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the cynic

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Posts posted by the cynic

  1. To call those Iraqis and their allies freedom fighters has to be a leading candidate for most stupid comment of the year, if not the decade. Then again, calling Bush a terrorist is not far behind.

    I think these comments were meant to show that everything is relative. But not suprisingly, it fell into deaf ears.

    The Iraqi resistance is nationalist. They just want to get rid of what they see as an army of occupation. We would the same thing if our respective countries were occupied by a (Muslim) army, would'nt we ?

    Davidm, where did you find those figures: "around 70 % actively collaborated" ?

    As far as I'm concerned, I think that it would be more accurate to say that 70 or 80 % passively collaborated. But it doesn't make a difference: they were silent there guilty.

  2. What is the average mental age of a poster on this forum ?

    The winner will be invited to enjoy a bottle of Beaujolais with a civiliezd frenchman.

    Send your answer before today 3 p.m (thai time)

    Either the stone age or the stoned age.

    (If I win I choose the Beaujolais)

  3. I suspect you will go hide in your cave like Bin Laden.

    As far as my friend Adjan JB and I are concerned, we will go hide in the cellar. You are dealing with self respecting Frenchmen: it would never come to our minds to store wine in a cave.

    May I join you ?

    I've got a cork-screw.

  4. But

    There are things we know and things we don't know. There are things we know that we don't know and things we don't know that we know. But most of all there are things we don't know that we don't know that we know.

    Does that help ?

  5. Have you noticed that there's nothing about drinking alcohol ?

    And masturbation, God forbid.

    Is it allowed George ?

    No, it's not allowed in Thailand, especially for foreigneres living here. If they catch you in the act, you will be fined 200 Baht per time, but not exceeding the maximum of 20,000 Baht.

    quietly on your own in a darkened room is ok ?

    It's OK. But a work permit is required.

  6. Can you believe how worked-up these Lefties are getting at the thought that Bush would even qualify for a Peace Prize - Nobel or other?

    Man, even when Blow-Job-Bill was in office the ill feelings directed towards him were not close to the viceral hatred shown GWB in this Forum. :D

    Boon Mee

    Can't you see the difference between a blow-job and blowing up children ? Blow it !! :o

  7. This whole Nobel thing doesn't make a sense. The anti-war Pope and the war-mongering Bush (along with his poodle) both nominated for the Nobel peace prize.

    Membrane, I can understand Bush's policy to a certain point (even if I don't agree) but I really don't understand what his contributions to peace could be.

  8. Who said anyone thinks of them as anything less? What are you even talking about? Are you guilty, maybe, because YOU think they are less than anyone else, just because they came from Iraq? ...because no one else is looking down on them, just because they came from Iraq.

    No, we are only pointing out that THEY TOOK BRIBES FROM SADDAM HUSSEIN--and if we are "looking down on them", that's why. No one mentioned anything RACIST at all--that's all in your own mind, which apparently is desparately trying to come up with something to blame on us?

    Nice try, but no cigar! :o

    "Hm... The only two "Americans" listed are two IRAQI-AMERICANS !" you typed.

    the word American is between brackets then Iraqi-American in capital letters following by an exclamation mark. Are you sure it's all in my mind ?

  9. Membrane, I think some of our local left-wing liars need reminding of this point:
    Thanks p_brownstone, for posting the article.  Here is the rest of the article (not posted above) and the complete list of names and countries involved in accepting bribes from Saddam--(pretty shocking, how far up the chain some of them are).

    Hmm.... The only two "Americans" listed (Samir Vincent and Shakir Alkhalaji) are two IRAQI-AMERICANS!

    Is an Iraqi-American less American than an Italian-American, an African-American or an Irish-American ?

    Is everybody equal in the US or are some people more equal than others ?

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