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Posts posted by diver9

  1. The last time I was on Chang, & I've been there 3 times, I understood that the government had plans to turn it into a high priced playground for rich Thais from Bangkok with an average daily spend of $1000 up. Chang is my favourite of all the Thai islands that I've been to & I've seen most of them so I'm also sad to see those trees going but I'm wondering whether they're just the result of land clearance to make way for new resorts rather than anything more sinister like deforestation.

    When I was there last the local council had introduced a new directive that any new development was to be no closer than 50 metres to the beach in order to try to preserve the coastline so I believe that they do have preservation in mind. As far as development goes... I would love Chang to stay the way it was when I first went there but that's not very realistic & if they plan to turn it into a playground for Thais... Who are we to say otherwise? It's their country after all & we can't lay claim to every island the way we have Phuket/Samui etc can we.

    Either way... I love the place.

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