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Posts posted by Hobart

  1. Summing things up.

    I am off to buy an ASUS N10 tomorrow.

    Lots of great reviews for this computer online.

    It has a 160 hard drive as I said.

    C drive = 30 gig - Operating system + programmes

    d drive = 120 gig - games - music

    e drive = 10 gig and encrypted - My Docs, private stuff

    Is this a balanced segmentation or should I change it and increase the C drive size ?


  2. On review of my initial posting it seems that I was watching television too closely and not what I was typing.

    Its a mini laptop i am getting, one of the small notebooks so the HD is quite decent for its size and price ( not a desktop as I said ). I am getting a desktop but will get 2 HD but the question was pertaining to the Laptop.

    Thanks for the advice and further comments or advice appresdiated especially when it comes to the partion size.


  3. ernest brings up a good point; if you have a secondary partition you can keep a back up imaging programme that will dump images of the C: drive that you can use to restore it quite quickly.

    What you're talking about is encryption. If you want to encrypt a drive beware there are performance penalties. If you have a beefy system, probably not enough to worry about but if you want the best bang I'd suggest setting up 3 partitions. One that has the OS, one that is encrypted with personal folders, and the last for just general data storage that you don't worry about others seeing.

    If you're hardcore about Photoshop, look into getting a second drive and putting the Windows and the Photoshop swapfile onto. Right now the first gen Western Digital Raptors are fairly cheap and would be a great speed up for a photo editing system.

    You do not want to put the Windows/Photoshop swap on a single drive with multiple partitions unless it's on the C: partition. Reason being is that if the head has to move quite a bit from the C: drive toward the centre of the drive to arrive at the partition you're losing time.

    Putting in another drive on the other hand is another expense, extra power usage, and increased heat (slight amount) inside your case.

    Yes Encryption is what I meant, got too much sun today or possibly too many beers at dinner time.

    Do I will get a 160 Gig Hard drive.

    How does this sound :

    C drive = 30 gig

    d drive = 110 gig

    e drive = 20 gig and encrypted

    So the next question is, how / where do i found out about basic encryption, the learners description if possible.

    Hey, one more. i am running www.sandboxie.com at the moment ( sandbox ). Wil I set that up in the C drive then ?

  4. You're better off getting a dual link monitor that displays at 2560x1600.

    Unless he already has a HDMI card and doesn't want to replace it with a Dual-Link one. At the top of the resolution scale is WQUXGA (3840 × 2400) dual link. But a 30" dual link monitor with appropriate card would be very nice. :o

    I got a hdmi outlet on my mini laptop so i was looking to have the option also with the new comp I am building as well as the monitor.

  5. Actually you can point your Windows to "My Documents" on a different 'drive' than C: So really, there's no reason not to have multiple partitions.

    Yes that was the main quirk for me, somehow I still get some documents over on C drive, no big deal though. I think we discussed this before.

    Maybe he needs a pal with a little computer savvy to help him out.

    BTW just checked out that link, awesome!


    Yeah I need a " pal " who would work for imported beer on my tab :D

    But I am here and there and difficult to pin down.

    Is it encoding I am asking about ?

    have I got the correct ternanology ?

    I keep alot of bank info on the comp so I need it very secure just in cas the comp gets stolen.

  6. telling me that if windows crashed the hard drive then the remaining areas will not crash

    I understand it this way. The shop guy suggested to have your OS = Operating System on one partition, which is mostly C:

    and all your data i.e., pictures, movies, word documents etc. on the second partition D: stored.

    If it is necessary to reinstall Windows, (format yor drive) your personal data is save on the other partition except "My Documents"

    Wait for other replies.

    Yup, that sounds like what he was trying to explain to me. Seems logical.

    So, would you recomment 2 or 3 partitions as I am a very unlucky person when it comes to computers and viruses.

    Question, If I stick windows on the C drive, would I also stick the anti virus and my fotoshop on the same drive or in the other one ?

    Can anyone direct me to a site when I can get info on how to encode a section of my hard drive as I have alot of personal stuff i want to put on it.

  7. I went looking for a new monitor for my new compouter but could not find a Samsung model with a hdmi connection on the rear. Do they make one or am i wasting my time looking.

    Can anyone recommend a model with good resulation as I use photoshop alot. I need a large screen as well.


  8. Finally getting a new desktop with a 160 hard Drive.

    The guy in the shop is suggesting that I partition it up so that windows runs in one section and then I can spit the remaining free space up into two other areas.

    I can see what he means but can anyone briefy explain to me wht this is advisable or inadvisable.

    I surf the internet but also store alot of work info on my hard drive as well. he is telling me that if windows crashed the hard drive then the remaining areas will not crash ?

    Can anyone enlighten me please.


  9. Nobody is going to steal a Dream.

    I also think the fairing/rain guard on the Dream is bigger than the Wave's, which can also hlep in the event of a shunt with a car.

    I think i will go for the dream after sitting on both bikes today. The suspension is deffinately harder on the dream and the bike feels alot stronger. Only negetive thing is there is no storage room on/in it for a raincoat.

    Does anyone know if there is a new model coming out soon. It looks like it should be updated and i would hate to buy a new one and then have a new model come out in a month.

  10. Time to trade up from my crappy ole scooter to something new with brakes that work and an exhaust the dogs dont bark at.

    I'm a Honda guy so its down to the Honda wave or the Honda dream. Either way its the 125cc model I am getting.

    People have told me to stay away from the wave and deffinately go for the more expensive dream. Thing is that the wave looks so much better and smarter and the dream looks like something my Grandmother would ride.

    Basicially -- Advice and opinions being sought here.

  11. Time to trade up from my crappy ole scooter to something new with brakes that work and an exhaust the dogs dont bark at.

    I'm a Honda guy so its down to the Honda wave or the Honda dream. Either way its the 125cc model I am getting.

    People have told me to stay away from the wave and deffinately go for the more expensive dream. Thing is that the wave looks so much better and smarter and the dream looks like something my Grandmother would ride.

    Basicially -- Advice and opinions being sought here.

  12. ...........Then like me, I will be going into Seven the day before to stock up and I will still be drinking during Songkran. I was in Changmai last year and there was a ban on the sale of alcohol. Well the bars were shut but the vendors on the street were still selling 3 cans for 100 baht. No need to worry about the police as they were too scared to go anywhere near the water throwers for fear of getting their spandex wet.

    Pointless in my opinion and regardless if there is a ban or not, people will still be drinking.

  13. It's only the odd person that speeds up to try and make it across when they're close to the change.

    I don't know where you live, but you should check out Pattaya. Just about everyone speeds up when the countdown is almost complete....from a long way off too.

    I live close to Pattaya and know that area so well that when the light turns green I count to 5 and then go. Even then there is always some idiot who flies on through without a care in the world. I think I will now count to 6.


  14. I guess you are referring to the Google adds that are just above the 4 main sponsers. These adds are sometimes generated after Google reads the cookies on your computer so for example, if you were previously looking at websites about fishing in Tahati then these adds would be showing you hotels in Tahati, fishing tours and cheap flights to Tahiti.

    So you asked, why were you seeing Ladyboy advertisements ? :o

  15. As an aside; even the nefarious Nana Hotel will only let a person take 3 girls to their room at a time. Although I don't know the reasoning behind how they came to that number.

    Thats based on two things.

    Water usage and towels : 4 people taking before and after showers ( hopefully ) and 2 people sharing the same towel twice. Hygene is of the utmost importance there.

  16. //bangkok.craigslist.co.th/cas/1004077668.html

    I'm guessing it was from this craigslist ad. I have been wondering how long it would last......

    I have seen that posting for a while and sometimes it includes photos of some knarley old skinny falang in a hot tub with his face blotted out. I kinda wondered how long it would last before they got busted.

    The bib always have a camera at the ready so I suspect it will not be long before photos appear somewhere.

  17. I had to renew an "O" recently and looked at all the options including posting from another country. The info I was getting was confusing, just look at what is being said here. I called immigration in Bangkok and talked to someone there with excellent English. I was told that any visa seen to have been issued while the passport holder was still in Thailand is illegal. I knew that. I then asked the question that everyone is asking here, what if I left Thailand and went to Kuala Lumpar and posted my passport to my home country for a visa. I was told that this was also illegal as the Consulate / Embassy can only issue visas within certain areas. For example, in Australia there are at least 5 places to get a visa, ask someone in Perth will they issue you a visa if you live in Sydney. Officially they cannot. " Out of area, out of zone " was what was said to me. In Bangkok there is a warehouse full of photocopies of my passport, everytime I go to immigration they request copies of all pages. My passport is for 10 years and somewhere sometime someone will spot that I have a discrepancy with my stamps. Of course you will get away with it, but its a numbers game and sure enough someone will get caught. Its easy money for someone at immigration should they take 1 minute to look at you stamps.

    So, I tallied up the potential costs involved with the posting idea + possible fine and I bit the bullet and flew to OZ. Sure I spend more but not that much more and I dont have to worry everytime for the next 15 months I come and go from here.

    Show me the law.. Not the intepretation, or the guide, or the guess, or someones opinion.. The law which says this is not possible.

    The " law " my friend turns and twists and is interpreted in my different ways and by many different organisations. If you cannot believe what you hear from the horses mouth then who can you believe. I suggest you contact immigration in Bangkok as I did, ask to speak to someone who speaks english and hopefully you will be directed to the extremely well informed lady I spoke to. She knew what she was talking about and she knew what I was asking her. She is the law and so is the guy who stamps your passport when you enter the country .

  18. Jeezzzzee !!!

    You all got me scared and confused now. What is the name of that lake up near Chiang Dao, the one with the houseboats on it ?

    I know its in Sri Lanna national park but there have been so many names passed around with regards best places to swim, best day out best .....

    Worms !!! I was swimming there a month ago.

    Snakes !!! I was swimming there a month ago

  19. Check out the moat that runs around the old city walls. I hear they clean it regularly and is very good for swimming.

    The black klong or the white klong depending on what is discharged into it is also a great place for a quick dip. This little hidden gem criss crosses Loi Kroh. Try not to dive into it as its not that deep. Watch out for the rapids as well, they are artificially constructed by using old cars and pices of bikes.

    Best time to visit is early evenings when the water starts to bubble like a witches cauldren and the bugs start to bite.

    A true hidden charm that Chiangmai has to offer.

    Just look for the bridge with the cement rats on it or people begging with their drugged out semi concious children. If you still cannot find it, follow your nose

  20. I had to renew an "O" recently and looked at all the options including posting from another country. The info I was getting was confusing, just look at what is being said here. I called immigration in Bangkok and talked to someone there with excellent English. I was told that any visa seen to have been issued while the passport holder was still in Thailand is illegal. I knew that. I then asked the question that everyone is asking here, what if I left Thailand and went to Kuala Lumpar and posted my passport to my home country for a visa. I was told that this was also illegal as the Consulate / Embassy can only issue visas within certain areas. For example, in Australia there are at least 5 places to get a visa, ask someone in Perth will they issue you a visa if you live in Sydney. Officially they cannot. " Out of area, out of zone " was what was said to me. In Bangkok there is a warehouse full of photocopies of my passport, everytime I go to immigration they request copies of all pages. My passport is for 10 years and somewhere sometime someone will spot that I have a discrepancy with my stamps. Of course you will get away with it, but its a numbers game and sure enough someone will get caught. Its easy money for someone at immigration should they take 1 minute to look at you stamps.

    So, I tallied up the potential costs involved with the posting idea + possible fine and I bit the bullet and flew to OZ. Sure I spend more but not that much more and I dont have to worry everytime for the next 15 months I come and go from here.

  21. ............. an airtight bag ; use the type with holes in.

    "An airtight bag with holes in". That's a new one on me. Is this a little known scientific breakthrough?

    These bags actually exist and are similar to Gortex, the stuff used in hiking boots.

    The holes are big enough to let out good molecules of air but to small to let in the larger bad air molecules.

    Durex uses a similar material in its manufacturing of budget condoms. Sensation cannot get in while the little wrigglers can easily slip thru the net.

  22. " The Elite membership gives you a "Special Enty" 5 year multiple entry visa. You have to register at Immigration every 90 days as all "non immigrants" in the coutry. The fee every 90 days is 1900 baht (not covered by Thai Elite)... "

    Hold on a sec, are you telling us, well those of us who have chosen not to take advantage of this wonderful offer, that all you are only getting is a 90 day visa and you STILL have to report to Imigration + pay them a fee !!!

    You can get a non B in Australia for 5 years now I believe.

    Wherever you are in the world, open your windows and you will hear me laughing here in Pattaya.

    I have a TOPS supermarket card and I reckon that I get better benifits with that .

  23. Hi, I know a nasty peice of work who has been in Thailand for over 3 months, he has been going over most years, he has a criminal conviction for assault on a child, what he is doing there I am unsure but i feel very uncomfortable knowing he is there. My question is, who can I inform of my worries ? Is he allowed to be over there with a conviction, with inprisonment, in the UK 6 Years Ago ?

    I hit the little ba*tard next door to me when he throw stones at my car one day. His parents threathened to have me up on assault charges.

    Difference between this and sexual assault, a big difference.

    Perhaps you should take a closer look at your motives before taking some of the actions recommended ASSUMING that it was just regular run of the mill, kick the little brat in the ass assault.

    If someone is travelling to any country outside the UK for the purpose of performing an illegal act with a child and you have firm evidence or reasonable suspicion then I suggest informing your local police department.

    This guys name is not Gary by the way ?

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