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Posts posted by Adh

  1. I think the best form of self defense for a girl would undoubtedly be Brazilian jiu jitsu -it is likely unrealistic to expect a female to trade blows with a larger, more aggressive male and win, e.g. taekwondo, karate, muay Thai etc. Brazilian jiu jitsu teaches how to fight on the feet and on the ground, particularly from your back, which has obvious self-defence applications for a girl. It is extremely effective, and can be evidenced in numerous youtube street fights and no-holds barred athletic contests. I know it wasn't on your list, but it would certainly be my first choice for self-defence, as well as discipline and camaraderie.

    Akido is a very beautiful art, with the same roots as jiu-jitsu. but ultimately it is, mostly due to the unrealistic training, nigh on useless with anyone other than a compliant training partner.

    That said, any martial art is better than none, and it will instill much more than self-defence skills, things like discipline, mental toughness, respect for others. Good luck in your choice.

  2. Much appreciated Stix,

    Thanks for your good advice. Between my rudimentary Thai reading skills, Google translate and press-ganging a Thai friend or two, I will follow your advice.

    Thank you for your warm welcome!

  3. Hi All,

    After nearly 10 years of hectic Bangkok living, I am getting ready to move to Chiang Rai in early August this year. Greatly appreciate all the wonderful information here on the Chiang Rai forum, not to mention the beautiful photography!

    I have visited Chiang Rai several times over the years, but lack the depth of knowledge that you locals have. I am going up on a reccy on the 2nd week of April to get started on looking for a house. I've checked the Thaivisa classifieds, estate agents' websites, google searches etc, but was wondering if any of you kind people have any hints / leads on house-hunting in Chiang Rai. I'll be moving on my own, so not looking anything too big, probably something in or around 7,000bht per month. Prefer to be in town too.

    Any advice gratefully received.



  4. Did you boys get something going? I play a little tenor banjo and mandolin and would love to get back into it after letting my strings get rusty this last while. I know a bar that'd be happy to have us if we get a session going. We used to play there twice a week but everyone left town, would be great to get it going again.

  5. Sorry to hear about your Thai uncle neverdie -hope he recovers.

    I ride very 'offensively' for many of the reasons stated. I'm aware of the rule the bigger the vehicle the more right of way that seems to be in effect but I can't abide the 4-wheel bullying that goes on as bikes veer left to make way for a pick-up pulling into their lane without as much as a signal and potentially the bikers putting themselves in danger. Nearly got me milled however coming back from work tonight. Big black lexus trying to force me to give way by sandwiching me as I was splitting a lane on congested Ratchada. He actually made contact with my front tyre. I horsed on expecting him to pull back and the same thing happened again. Luckily it wasn't at any great speed as the traffic was heavy but it was fast enough to get the adrenalin going. After a bit of a shouting match I rode off. No damage to the me or the bike and unfortunately no damage to him as I could do without any hassles but it is only a few months (3) since an idiot came out of nowhere in Sangkhlaburi and went straight into me on his scooter on the wrong side of the road, in a village, at about 80kph. I swear I'm about to start preemptive strikes!

  6. Quick query.I have my CBR 150 a couple of months now and everytime I start it up I have to use the choke for a few minutes or it cuts out while idling. That can't be right, can it? It's not like it's cold outside or anything! I use the bike everyday for a 24km commute. I have checked the idle speed when the engine's warmed and it's spot on 14000rpm which is the manual recommended. The bike was bought new and was serviced at 600km, there's only 2,500 on it at the moment. I'm going to take it in for a service when I get a chance in a fortnight but just thought I'd ask here. Any of you CBR 150ers using your choke as often?

  7. Thanks for the replies.

    PB I'm not concerned about the cost of labour but I'd like to learn a little about my bike by doing a few small things as they come up -Zen and the Art... and all that. The bike's first oil change seems a good way to start.

    Thanks for the advice phobic -even illustrated! I'll get a torque wrench as I'll be less likely to balls it up then.

  8. Going to give my cbr150 it's first oil change before taking it on its first out of town ride next weekend. I have a couple of questions though if anyone can help. I don't have a torque wrench to remove the oil drain plug like the manual suggests. Do you fellas just use an ordinary wrench or should I buy a torque wrench? The other thing is I can't see the oil filter and it makes no mention in the manual. Does the cbr 150 have a changeable oil filter?


  9. Whewww...just finished this fantastic thread! Picking up my CBR 150 on Monday. I was originally going to get a Fino or the like for commuting to work in BKK but after finding this thread I'm sold on this bike that seems to inspire such enthusiasm from many of you. I wanted a small bike to weave through the horrible traffic in the city but with enough power for the odd trip out of town in the holidays and this bike seems to be a good compromise. Thanks for all the useful info and insights and happy riding!

  10. I am going on a trip in December that will have me driving off-road in Chiang Rai. I have little experience and was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a bit of off-road riding training in Bangkok?


    Have searched incidentally but haven't found any suitable driving schools.

  11. Spalpeen -we have a session two nights a week here in BKK with tenor banjo, mandolin, bouzouki, bodhran, tin whistle and guitar and a fiddler is hopefully joining us soon. PM me if you are passing through and fancy a jam.

  12. Google Buteyko. I had declining asthma and began seeing a practitioner here in BKK a month or so ago. I have had my only medication free days in 20 years after a few weeks practice. It does require a commitment to the exercises but in my experience works wonders. It is based on the principle that to absorb more oxygen we actually need to breathe less. It seems counter-intuitive, but seemingly many of us are actually hyperventilating which decreases our C02 levels which actually carries the 02 to our organs. Anyway there's a wealth of stuff on the 'net and I recommend having a look if you are concerned about breathing difficulties.

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