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Posts posted by soiselee

  1. This is yet another lazy ill informed ignorant regurgitation of lies by the media because someone from a business gave them a press release. Clever way to get media attention and your name out there. That business has zero interest in elephants or their welfare or they would not be spreading lies and hate. They absolute no evidence to support what they say besides other businesses banging on about the same rubbish. I have been asking for YEARS give me evidence, names dates, places and reports medical or police, because if indeed everyone did this there should be hundreds of verifiable examples. Truth is there is not, and its just a way for some people to exploit hard working people for their own selfish ends which has nothing to do with improving the lives or elephants or their future.

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  2. This is a ridiculous and unfounded accusation. In Ayutthaya we have bred nearly 50 babies since 2000. I have personally welcomed well over half of these babies into the world. Just look at our website www.elephantstay.com and our facebook pages and you will see pictures and the birth stories of every new born since I started working for our foundation to conserve elephants the Prakochabaan Foundation. Usually we have at least one local media person come to film/photo as well. We also have lots of video proof as well. We welcome you to do DNA testing of every elephant born at our camp, and do not forget to bring the media as witnesses!! Why as an NGO would you not actually do proper research and stop wasting everyones time. You should be celebrating our success like all the people who come here year after year enjoying and supporting our new borns, pregnant mothers and of course all the mating. Because that is how we get our baby elephants and that is why we are at the forefront of elephant conservation.

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  3. It certainly seems that the whole reason the elephants are on the street has been ignored in this project. It seems incredible that people would actually believe that the mahouts would rather work on the streets in Bangkok than their home towns. Of course it is for the money because there is none to be made where they live and they need to feed their elephants and families. So sending them home will not ensure the survival of elephants. Elephants need to earn an income in order to survive into the future.

  4. My partner and I moved here nearly 3 years ago and run a program to retire old elephants. Despite elephant handling being a virtually male only profession we have experienced no discrimination whatsoever. In fact everyone loves us and accepts us. As managers we have no issue being respected and listened to. Whereas in Australia my gf could'nt get a job with elephants because she wasnt the "bay watch" type. Thank god for homophobia in our own country as we probably wouldnt have ended up here. We intend to stay forever, and have no issue with our work permits etc.

  5. Shantaram, loved the writing, one of the best books I've read. Kite runner and Life of Pi also great.

    if you can get it, the Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, that is brilliant, told through the eyes of 4 sisters who go to to the congo with their missionary father.

    I enjoyed Water for Elephants too.

  6. i can mail u from israel but u have to say which henna u want: and not sure if i can mail it since it just comes in a plain plastic baggy and is a green powder /or black powder.... we mix it with olive oil and leave it over night with hair wrapped in plastic baggy or saran wrap stuff.

    and also, i hennaed my hair before i got went to thailand to get married, and in bangkok when i washed my hair, it turned bright orange!!!, in the muubaan in korat, it went back to its brownish w/red tints look (my hair is naturally brownish/mousy and the majority of women here henna their hair to make it reddish, i use it to cover grey and give tints and life to dull hair)... maybe it was the thai shampoo for black hair i had borrowed??? anyway, each time i was in bangkok, the same thing would happen (we staid in thai friend's houses, not hotels, so maybe the water reacted like chlorine does to hennaed blond hair??? (greenish)...



    thank you that is very kind. I have been using henna for years in Melbourne Australia and brought alot with me, the particular type I used was from France and was a dark red colour, really great colour, not at all orange, even though my hair was originally quite light brown. For a while it comes out if you use hot water and can stain towels, but should wash out ok. the other thing is to put in conditioner, that should help a bit. I have found a place on the internet www.chuchob.com which has henna but I thought I might mix it with another one to make it more red if I can get something. Its pretty good, less messy than the powder and doesnt stain. I actually live in ayutthaya but cant see it anywhere here. Also the only shop in Melb has been waiting for months for a shipment to come in.

    If you could email me I would love to try some if you have a dark red colour and I will try the olive oil thing, never did that, have mixed it with tea, coffee even beetroot in the past.

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