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Posts posted by doczenith83

  1. Welcome back and you are excused. :D

    However, cite my post in which I was "up for it all along" as to having the army shoot terrorists and armed militant insurrectionists. You need of course to define "up to it all along" which is your offensive and cruel terminology.

    I support the governemnt of Thailand, which is more than can be said of you and your support of the traitor and insurrectionist Thaksin and your equally corrupt as Thaksin money laundering and criminal government. How's your PM and his party going to fare in the upcoming local elections in Montenegro in a week or so? Is your PM going to buy that election on his own or will he buy it this time with the help of Thaksin? Your PM is citiing Thaksin as the savior of Montenegro, much in the same way as Thaksin himself in 2000 cited Himself as the savior of Thailand.

    I suspect your PM and Thaksin are going to be hand in hand in chains in the Hague before too long.

    With this new info from Lao Po and other posters do you realize how wrong you were?

    I think that the fact that Taksin is free to enter and spend time in France(which is one of the most important EU states) is the final proof of what I was talking about all along.Once again,we gave him passport because EU asked us to do so or at least gave us green light,by no means we gave it to him without EU support.Did they do that because they are supporting him or they just want to keep him as far away from Thailand as posiblle I dont know and honestly I dont care.

    p.s. these rumors of him being dead are ridicules to say at least :) .

    Welcome to my ignore list. Anyone who refers to themselves as "We" is an automatic candidate. :D

    Oh sorry,I should say that I gave him passport :D

    You are not to smart,are you?

    Publicus,we will yet see who is right and who is not.

    Sorry Montenegrin....

    Stop always saying that your country needs from permission from the EU to give Thaksin a passport and help him get away... No country in the EU will harbor a terrorist mastermind scum like Thaksin. Most EU countries do not allow him to stay for longer durations other than what any normal person would get. And he can't do his crap from most European countries because a lot of the transmission signals are controlled by the proper authorities.

    Montenegro may have not allowed to transmit his speeches from their country because they have more to gain from the EU than from Thaksin, but they allow him to stay and treat him like a king as much as they can. However they have no reason to need to ask the EU for permission to give him anything, a permit, a passport. Montenegro is a sovereign country, without governmental control from the EU.

    Your country is not an EU member, nor is it an EU candidate, and highly UNLIKELY that it will ever be (especially now after the EU debt crisis) but perhaps you feel I am wrong and your delusions have taken over your common senses... Then please refer to the following links to make it clear for you..



    Montenegro may not be as corrupt as the filth breeding swine called Thaksin, but you are quite up high on the list...

    So I dont think I, nor anyone else would be surprised if Thaksin is being aided by your country.


  2. You always ask proof of everything, and YOU can never give us any reliable link or proof....Only one reason...There is no such link or proof to support your verbal diarrhea

    By Stingray, this blog national security journalistEye witness report said soldiers and police that are sympathizers of the red shirt fired live bullets at soldiers loyal to Prayuth and Prem-who were shooting at the red shirt.

    Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

    Eye witness said many soldiers and police who were involved in controlling the crowd below, once saw the murdering spree-abandoned their duty and began firing at the soldiers on to of the buildings and hit many-and the killing spree stopped.

    Eye witness said if not for these soldiers and police-there would have been hundreds killed.

    April 11, 2010

    http://<URL Automatically Removed>/2010/04/11/mobile-post-red-soldiers-and-police-combat-prayuth-soldiers-saving-hundreds-of-lives/

    Just wondering who is the one with diarrhea ? :D


    Okay, even if we were to pretend this blogger, who posted your "proof", was an actual news source .....

    Eye witness said soldiers loyal to Prayuth went on top of many buildings near the Cow Corale and fired live bullets onto the red shirt crowd below-killing and wounding many.

    So, UNNAMED eye witness can tell who a soldier is loyal to by looking at them.

    Maybe next time you can link to your own ranting posts as proof to what you say. ROFL :)

    Believe what you want . Many soldiers are from the North and Isaan in general .

    Even my brother in law from cental thailand is a soldier .

    Do you think they would shoot at their own mothers , brothers and sisters ?

    They are not crazy unlike some arm chair warrior here .. you maybe ?

    That report is perfectly credible

    Pornsasi, Its quite clear you are pro-red. Just admit it. Its clear you are defending the reds from every possible corner and even quoted a website that is clearly pro red and a propaganda in almost every way. Its even got a red design and images of the movie 300 (Everyone has surely seen the movie and that the creators of the website were surely trying to make them look like the Spartans, battling against a much larger force) If that website is NOT red, then Jesus Christ was a Hindu...

    Anyone with a little bit of time and knowledge can create a website, write a load of crap on it saying that the reds fired first and that there were eye witnesses... Its rubbish...

    Sadly for you, the majority of Thais and spectators to the Thai political crisis are anti red shirts. I don't need statistical evidence to prove that. Its as clear as the light of day and if you don't realize that you are just as delusional as those red shirt leaders and Thaksin who TRULY believe that they will ever win this fight in the way they are going about it. Abhisit give them a good opportunity with his roadmap, he gave them the opportunity to wipe their slates clean, but they clearly refused with their new set idiotic demands.

    The Red shirts are outnumbered, outgunned, and outfunded in every possible way. The only thing they have a little more of now is determination, but the more stupid mistakes they make such as Thaicom, Chula hospital, etc and as soon as the government starts severing their connection from the outside world, their determination will fade.

    I hope that the government will take action swiftly and without discrimination. All those who stand in their way should be dealt with properly.

    Welcome them all to the Bangkok Hilton and let them rot for all I care...

  3. Thaksin definitely was in Dubai... now he is somewhere in Africa...

    ’m out of herestory_printIcon.gif print this article story_emailIcon.gif email this article post_comment.jpg post your comments 7_box_03.jpg2009Apr1576698image11.jpg Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was set to defy his government last night by leaving Dubai hours after his passport was revoked.

    Dubai-based Thaksin has refused to accept the Thai government’s travel ban and was due to fly to a secret location in Africa. He is continuing to speak out against the government, which has promised a crackdown on tens of thousands of his supporters occupying the streets of Bangkok.

    “The government can talk all they want but it’s not going to stop us. Every Thai person is entitled to a passport and it cannot simply be revoked,” a spokesman travelling with Thaksin said last night.

    He said Thaksin was in very good form and relaxed. “He’s not all that worried, he’s really fine, given all that’s going on right now,” the spokesman said.

    He talked to 7DAYS as Thaksin called for calm among thousands of his supporters involved in mass anti-government demonstrations. “Basically, we cannot go into Thailand at the moment but he will travel on his passport to other countries. “We are going somewhere in Africa, obviously I cannot say where,” the spokesperson said, adding that Thaksin expected foreign governments to continue to accept his passport.

    The revocation of Thaksin’s passport stepped up the Thai government’s campaign against the billionaire former prime minister, who now lives in Dubai’s Emirates Hills.

    He fled Thailand in 2006 after he was convicted of corruption charges and has claimed the trial was politically motivated.

    This week the government placed new charges of incitement on Thaksin for allegedly stirring up the anti-government protests.

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva has vowed to prosecute all leaders of the rallies, which largely disbanded on Tuesday after troops threatened to use force against thousands of demonstrators.

    Government spokesman Panitan Wattana-yagorn said Thaksin’s passport was withdrawn for inciting protests that forced the cancellation of a summit of Asian leaders on Saturday.

    Thursday 16 Apr, 2009

    Here is the link to the article.


    I actually read the article this morning, I currently reside in Dubai...



  4. Safe to travel Bangkok... Yes, YEs and YES !

    Yes, 2 people killed in 2 days of rioting - The whole world is watching and cancelling their holidays

    Over 200 dead on the roads over Songkran ! - No one knows except Thais and farang living here ! nothing on the BBC or CNN

    TiT :o

    Wow if 200 people have died from drunk driving and other accidents over Songkran and only 2 have died from the political chaos, I would say things have been quite successful government side! Woooo hooo Thailand here I come!

  5. Whether Abhisit has power over the military or not, he kept his cool in light of all the events and the military did what was necessary, albeit a little late, however I'm glad that things are calming down now.

    And if losing face is so serious in Thailand, then I doubt the things which happened to Abhisit recently are worse face losing occurences than the ones the military has suffered over the past few months. Especially if the military thinks its the most powerful and controlling body in Thailand, then they are the ones who have lost face for not taking action earlier. At the end of the day, a government needs its military and police force to enforce law and order; what are a bunch of suited and booted politicians going to do to prevent thousands of people from protesting...

    I have this odd feeling that the military is putting themselves above the rest, thinking they are gods and that without them Thailand can not run properly and they are trying to prove this by letting all this crap happen!

    IT really pisses me off to see Thailand go down the drain like that.....

  6. Well looks like all the rumble and ruckus is calming down in Bangkok once again! I obviously don't know the entire truth of what happened and who is really the bad guy, but finally a PM who has received cooperation from the military in restoring order to Bangkok. This is how things SHOULD have been handled last year during the airport shutdown!

    Anyways... I will surely be going now! :o

  7. I feel that Abhisit has handled the situation quite well! Finally a government that has received proper support from the military, a government that stands tough on its grounds and laws... Obviously the entire truth will never be known, but at least things seem to be settling down now.

  8. I'm in Kyrgyzstan now and I have a mad itch to get out for a while. I was all set to go to Thailand and now this. I appreciate people checking in right now, please keep it up.

    I'll watch this site closely, and maybe come a week later if things calm down.

    Please clue in the clueless...why exactly would they block the airport?

    If you were part of a group of protestors hel_l bent on getting what you wanted, wouldn't you block the airport? Leverage.....

  9. I think most of you guys are right.... I think I will most likely continue my flight to Thailand, unless something extremely serious happens in the next 2 to 3 days.

    I think a back up plan will be put into effect... shame because i really love Bangkok... :o

  10. How should we know what the future holds? It could get worse it could get better.

    Yes i know none of you can read the future, but many of you are so immersed in this topic, live in Thailand, keep up to date on these things so much that a lot of you maybe have an idea or a hunch of what could happen....

    I dont deny that if could get worse..... shame..

  11. I can't get any of my money back from my bookings as I've passed the time for me to be able to do that, I'm just wondering if you guys think I should still go or recommend that I stay home and throw out a 1000 and couple 100 of bucks??



    My guess is that you should be quite safe. The plane will not fly to BNK of it isnt safe to do so. Of course it may be wise to have the resources to change your plans on where you go and what you do at short notice. It is always a good idea though to be able to do this anyway.

    I got stuck in taxi for 2 hrs while the red shirts blocked the streets. Today I saw street fighting in Bangkok. The yellow shirts should be out soon--maybe they will occupy the airport again so all farangs cannot leave. Pattaya is safe now except for the Russian mafia and swarms of Russian prostitutes who the Thai girls hate. At least you will have an exciting time here. That is what you are coming for is it not.

    Hahah... Im not coming for the lady fun, but hey no objections to anyone who wants to! I just have a lot of friends in Thailand from when I was studying there.

    You seriously think the PAD will hit the streets again... and why would they occupy the airport this time.... If they hit the streets, I'd imagine there aim would be to hurt the UDD... I dont see how blocking the airport will do that.... but anyways, lets hope all that doesnt happen.

  12. Hi guys!

    This may have already been posted somewhere, but I can't seem to properly figure out how to get the search function working.

    So I'll give this a shoot....

    I've booked my flight to Bangkok, as well as hotels about two months back, before all this started happening. I didn't expect the political situation to get this bad, which is why I waited until the last minute. My flight is this coming Thursday. Initially I will be taking a taxi straight to Hua Hin for 3 days and will then be in Bangkok for 5 days. I'm just wondering if it will be safe to still have a good time in Bangkok.... All the areas I usually visit I listed in the topic description. I lived in Hua Hin during the 2006 coup, I was studying there at the time and also was in Bangkok shortly after the airport reopened last year... I always felt safe even though the media exploded what actually was happening. When I am reading the news, I make sure to get my information from a variety of sources as well as this forum and to be honest, I feel like the media is making this look worse than it really is.

    Current protests and last years protests always seem to have taken place in certain areas, away from most touristy places.... So whats your call??

    I can't get any of my money back from my bookings as I've passed the time for me to be able to do that, I'm just wondering if you guys think I should still go or recommend that I stay home and throw out a 1000 and couple 100 of bucks??



  13. As most of you know, the situation in BKK is getting out of hand, supposedly taxi's are blocking roads around Victory Monument. So getting there and taking a minibus to Hua Hin is out of the question for me. I will be flying in BKK on the morning 17th of April and plan to go to Hua Hin directly.

    Can someone tell me about how much a taxi costs these days to Hua Hin?

    What is the price of the flight to Hua Hin?

    I don't suppose there is a bus that directly goes to Hua Hin from the airport?

    Maybe the situation in BKK will calm down by the 17th, im hoping for that, but just in case, I'd appreciate any help!



  14. Hey just a quick question on your educated guesses/opinions. What do you think are the chances that PAD will resume their airport protests in the next few weeks? I've been hearing on various news sources that PAD were saying they may come back to block of airport operations if a government were formed with the old members under a different name.

    This will cause havoc anew. Lets hope 250,000 tourists can get out of there before anything serious happens again. As for me... my trip is screwed this year. My airline does not have any seats and all other airlines flying from my region cost too much for my wallet. :S Guess I will just go for Songkran! :o

    Let me hear your opinions!



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