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Posts posted by petitechevre

  1. you certainely do not understand how much of a whore the girls around 20-30yo which are decent looking are in the west.

    Most of my friends who hang out a lot in bars all have a click of 20 girls 20 guys, and usualy those clicks all sleep together, plus every now and then they sleep with a bar tender or some random dude..

    Whores are just more upfront here.

  2. You know something that has always amazed me is how quickly some Thai girls are able to make the mental jump into prostitution. I can swear, hand on heart, that i have known 4 girls, all with university degrees, working in decent 12-15k a month jobs as secretary/PA type stuff, who have turned tricks for money when they needed to.

    One was behind on payments for her motorcy

    One 'needed' a 12k mobile phone.

    Others just wanted a bit of extra cash etc

    I just dont understand how easy a decision it appeared to be.

    No pressure of drug addiction/starvation etc - these are proper middle class girls with jobs who literally said, i need some money so i ll go to a club and shag a foreigner for cash.

    I can only conclude that it is more culturally accepted here.

    I have never encountered such behaviour in the west, apart from people driven by the misery of drug addiction.

    I'm also in complete agreement with other posters who also have noticed how massage/karaoke bars etc etc are sprinkled throughout Thailand, catering almost exclusively to Thai clientele.

    Can anyone post links to research papers so i can read up more on this subject?

    Well, in the west, you else had 0 friends or lived in a religious gated community.

    Go to a highschool, ask any boys, even the REALLY good looking ones that bone all the cheerleaders.

    They prob have a job at mcdonalds.

    Ask him if he'd bone some normal looking older lady or even a little ugly but acceptable(many girls sleepoing for toys will still choose their mates since theres a bunch of average looking guys too, not just disgusting ones) for a nintendo Wii, ps3, payment on his new mustang, sick cellphone or whatever other toys.

    I ASSURE you, there's not 1 straight boy that would say no

    Girls will want to, but they'll be scared to be sluts. those who arent are alrady at 16 in 21+ clubs trying to get some macho losers to take them out and buy them stuff because those awesome macho guys living off 16$*/hr jobs for the rest of their lives can buy them anything for sex.

  3. guess everyone agrees with me for once.

    When i learned karaoke bars in this country were infact a prostitution place. i was quite chocked, because the first time i drove around phuket town.. well.. i saw a karaoke for every 2 restaurants.

    One of the circle has 9 karaoke within 4mins walking distance.

    All with sexy girls on the logo and blacked down windows.

    Thais are much more perverse and unstandard sexualy, for someone with the average value in the west, thais are 100x more disgusting than us from that perspective..

    But it's always the white's fault, because thais keep it 'clean' and hidden.. Farangs just walk around, ugly, dirty screaming i have a hookerrrrr YEAH , holding her hand as a trophy.

    DEfinately cou cannot trust a thai for a long time, with all the prostitution, cheating, having sex with your brother and cousins and and friends from school starting at 13yo(Much more common than people here might think), lies.

    Seems like this country is acting like most westerner 14yo boys fantasy's, but untill a higher age and without thinking of the consequences. Thus becoming drunk, cheating and beating bastards that often gamble.

    But thank god it is all hidden and we can safely hate the farang sex tourist who's more open about it.

  4. I know mroe than 10 girls with university degree, They all work coyote and have at least 5 boyfriends each that live in Asia. they jump around locations.. some of them know about the others, some dont..

    it's just the thai way of life.

    Theres a million women in the west who'd love doing that, same goes for men. They're just scared because of what the church put into our heads.

    Personaly i don't agree with those views since im very possesive. but i certaintely get why they do that.

    the only problem, is girls doing it simply for money with any disgusting thing that passes, at least the girls i know genuinely like the guys and they take good care when they stay with them.

  5. Im sorry to come off so strong, since i dont troll this section. But you people with problems, should NOT have married bar girls or rice farmers with no education.

    Im with a normal girl who lived in bangkok her whole life, She has some dumb knowledge on babies, but most of her knowledge is pretty accurate. When she is wrong, i show her proof instead of arguing, she gets mad for 10mins then its over. That's normal thai mentality, im ready to deal with it.

    Her mom, being the nanny, did a couple things wrong(No wonder since her other 2 child are 40yo failures that havnt done shit in their lives and are dumber than a pair of socks) but after my gf told her my preference, she started doing those things right away..

    things that come to mind are, she thought that you couldnt wash the baby's face with soap, baby got some acne.. told her many times.. then i showed her an answer from my mom saying we need to use soap, the next day they started using soap. (mom is in the medical field)

    Bunch of stuff like that.

    If you can reason with your wife, you probably should of waited to find a girl with a normal iq before taking the first thing that wanted of you. Thais are not problematic if you are clear to them and provide proof and let them cope with it ALONE so that they don't lose face. And i know a lot about that, i make my Gf lose face quite a lot, and just leave her pout 10mins before she comes back to me with a smile.

    The shoe in the house part, is actualy quite a good thing to be scared of. Maybe you think thais are crazy, but wait untill the days you get kids who run in mud than run inside with shoes on.. teaching kids to take off shoes 100% of the time, will not only make them more polite but it will eventually avoid dirty situations AND it keeps the house clean.

    Thank you garro for a good reply, i feel that even though im only 22, i am more adequate to raising a child than 90% of this forum with all the replies i have been reading for months in these thread

    So cliffnote:

    Life is easy, when people don't listen you get FACTS, You show them to the needy, You give them time to cope, things change.

    Life is hard, when people just spew random thoughts thinking they are right, it starts to look like an american election. People get angry, nothing gets resolved and dumb posts are being made online.

  6. Very nice studio in ratchada: 3000baht

    food: 7500baht

    Internet: 1000baht

    Cable: 350baht

    thats around 12k baht.

    that leaves him 13k baht for extra nice food, going out for a couple beers, movies as his age he probably doesnt need to do much shopping

    Those saying its not enough are just retarded. the studios im talking about are in very clean buildings, close to everything.

    I mean <deleted> i provide for my gf since shes not working right now, my son and his grand mother while she takes care of him, i have 2 dogs who eat a ton of premium quality food. a decent sized town house and a tooth for farang foods..

    and i manage on 40k baht and save the rest... i could definately live cheaper without missing any confort from my old life in the suburbs in an above average income family.

    So a old dude with no family on 25k baht? that's way enough.. theres a bunch of thai gyms too that are like 5baht a session, or in lumpini park its free i think?

  7. if you're too much of an asshol_e to have friends or family left in your country.

    Theres no reason u cannot move to a remote part of the country and teach english where u can live off 5k baht very nicely.

    There's no way to go broke in south east asia.. being poor yes, broke no.

    If you're a drunk or whatever, it's just natural selection telling you to hurry up.

  8. chickencurry......I'll PM you.

    I too wondered why you had decided to bail out now, For me the move isn't for social contact , I do not socialise now and live my life totally alone so that does not present a problem, all I want out of life is somewhere pleasant and warm to live with great beaches, not picking up elderly men as one poster seemed to suggest.

    From the replies I will seriously look at Chalong and try and find a place with 24 hour security although I don't expect it to be up to much.

    Ignore the idiots who think that any single Western woman here is desperate for a man - they are judging us by their sad standards.

    So still bitter than you were dumped for a young thai girl?

  9. i work on the computer, making fun of losers who try to up themselves but live in shithole just makes my day better.

    i also have more than 1 computer so wherever i am theres a laptop here, not an inconveniant to type thaivisa and reply to those guys...

    i really wnana see a reply from the guy who's kid is 100% thai, thats REALLY rockbottom.

  10. don't be a cry baby.

    last time i was in bangkok i was too lazy to goto saithai and get my bus ticket there.. i asked the travel agency at my hotel if they had VIP bus to phuket


    -: You sure its VIP, very big, confortable 12 hourrs ride?


    well they pickme up in a van at my hotel(1000 baht same price as saithai)

    bring me to khao san.. now im really suspicious and pissed.. drop us on the fuc_king sidewalk in the middle of the highway.. i have 2 computer screen a laptop and 1 luggage.. ya nice.

    have to walk to a back alley..

    there HORRID sight.. 60 white and indian kids with backpacks.. NOOOOOO stinky loser backpackers.

    all of them board a small bus where i cant move my legs.. smelling like shit..

    The couple behind me was very clean they were ripped off too.

    5hours we stop at a food stand.. they sell us rice and chicken for 90baht a pop. Crips for 150baht(post dated) and other scandalous prices for 7/11 craps.

    no where else to go..

    then 9 hours later(with noisy stinky backapckers which i loudly told off many times)

    we stop in some middle of nowhere city.. at a <deleted> overpriced restaurant again. wait 4hours for a stupid tuktuk to bring us in small rivers to pickup even more backpackers. in 1 small tuktuk.

    Then we get to that city 3-4hours away from phuket i forgot the name its a major one.. disgusting city

    we wait 1hour to get on a cheap govt bus there.

    bus is overloaded.. instead of 3hours he stops by ranong and drives so slow, takes 9hours (i have yet to eat) to get to phuket. and my friend he has to have 3 fat thai ladies on his knees..

    Srsly.. thats a bus ride from hel_l, yours is pretty standard...

    took us over 24hrs to get from bangkok to phuket.

    next time im going to bangkok, im going to the agency and im smahsing all her stuff and im gonna pour piss on it from a bottle.

    worse 24hrs of my life, rather be in an africa jail for a month

  11. Farang are very bad you know.

    They smell very bad and have ugly skin that is why they called: Bak Si Daa.

    They try to change our culture and no understand about face.

    Also they want to steal the land and make big house to show they have big money.

    Alsoo, they not care about how the hair look, hair must look stylish everyday.

    Alsoooo, they want brown and dark skin, it is very bad!

    Alsooo, they wear sandals with sock!!!!!!

    And alsooooo, they cannot and want not speak the Thai language or if they speak they not speak very well.


    Just kidding, ha ha ha!

    do you teach 'thai bartalk 101'

    You should

  12. u can spend 1 month taking golf classes and then going betting on golf games. i just went to the driving range and all these thais with tons of money with expensive clubs drive 175 yards with their wood #1 LOL

    Good side job+entertainement there.

  13. I had no idea out beloved island has fallen so much....

    Good luck.

    Not sure where you are coming from but I rent a perfectly fine two level, two bedroom, patio, house for 12,000.

    "I had no idea out beloved island has fallen so much...." what a load of B.S., maybe you live in the Laguna area?

    Having a house made of concrete with the leveling all wrong with absolutely nothing but concrete is not fine for most people..

    but whatever floats your boat

    another winning post from the little goat. How do you know what the house looks like or is made of? You are a psychotic, yes? (Freudian slip purposely done)

    Back on topic, there are plenty of places around at 12,000thb per month you just have to do a little searching and bargain down the people after 14,000.

    the fact that you live in a hole that many thai farmers would refuse to touch kind of explains most of your pathetic posts.

    Poor envious people are always trying to be sarcastic funny but failing miserably at it.

    How can a old guy like you be so poor that he cannot live in a decent built house in a third world country?

    If i was older(22 now) and living in some place like that, i would really feel i failed in life.... seriously the ex-inmates that walk the streets and give people publicity make enough money to live with more class.

  14. op keeps talking about roid rage..

    op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

    or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

    Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

    What a strange man is our small goats cheese.

    Fixated on the gym, being in shape, paying low rent, and abusing people. :o

    coming from the old guy that had to move to issan to get any girl to want to live with him?

    Yeah. Good one.

    are you jealous because you're all flabby and unhealthy?

  15. I had no idea out beloved island has fallen so much....

    Good luck.

    Not sure where you are coming from but I rent a perfectly fine two level, two bedroom, patio, house for 12,000.

    "I had no idea out beloved island has fallen so much...." what a load of B.S., maybe you live in the Laguna area?

    Having a house made of concrete with the leveling all wrong with absolutely nothing but concrete is not fine for most people..

    but whatever floats your boat

  16. op keeps talking about roid rage..

    op was beaten up a lot in highschool.. mommy doesnt let you cry on her lap anymore?

    or are you just some jealous fat guy whining over the internet where he cannot get confronted by those who are not big pussies?

    Seriously your rant is the most pathetic one i have seen on this forum.. all i see is jealous of guys in shape and tries to give dignity to bar girls + tries to show off because some bar girls chose him over 2 young english dudes

  17. im pretty sure the french curriculum is way better than brits.

    I mean in france even the garbage collectors are 'engineers'

    But seriously, from all around the world the french are those who i have seen getting the best education.. they had school that followed the french system in canada and ALL their students were about 4 years ahead of normal schools(private schools included)

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