cardiovascular disease and prostate disease --simply stop taking all his medications.

    Don't care to get into an argument with the anti-modern medicine crowd but for the record, 3 points:

    1. Most of the human body (i.e. the blood and most cellular fluid) requires a pH in the range of 7.35 - 7.45 and evolution has equipped us with very effective systems (including some fail safe mechanisms should one or the other conk out) for maintaining that essential balance. The lungs and the kidneys both serve to ensure that there is no deviation from this range, and in the absence of serious renal or pulmonary disease there is no need whatsoever to worry about how "acidic"or "alkaline"one's body is. Nothing you eat will alter your blood or cellular pH...it will only alter the gastric pH and even that, only temporarily.

    2. Animals can indeed have heart attacks.

    3. An adequate Vit C intake is indeed important to overall health but will certainly not render one immune to heart disease , cancer etc.

    You post with such authority and I disagree with all you have written in this post.

    I realize your from the medical world Sheryl and your probably a very good care giver, but i have read to much research by GREAT Dr's, Scientists and the like to even get into a online discussion with such closed minded individuals. I know you mean well, but just because you write it, doesnt mean its true.

    With Respect.


  5. Tattoos dont worry me..it seems to be the done thing and I take my hat off to those who are not concerned about looking like a fool at 60 years of age.

    It may even have the benefit of encouraging one to keep in good physical condition for as long as possible.

    My own children included.

    More immedietly threatening in appearasnce is the shaved head with 6 long dreadlocks down the back, combine the two and if the bearer is over 100 kilos and you have a person to cross the street for......unless you have a gut full of lao khao.

    a lot of guys at 60 have been known to start to have tattoos,maybe they will worry about looking a fool at 80 :o

    i guess you may be right about keeping in shape ,no one wants saggy tattoos :D

    personally im not bothered if i look a fool(to you or other tattoo dislikers) now or at 60 , il be quite happy if i last till 60 :D ,seriously though everyone always asks what about when your older(when youre heavily tattood),to be honest what do i care,ive lived most of my life by then and wont be looking for a job, going discos or competing with 20 to 40 yr olds......il be more worried about arthritus,cancer,heart attack etc than to worry about general public opinions.

    im heavily tattood and aint finished yet....to sarge i would say that i call someone heavily tattood when they have a lot...some people would say 4 or 5 tattoos is someone heavily tattood but i would say someone who has a lot of skin areas covered but in percentage

    wise even 20 to 30 percent is quite a lot as there is a hel_l of a lot of skin on us.

    by the way i dont like all tattoos on people even though i have a lot...it depends on design etc.some look good some look bad,same as everything in life.everyones welcome to their opinion and im not bothered if someone does or doesnt talk to me because i have tattoos :D

    that's your experience and it's good you share it with us. One point worth expanding on, about people who heavily tattoo themselves, say at young age, and then regretting it later on in the years. Why is it? Could that be because they faced ostracism and prejudice for years? Dunno, just asking...

    Life changes and as a person you evolve and so do your likes and dislikes.

    I got tattooed at 14 years old, Im now 41, there is a lot of water under the bridge and if I had it all over again, I would not have got them done.. But I dont regret them, I just dont like them or what they respresent, as those times were very hard.

    Back then many of my mates had their faces done and many got covered. I got both upper arms done and some chest.

    20 years ago, people with tattoos represented "the criminal element or the bad boys" etc, now they are just art and many people of all ages have had them done.

    Each to their own I say

  6. Its the new world fashion from what I see. It used to be criminals or 'hard nuts", but now its anyone. Tv shows like Miami ink etc show some pretty weird and wonderful people getting ink done. It is not stereotypical anymore.

    I dont like them myself to be honest, but as a young bloke I got a few and now i live with them.. Such is life.

  7. Mobi,

    Also look at your acidity.. I guarantee you if you start looking at what your eating and stop drinking, many of your complaints will slowly fade away.

    It is no secret that our bodies need to be alkaline to function properly and if they do not have a ph of 7.4, they don't run and "rust" from the inside out which causes illness / cancer etc.

    I get sick of reading all these drug company sheep responses in the forum from guys that are pretty smart from what they post, but are so dumb in regards to how their body works.

    Dr's are paid to make a judgment call and the majority are working to try and help you, but many are on commission from drug companies. At the end of the day its a business like any other business and works on profit margins so they can keep that granite entrance shining.. They only have the answers that were taught to them and like a mechanic or a carpenter, there are some great ones that also keep up to date on new technology and there are the ones that turn up, prescribe drugs and go home..

    Health should be taken from their hands and put in your own hands.. Why would anyone let another person dictate to them what they should be taking and what part of their body needs to be removed this week?

    It takes a little bit of study to work out the body..

    It needs water as the body is 70% water. The water should be as oxygenated as you can get and you should drink lots of it.

    It needs nutrients in the form of green leafy vegetables.

    It needs to be alkaline.

    Illness is mainly bacteria and bacteria cannot live where there is oxygen.. You PH your swimming pool, you oxygenate the water in your fish tank.. what happens if you dont? the fish die due to bacteria and your pool goes green due to algae..

    P.S. Naam.. dont have the bypass surgery.. read up on vitamin c and heart complaints. You do not have to go through that procedure at all.

    They linked cardio vascular disease and scurvy years ago.. I would bet my house that if you take 4000 mgs of Vitamin C every day for 4 weeks, you will be clear of any cardio vascular disease.. A 2 time Noble Prize winning Dr, the late Dr Pauling and Dr Rath proved that in the 90's.. Read the book "why Dont animals get heart attacks, But people do" and it will become clear... The majority of animals produce their own vitamin c, except guinea pigs and monkeys...

    Keeping yourself healthy is not a great mystery, its basics really and I hope some of the people on this forum start looking out or your own well being and stop leaving it up to another person to make major decisions in your lives..

    My background is sickness, drugs, alcohol... my future is anything I want it to be.. your is to.

    Good Luck!

  8. Thank for your wishes to my gf

    Anyway she'll make some test as soon . I worked as a doctor in hospital in my home country and then I little quite about that, because I got some experience during my job activity.

    But not my gf.. I explained her that is impossible to make diagnosis just watching the patient's face. However she still understandably worried.

    Some people don't know humanity.

    I read somewhere that once your told you have cancer and then told you have XXX months to live, you usually die on that date.. That is planted in you mind by the Dr..

    The Dr needs a cavity search by an horse..

    Keep telling your gf, that he was wrong and if that does not work, take her to another dr that tells her he couldnt have been right and she does not have cancer.

    Good Luck.

  9. Yes, I have something different.

    Consider the option of pursuing an all vegetable diet high in fiber with lots of water for several days. This will clean you out naturally with the added bonus of not introducing unatural products in to body parts where the substances should not go. Colonic adventures can damage the colon. Consider the much more cost effective option of a natural cleansing through the use of the body's own cleaning mechanism.

    i agree..

    alternatively just buy some Colosan or any other colon flush and do it from home - nicer being near your own loo.

  10. Have you tried using colloidal silver, which safely kills over 650 different strains of disease-causing bacteria, combined with blood electrification, as part of The Beck Protocol, to virtually eliminate all pathogens from your body? It's worth a try to see if it will help.

    the "blood electrification" is especially important as it prevents abductions by most aliens! :o

    That's the answer - there's alien or two in my gut :D

    Now you are starting to make sense. All those drugs you are taking are alien to your body and on top of that your drinking?

    Sounds like you have a death wish..

    Get off the drugs, get of the alcohol, wake the hel_l up and get yourself to your own country and to a DR or better yet a naturapath or homeopath. The way your going, you aint got long left..

    When there is enogh "aliens" blocking healing as you clearly have in your body, the body shuts down.. simple.. clean out or die Mobi..

    I wish you well and clarity in thought.

  11. I lived there myslef up until a few months ago.. Great place to live, although it looked empty, there was only 2 rentals in the whole building when I started my 6 month contract.

    Are you sure you are talking the same place? Only 2 rentals in the building? Or you mean only 2 apartments were NOT rented?

    We moved in Oct 1 2006, when the building was open, left Oct 1 2008.

    370 apartments, rental office downstairs had many for resale and about 20 for rent. Carpark was almost full.

    Yes thats what i meant.. only 2 aprartments available when i was looking. I realize the place is huge, but they were all lived in / rented and I only had a choice of 2 that were available. I took the 10th floor in tower b facing the prakanong bts.. I had a 2 bedroom.

    I was the only guy in the gym at 6 am.. it was great.

  12. Well here I am 6 months down the line, and still not better, in fact I have been told that my stomach is now worse than it was!

    To recap, I was suffering from chronic diarrhoea for several months and following a colonoscopy and gastroscopy last May I was prescribed Salofalk and Ulsanic, which has been very effective in controlling my chronic diarrhoea.

    But every tine I stopped the medication the diarrhoea returned within 24 hours, and with a vengeance. :o

    Last Wednesday I had another gastroscopy (Camera down my throat to inspect the 2nd part of the duodenenum, and to take some biopsy samples).

    My specialist told me my stomach is worse than it was, and the report lists: GERD with hiatal hernia,moderate active erosive gastritis and duodenitis.

    She also doesn't know what is causing my condition.

    She has stopped the Salofalk, and has prescribed Pariet and Mucosata.

    I will see her again next Monday to find out the results of the biopsy and blood tests, and to check on the results of a the change in medication.

    This all getting me down - especially as the doctor seems to offer no explantion for my condition, nor do I see any hope of getting better.

    Some of you out there have similar stomach conditions or have some knowledge on this subject.

    I would appreciate some advice. Should I seek a second oipion, or just soldier on?

    Yes this money pit called a hospital will never cure anyone unfortunately. Its a massive band aid factory and should only be used for broken bones and stiches imo. There are far better places to get well than a hospital.

    I spent 300k at bumrungrad for some similar symptoms that you have and at the end i felt worse due to all the abtibiotics they threw at me.

    At the end of the day they are guessing mate, they make a diagnosis on what information they have, so it just means a "guess" really.

    For certain after all the antibiotics and crap they have prescribed you, you will probably have a BB (bad bacteria) overgrowth in your system and that will beed to be fixed with massive doses of probiotics.

    Now like many you have gone through the revolving doors at the hospital, try to get an actual way to recovery by detoxing your body, stay off any sugar food including fruit, clean your colon with http://www.thefinchleyclinic.com/shop/colo...eof90-p-25.html ( i have no affiliation to this website, its just where i get my vitamins and minerals sent from). they deliver to thailand and I have found them to be very quick and professional. you could also go to the main section of the site and contact them and let them know your symptoms and they might be able to help mor. Maybe just copy and paste your posts in this thread and send to them)

    Mobi, I have been that ill this year I have even just flown to other countries to get diagnosed and even had hyrdrogen peroxide therapy, EDTA and IV Vitamin C and although many xall it "quackery".. these type of alternative therapies are the ONLY things that have helped me.

    I have become that passionate about helping others, I am now with the help of a medical and alternative Dr, setting up a Health resort in Thailand and the Philippines. There are many like you that do not know what to do and after the dugs dont work, Dr's usually have no clue on what to prescribe next.. You are left with less money, usually feeling confused about what route to take next and the Dr offers no 'alternative" therapy to assist, as they are not trained to do so and usually that closed minded on the subject..

    I would personally detox your body in many ways and start doing your own research online.. You can learn a lot more in 1 year online than what those dr's learn in 4 years at their "degree" training.. If they actually stepped away from the ficticous books they were given at school and took a look around at other ways of curing, they would be open to a world that they thought was quackery.

    Read up on Ozone therapy, Chelation Therapy, Rife, Hydrogen peroxide etc etc.. Whatever is inside you it has to be killed or taken out, its that simple.. so start doing that 'naturally" or as naturally as you can.

    I wish you good luck and one last piece of advise is.. Sit every day and see yourself healed and take a minute to aks for help through prayer.. Any Help you can get right? :D We are all energy, so get it flowing..

  13. mobi

    "When I finally went to see a doctor, he didn't think that I had it, and prescribed me some new antibiotics. They didn't work so he gave me another lot - which also haven't worked. Hence my visit to Phyathai hospital."

    this statement is a real worry. These guys hand out antibiotics like they do paracetamol.

    Over prescribed antibiotics is not going to help you long term in healing anything!

    I used a product called Coloson to clean out my colon, it is available online.

    good luck.

  14. Your sound like Chronic fatigue or something of that nature. One thing for sure is your immune system is needing help.

    Detox would be my advice.

    Most doctors, call these types of ailments neurological or a syndrome, which basically means they have no clue and then they sell you anti depressants or something else from the medicine cabinet. None of which actually cure anything, they just block the symptoms.

    The majority of medication is just drugs that block the symptoms and while on them, you will feel ok although you will never get to the cause and cure.

    If you are in London, I would go and see http://www.thefinchleyclinic.co.uk/nojavascript/ or look up other "alternative / holistic healers"

    I personally had the same symptoms and I am am on a slow recovery detoxing my body of heavy metals and Candida.

    If you have used a lot of antibiotics in the last 12 months, let me know please.

    good luck, diet will be a major thing in your healing process.

  15. Looks fishy allright, pic's look like a huge development with not a single sole in sight.

    How about this huge development with not a single "sole" in sight. How can you tell the difference? And I know the building is full.

    It's my previous address, Sukhumvit +, Phrakhanong BTS.

    Then, I understood BKK city is best if avoided, nothing there worth paying any extra that is not available at the fringes (except, legendary charm and beauty of Sukhumvit Rd where you can see Thai elite and celebrities snaking between foodstalls and stray dogs, skipping over cracks in pavement while doing their expensive shopping (as elite does at, say, Chicago's Magnificient Mile avenue).

    I lived there myslef up until a few months ago.. Great place to live, although it looked empty, there was only 2 rentals in the whole building when I started my 6 month contract. I had the 2 bedroom on the 10th floor front of building for 35k per month.. nice views.

  16. QuackWatch also ridiculed Sam, the Aussie Dr that cured cancer.. Google that.

    Also Dr Rath, that has had many open letters published in The New York Post is also worth a lesson from on "alternative medicine".

    Many of the "alternative medicine" is proven to heal and cure.. If the FDA was not set up to teach and profit by selling drugs, there would be no argument.

    Lets face it, medication does not work and sick are getting sicker and the fat are getting fatter...

    Its your loss at the end of the day guys... I could'nt give a hoot, Im just trying to help.

  17. Sleeper has good information, but he sounds like someone who is a holistic health devotee. I have to say that I am suspicious of this product because of the quacks that I have met who push it as a cure all.

    Me too, all the more so since it has also been claimed to rid the body of 'alien implants' and 'reptilians'.


    National Council Against Health Fraud

    As a person who is currently under chelation therapy in The Phillipines (I could not find a place in Thailand), I can tell you first hand that this therapy is working. I had/ have heavy metal poisoning and have had many other diagnosed problems associated with low immune system like systemic Candida also. I have had one session of IV chelatio so far and have another 8 sessions to do. I feel better than I did. I spent over 300,000 baht at Bumrumgrad and 2 other hospitals in Bangkok and also went to 2 detox centres in Thailand... none of these therapys helped me as much as this.. and again, this is my first day of therapy!

    Chelation therapy was first used in World War 2 for soldiers against poisons used in warfare.

    Just because quackwatch :o calls it a fraud, I would read some more scientific books and literature online to educate yourself a bit more. There are hundeds of thousands of cases documented on the net and for a real education, read the book Detoxify or Die by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. . This book is huge in mainstream medicine and "alternative" medicine.

    Sleepers post was a good read, now please educate yourself prior to posting the waffle and the links you did above.

    I have read Detoxify or Die by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. and lots of other nutty third-rate, holistic health books. The fact that you call it "huge" says a lot about your medical opinions indeed.

    By the way, sabaijai is one the most intelligent, knowledgeable people I've ever met and has a big interest in the subject of health and vegetarian diet

    For the first time in 6 months Im am feeling great. It is not rocket science to realize taking toxins out of the body will heal. Sherry Rogers BTW is not a nut job, she has over 700 very acclaimed Dr's that sing her praises.

  18. Hope you are not one of those idiots who believed that he paid IMF from his own pocket.

    He was the one who could pay the loan by circulating money in Thailand. Not his pocket money for sure. But he cleared the loan.

    I was under the impression that he took a bigger loan to pay the loan... Im nearly positive on that.

  19. So what is wrong with mentioning the Boathouse ? ITs got more history then most places..

    There is also Mom Tri's Kitchen.

    If you are a tourist or a rich Thai with money to throw around then you end up in places like The Boathouse, Mom Tri's, Baan Rim Pa, Joe's Downstairs, their newest edition of way overpriced Chinese, Hung Fats.

    I have eaten at Mom tri's and The Boathouse more than one time, and although the presentation of the food and the views are very nice, just too ostentatious for my tastes. I've got the money, do I want to spend it there? No.

    Kan Eang II would also get my vote, Thai Food just as good if not better (fresher) than the Boathouse, and you'll still have the shirt on your back when you leave.

    Actually, on the sand at Rawaii beach is quite good too, but I can't see old Stein lying on a mat under the stars.

    I dont think 4,000 baht for a couple or even 4 people having a meal makes you rich.. It is what it is, a nicer environment with nice views, better choices and usually better service..

    I would choose Mon Tris out the bunch myself.. The service is superb and the food excellent.

    On the "lower end", i would also look at Thammachart in Phuket Town or even Phuket View up on the hill in sarm kong. Keneang 1 and 2 are ok for the price on the beach..

  20. As a person who is currently under chelation therapy in The Phillipines (I could not find a place in Thailand), I can tell you first hand that this therapy is working. I had/ have heavy metal poisoning /.../ none of these therapys helped me as much as this.. and again, this is my first day of therapy!

    I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better today. When you've had more than one single day to evaluate whether it actually did anything useful, then maybe that would be a better time to talk it up.

    To the OP, the mercury-in-vaccines-causes-XXXXXXX (autism, epilepsy, gout, AIDS) nonsense is 100% bullshit, brewed up by trial lawyers to line their pockets. If your child has a problem, you have a choice: you can either try to figure out what it is, or you can go screaming about how it's all the fault of the vaccine and let the kid rot while you try to pick some deep-pocketed drug company.

    what makes you the authority on the subject? please post some links to your studies. thx

    Oh, I never claimed to be "the authority". For that I defer to outfits like the CDC:


    There is no convincing scientific evidence of harm caused by the low doses of thimerosal in vaccines, except for minor reactions like redness and swelling at the injection site.

    If you were referring to chelation therapy, you now have two whole days of experience. Congratulations, expert! :D

    Ok you read about it and Ill go through with it. The goverment and the like also still say chemotherapy is the only "cure" for cancer and we all know that is not the truth.. :o 3% of patients actually live over 5 years after chemo treatment.. Chelation therapy on the other hand has many people claiming it cured them of many illnesses as well as cancer. Again, learn more if you are that interested and read Sherry A. Rogers, M.D book, Detoxify or Die = she has 33 years of hands on experience!

    And leave the venom out of your posts, Im not trying to prove you wrong or right, Ive been very ill and Im trying to heal myself. I tried the medical way and felt sicker and thought I was dying on many occasions.. This is not a pissing contest buddy, so unless you have direct experience other than 1 website of text, you are only guessing and following someone elses thoughts.

    So.. with that being said...............

    BEFORE, I couldnt go through a day without sleep and headspins and being very confused in thought.. I can now say I am feeling stonger, suffer less fatigue than over the last past months and have a better outlook on life.. It has been a real uphill battle and still have long way to go, but the light at the end o the tunnel is well in sight.

    The first and second day I felt the IV solution throughout my body.. It actually felt like the solution was cleaning its way through my system.. It was a weird feeling, but also it gave me a feeling of cleanse as I felt it fly around my system..

    I have been on a cocktail of vitamins & minerals that Sherry A. Rogers, M.D prescribes whilst having the chelation therapy and have also been reading about how Vitamin C in huge doses.. Its quite incredible how much these "easy" types of healing can have so much affect in so little time..

    So this is now my second week, I have had 3 sessions (3 times a week) so far and have about another 2 weeks at least to go.. I have read that sessions are supposed to be between 20 - 40, but I am hoping I can at least feel well enough after 9 or 10 sessions.. If not I will see how the finances are and if my businesses will allow me to be out of country longer.. although that is something I should forget about for now.

    As the Dr said to me, if you cut yourself, you heal, your body is meant to heal itself.. It is just what you put in, or take out, that will determine how long it will take. Sickness is only environment and diet.. Its so simple really..

    Ill update agin next week.. Im hoping this can help others that are wondering about chelation therapy. Its only my experience, but at least its from the horses mouth. cheers.

  21. never heard of the product and cannot imagine how a test would be conducted in Thailand to determine if mercury was present in the brain without doing something extreme!

    Removing the brain and running it through a mass spectrometer would work.

    As a person who is currently under chelation therapy in The Phillipines (I could not find a place in Thailand), I can tell you first hand that this therapy is working. I had/ have heavy metal poisoning /.../ none of these therapys helped me as much as this.. and again, this is my first day of therapy!

    I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better today. When you've had more than one single day to evaluate whether it actually did anything useful, then maybe that would be a better time to talk it up.

    To the OP, the mercury-in-vaccines-causes-XXXXXXX (autism, epilepsy, gout, AIDS) nonsense is 100% bullshit, brewed up by trial lawyers to line their pockets. If your child has a problem, you have a choice: you can either try to figure out what it is, or you can go screaming about how it's all the fault of the vaccine and let the kid rot while you try to pick some deep-pocketed drug company.

    what makes you the authority on the subject? please post some links to your studies. thx

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