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Posts posted by trafficman

  1. I would even say they are more expensive than in town, as HKIA charges phenomenal rents.

    Except for tobacco & cigarettes, you find anything else at the same price if not cheaper in town.

    Perfume & things are higher than in any Sasa store. Even the bookstores charge higher prices than downtown.

  2. The Mingles Pub at Amari Atrium had a wide selection a few months ago. The manager is Dutch, so he might still have some stock :D

    They had all the goods: Duvel, Geuze, Kriek, Leffe, ...

    Walk in @ 1880 New Petchburi Road

    or call them 02-718 2000/1

    good luck :o

  3. Sometimes it DOES take a rocket scientist! :o

    Scientists at MI5 built a gun specifically to launch dead chickens at the windshields of airliners and ilitary jets all travelling at maximum velocity. The idea is to simulate the frequent incidents of collisions with airborne fowl to test the strength of the windshields.

    American engineers heard about the gun and were eager to test it on the windshields of their new high speed trains. Arrangements were made, and a gun was sent to the American engineers.

    When the gun was fired, the engineers stood shocked as the chicken hurled out of the barrel, crashed into the shatterproof shield, smashed it to smithereens, blasted through the control console, snapped the engineer's backrest in two and embedded itself in the back wall of the cabin, like an arrow shot from a bow.

    The horrified Americans sent MI5 the disastrous results of the experiment, along with the designs of the windshield and begged the UK scientists for suggestions.

    The Brits responded with a one-line memo: First defrost the chicken! :D

  4. here looking for 2 seats to Europe, want to arrive 23/1 late, gonna pay for it :o

    Got a KLM offer for 37k THB each, EVA ads 27k

    Final destination is Brussels, but as this is just a small, regional airport for 'janneke & mieke', I could also fly to Amsterdam (and drive), to Paris (and train) or London Heathrow (and fly).

    Consider any carrier, Star Alliance preferred;

    've been through all the ads in Post or Nation, any good online addresses (or emails ?) ?

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