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Posts posted by bonzor

  1. www.autoreservation.com

    I used this company when I was in UK in 2007.

    I booked the cheapest car, Nissan Micra.

    The deal was done with Budget. When I got to their depot using the shuttle bus from right outside Terminal 3,

    they didn't have a Micra but let me have a brand new Peugeot 307 and knocked another 25 quid off the price.

    I ended up paying 10 quid a day + VAT and the original 43 GBP to Autoreservations.

    You can do everything over the internet.

    BTW I didn't take any extra ins.

    I like national and europcar but there are cheaper deals on the internet if you hire from a company at the airport who supply from some distance. Last time booked a corsa for a week and had upgrade to a merc. Beat that.

  2. One day I was walking with my mia, we passed some women who were muttering to each other. Mia explained that the women were saying, "She is lucky, I wish I had a farang to look after me too"

    As Mandy Rice Davis said when told that John Profumo denied knowing her "Well he would wouldn't he" Substitute she for he. Must be something they put in the water for falangs to drink.

  3. I don't understand you guys. You seem smart enough.

    George bush senior talked about, Bush junior talked about it, Brown talked about it, Kissinger talked about it as well as a host of others and some just don't want to hear it. There are trying to set up a one world government, with one currency. Bush and the rest called it the New World Order. Obama is on board with it. This current economic collapse was orchestrated by them. It started with Bill, relaxing banking regulations. There all on the same team. They are trying to finance it using CO2 payments and the global warming scam. Terrorism is just another ruse to take away more of your rights, as in passing anti terrorist bill to talk away your rights. I know its a tuff pill to swallow, easier to ignore it, pretend it doesn't exit. Many people on this thread have mentioned like in England having to register your plans whenever your travel outside of england and finger printing at the US airports. Well this is just the beginning I'm sorry to say. If you think your safe here, better think again. Kissinger didn't call it the New WORLD Order for nothing. These are not the names that some crazy, tin foil hat, conspiracy nut jobs are calling it but the leaders of the western world.

    Icke saw it all, the lizards are calling the shots.

  4. I dont' think that is entirely fair, she may like dressing that way. I personally don't like the way women are slated this way, ok it does create an impression if a couple looks/dresses a certain way but I find the actions & they way the couple conduct themselves speaks volumes.

    I have seen what would look like your typical bg/paying bf type couples out & about but they looked like they really liked each other & enjoyed each others company, they didn't act brash or rude & nothing apart from the style of clothes, would have made them look anything than a normal couple but I have also seen the opposite spectrum, where the girl looked bored or even disgusted with her date & the guy looked like he couldn't care less how she felt as long as she did her job & spoke to her like crap & this kind were not always dressed in the stereotypical outfits either.

    It takes all sorts but I think it is down to individuals, how they look, dress, act, their comparative images etc & who is doing the looking. Some of the nicest & most straightforward thai women I ever met were bg's. :o

    I'm sure you don't think it's entirely fair, unfortunately it's horribly accurate! Here on Phuket I see it all the time.

    I know you can't bear to think that this country is anything other than wonderful, but there's a LOT of Thai women who want nothing but money and Western men who are desperate enough to provide it!

    Funny how it all comes back to hookers. Thai women size up other women all the time to see where they fit in relation to the social order. It's important to thais because social position determines behaviour and language and no one wants to lose face by getting it wrong. If after the sizing up there's a dirty look it's because they think the girl is a hooker, low class or beneath them. "You may have your falang but I have my integrity and honesty. I'm not a hooker." Thailand is a conservative country. It's changed a little but in general most bar girls and their beau offend wherever they go with their public displays of affection, inappropriate behaviour and dress. Most falangs associate with and know only the bar scene. A normal Thai girl, doing an honest job would not touch them with a barge pole. They are usually objects of pity because of their obsession with dark skinned uneducated girls from the back of beyond. Like it or not the bulk of Thai's look down on people from Isaan. Let's face it, most of the bar scene brits couldn't pull at a condom sponsored, nymphomaniacs convention on free drinks night. They have to pay for it, even a sympathy <deleted> is beyond them.

  5. ... or for a country such a Myanmar to allow Nicaragua to establish a base there.

    That's silly. This matter is 1000 times more important to Thailand than Nicaragua. I imagine Ortega is going for it to get some of Thakky's moolah.

    Of course it's silly, they whole premise of your poll is silly.

    Silly is too kind. The post aspires to being silly, can only dream of silliness. It's ludicrous, ridiculous and presposterous.

  6. There appear to be a vast amout of people on this forum who are totally unaware of the strength of family ties in Thailand....or any country for that matter....if you are unwilling to acknowledge the 'family' because of a selfishness not familiar to thais', you run the very real risk of not having much of a relationship.......you may well attain your solitude in paradise.

    You are already causing unhappiness....why not live with it for awhile but start going out more on your own...see the reaction

    I agree. Family bonds are strong. Why not try and take some pleasure in their company. If you feel so strongly about privacy rent the house next door for them. It's only cheap. Why marry a Thai if you don't like thais? Some of the posters sound like miserable control freaks. I suppose that's why they are in Thailand, they bought into the dream of marrying a doormat.

  7. naam, you post in ThaiVisa like a monkey in heat, all over the place and with no control

    i wonder which way it will break, maybe your fortune teller, er economic team, can lead us to the promised land naam? :o


    well well well, do i really need to say anything to the bagholders, and the funny thing is wave 2 has just started and wave 3 isn't even here yet

    as far as asia is concerned...so much for decoupling etc. and as for LOS and the baht? i will continue to short the baht faster than an unemployed bargirl shortens her skirt in these turbulent times, and as for LOS? it is about to become a basket case

    i can look back fondly to when i started this thread back in 2007, and can I happily say that my wallet and genius have been vindicated...... :D

    for those who listened, you have done well either by making money on the way down or by remaining unscathed and i congratulate you, for those who didn't (those folks are too many in number to mention by name), i won't rub it in, the market is doing that for you

    Dow 6,804.55 -256.45

    I bow to your superior knowledge of what monkeys in heat are like, but this thread is not the right place to discuss your sex life. Can I suggest you crawl the forums to find other sad little men who are self acclaimed geniuses and form a club. You could call it Boring Inferior Nonentities Going On Boringly Opinionating Nauseatingly Garbage Opinions or BINGOBONGO for short.

  8. Indeed, people always look at what they know best and think everyone else is fine. Your scenario is fine if Britain were the only one affected. Its not, and in Europe I would suggest presently the worst one is Switzerland, which has massive exposure to bad Eastern Europe debts.

    to all hobby economists: Switzerland is a country which has no exposure at all to "eastern european debt" :o

    Why spoil a perfectly good story with the facts. I have to pay some bills in swiss francs and was elated at its currency's immininet collapse then you go and spoil my breakfast.

  9. I'm thinking of putting in a fish pond on our land but unfortunately I know sod all about fish. Ideally, it'd provide 400-500(ish) fish a year to eat (not for commercial production). What sort of size pond am I looking at for that? And any recommendations for fish to raise? Thanks.

    800 sq met (1/2 rai ) x1.2 -1.5 met deep would be ideal.

    Initial stocking could be 500 mixed sex Tilapia (Pla Nin ) followed at 3 months by a few Snakehead catfish or Striped Giant Catfish and even a few Barramundi.

    The Tilapia will breed and provide natural food for the Catties and Barra,

    If you employ the green water method ,very little artificial food will be necessary as the Pla Nin are provided for by the Phyto-Plankton and and micro-organisms in the phosphate enriched water and their offspring provide food for the other varieties.

    If top up water source is available, this method will supply fish for several years before you need to pump down and start afresh.

    Very useful info, I wonder, since you mentioned an ideal depth of 1.2 -1.5 met deep as ideal, is there any disadvantage to a deeper fish pond, like lets say, 2 or 3 meters deep?

    That depth is stated because that is the maximum depth that light reaches in a green water (or even a muddy pond), without light the micro-organisms that break down the ammonia and gunk cannot survive so the bottom at say 3 met. ends up a vile smelling ammonia rich sludge where nothing lives.

    The rising gas from this ammonia is toxic to most of the pond inhabitants.

    To be of any use you would need to install air bubblers right to the bottom of the deep section as the oxygen in the aeration helps dispense the ammonia.

    Pla Nin in particular live most of their time in the top 1 metre of water , even when nesting (breeding ) you will notice that the deepest nests are only down to 1.2 metres .

    Pla Nin are omniverous and are screen feeders ,meaning they move through the water gulping in water ,screening out the micro-organisms and plankton and expelling the water.

    You must be talking about commercial fisheries with masses of food going in. Otherwise every lake or body of water over three metres would be poisoning the whole area. There would be no bottom feeding fish and any swimmer would be at risk. That does not happen. If the pond is balanced and stocked correctly then variations in depth even to three metres plus would not be a problem. I made my pond deeper rather than shallow because as an angler I wanted to fight fish in two planes not one and wanted to make sure the plants I put in do not cover the entire area but leave the deeper holes free. In my view that will look more natural. If your intention is high stocking ratios and rapid growth and cheaper construction costs then a shallow pond is better but you are way too alarmist. You make three metres sound like the onset of armageddon My neighbours pond is six metres deep and sweet smelling and full of fish, and has been for the last few years. Its deep for water storage.

  10. I get many mosquito bites every night. I have tried to burn oils and use an electric tennis raquette swatter. I am trying to avoid spraying with chemicals. Any suggestions on things I can do?

    I have mesh at the windows for fresh air, other than that I have all light furniture, white walls etc and just one or two dark things in the room. Hang a dark damp towel in the room and all the mozzies will be on that. Use the electric bat to kill them. When the room is clear never have the door open at any time. Open and shut it behind you. That way mozzies can be kept to the absolute minimum. I never get bit at night because there are simly no mozzies in my bedroom. If its a hotel etc then turn air con down or sleep under a fan or both. They are good deterents.

  11. But going back to the thread title, ie, 'on the edge'- judging by recent newspaper reports I think we can conclude that the economy has not only gone over the edge, but is hurtling downhill at an alarming speed.

    I think I take agreement as read, but anyone care to counter?

    i don't want to counter but ask a simple question "which economy is not going downhill?" :o

    None of course, but that seeks to detract from confirming that the Thai economy is entering a recession ! As of a month ago a significant minority on TV argued that Thailand would not be effected. Naam, are you saying it isn't either in recession/depression?

    MB, from what i recall that minority was not really significant, but that is just my personal view. judging Thailand's economic situation, especially the future (status quo is rather irrelevant as to fuzzy), is beyond my capability for the simple reason that none of us knows what the future will present. generally i'd say the outlook is very bleak and Thailand can quite obviously not decouple from the bleak global environment.

    i also want to be brutally open. whether Thailand goes into recession or depression is the least of my concerns. i don't live in Thailand, i am living in my home which by coincidence is located in Thailand. as long as the hungry horde of jobless people (some gloom&doomers are predicting this) do not raid my kitchen and my larder or kill my dog for food i am not bothered. come boom or bust our domestic staff will still have excellent working conditions, very good salaries and free food all what they want and can eat. depression or recession will not drive my domestic expenditure up, i will still eat whatever food i prefer and enjoy a good bottle of wine, will not sweat because i have to save on energy by switching of the aircons and it is highly unlikely that we Farangs are kicked out after our property has been confiscated (another prediction by some gloom&doomers).

    of course all afore-mentioned based on and seen from my individual perspective :D

    I have three mins. Will be brief. Non of the above is true. You won't say it when your footman is chewing on your liver and the under groom is using the pool for rendering human fat down. For candles, for light, the better to see what bits of you they are eating. Get real. Its the end of days. Me? I'm sitting it out in a badger hole. I'll come out around 2022 after the bodies have decayed to nothing and only the released zoo animals roam the weed filled rice fields.

  12. [establishing industries and taking part in globalisation was the reason which took Thailand from the level of economic middle ages (the first time i visited the country was 36 years ago) to its present position.

    So you're implying we have at least 36 years of mistakes to clean up for? Alright, that's a good start on generations. Cleaning up a mess usually takes longer than creating it in the first place.

    i have laid down facts, you are forecasting a gloomy future "for generations" to which i can't agree. that we are all entitled to our individual thinking and perception goes of course without saying.

    Nobody said it was gloomy. I said it was going to be hard work, and we will all be poor. You are the one assuming this means gloom and doom. In fact, people lived like this for centuries prior to the industrial revolution, and will live like this again. Based on history, it is the standard state of the human condition. If you wish to associate this with gloom and doom that is your prerogative of course.

    Where we seem to differ Naam is that your writing implies that you believe the system we have today is desirable if we could clean up some of the financial issues. I believe it is an incredible waste of resources, and simply can't continue no matter how comfortable we all find it. The financial problems we are experiencing are just one of the symptoms. The sooner we pull our collectives heads out of the sand and get down to business the better off we'll all be for it. And, yes, there will be an awful lot of pain to go around during that process.

    BTW, what facts did you lay down? I don't see any in your post. Are you referring to a different thread? If you want to talk about facts that convinced me we are a civilization in decline, well, that is definitely another thread, and quite possibly a PhD thesis.

    For this thread, I will state again that devaluation of the currency under a larger plan to disengage from globalization and move towards self sufficiency and protectionist policies could be a reasonable choice of action for reasons I explained earlier.

    You can't uninvent the past, the history of centuries of increasing exchange of goods. The enrichment of whole populations, conquering of diseases, scientific progress and regress to the middle ages because of a failure of the banking system. Thanks to globalisation absolute poverty decreases every year and we talk instead of relative poverty, ie whether you have two colour TVs or two mobile phones. Of course progress is patchy and whole continents like Africa are patchwork quilts of economic progress. The apples and oranges you like came from china, tha banana from tropical climates. Pineapples the same. We eat north atlantic salmon. Drive courtesy of middle eastern oil. Use plastics derived from the same source. Watch TVs made in the east or Holland, enjoy french cheese and wine, drive BMWs from Bavaria, You are probably reading this sipping a brazilian coffee using sugar from the west indies, munching on an Amaretto biscuit from Italy. I could go on and on.

    Come on then anti globalisation eco warrior, tell us how may goods, services and commodities you use from your own country? Untainted by any foreign influence. Greg doesn't seem a very Thai name. Dont you realise you yourself are an exchange, a bundle of services and skills that has crossed continents or borders. Presumably if you get bit by a rabid dog you will refuse post trauma treatment as the vaccine is American and you are in Thailand. You need to drop the wish list of things you don't like and get real.

  13. Horrible creatures but funny to look at, what posesses a man to dress up like a girl anyway? The mind boggles, they certainly need some kind of therapy cos they aint all there.......

    They are transexuals, not men dressing up as women. What you're proposing is about as absurd as sending all gay people to therapy to have them straigthened out.

    Transexuals are not confused about their sexual orientation, they were just born with the wrong body type.

    They are born as men and dress like women, sometimes growing fake breasts, not confused???????

    How can you be born with the wrong body type for gods sake?

    You weren't referred to as a bigot. It was another poster who came across as one, so relax.

    I assume TexasRanger was well aware that the bigot reference was pointed at me and not him so another waste of of your dialog as usual.

    You're just confused about transexuality and using a very simple minded approach to explain it away as a perversion.

    No he is not.He's only trying to explain it to simple minded people.

    It's easy to understand how a person can be born with the wrong body. The way transexual behave and feel is in the brain, not the body. Transexuals truly feel they are the opposite sex in the wrong body.

    No it is not easy to understand.Most people consider them as sick in their minds.

    Let's say brain transplants were possible and we transplanted your brain into a females body....how would you feel? That's how they feel.

    Have you ever heard of sex hormones? They can make a guy grow breasts and give a girl a beard. There's chemistry going on that you cannot begin to understand and this all affects the psyche.

    From your previous posts we all know that you are an expert about hormones but that doesn't mean it is approved.

    Your ignorance is what transexuals have been battling against for centuries. People are starting to accept gays but transexuals are still doing it tough because of people like you with no understanding of anything different.

    Why you think it took century's to accept gays and at the end they are only accepted by a minority of the population?Because it's the same as people who like to have sex with animals.They are not NATURAL.

    Since homosexuality exists in nature its natural. Is that simple enough for you or do you need a diagram. As for sex with animals. Why do you constantly raise this preoccupation of yours? They say there's no smoke without fire, is there something you would like to share with us?

  14. I cant really see it affecting the sex trade, there are always people willing to pay for that, irrespective of the price (just a pulse is just required)

    It is actualy cheapoer to go to Europe these days (even with the lousy Euro) There are better deals than in Thailand (and Pattaya)

    I have been going there for 10 odd years, twice a year, and NOTHING changes, except the prices, walking street, just the faces change

    I used to bring lots of stuff back, tee shirts, jeans, suits, trousers, shirts, but now I can get them cheaper at home

    The air fares are atrocious, far too expensive, and that will be the biggest stumbling block for any tourist or anyone wanting to come to Thailand, Hotels, well you can get any deal you want

    Food isnt any cheaper than at home (a meal for two) Street food is pretty much stable anyway

    I think if tourism drops off there will be an increase in crime, drugs,

    But nothing really ever changes in Pattaya, it just gets dirtier,

    I miss the old Pattaya I knew when I first came there, people were a lot more friendleir, and went out of their way to be 'nicer' now its take, take, take and scarcely a smile (LOS= Land of Scowls) these days

    I havent lost any income due toi this recession (peoplwe will always need a plumber) but I cant see myself coming back to Pattaya until the rate is better and I cant see that happening anytime soon

    Genesis 19:24

  15. In the current world depression the "pot" has been substantially reduced. I would argue that the best approach for Thailand is to maintain the current policy and NOT devalue against the other Asians, but to compete on quality, pricing and reputation. This is in any case the only way that has a future in the global competition for a market share. Yes, the world will suffer, but any attempt by one country to go it alone will only make it worse for everybody.

    Anybody care to take up the argument?

    I have lived here for six years and in so many ways a really great place .

    But one thing I have learnt is that Thai's in general are not adaptable

    enough to compete with other Asians economies. Justifiably perhaps because they

    are one of the few countries in this region never to have been colonised,

    their national pride can sometimes mask a more serious unwillingness to listen

    to the ideas of others and in some instances their outlook is arrogant.

    They believie they can be the " hub " of this and the " hub " of that

    instead of concentrating on what they can be good at.

    I have seen so many instances over the last 6 years

    where they never seem to learn from making a mistake.

    Quality ? You have to be joking -do you see quality in building construction? Can you honestly say

    the new international airport is anywhere near the standard of those in places like Seoul, Hong Kong,

    Singapore? Yes they can produce good quality foodstuff but does quality come to mind

    when you look up and you see those hideous overhead cables in every street and soi?

    Pricing -are you talking about the unique Thai perspective of economics where it's

    something doesn't successfully sell -their answer is to increase the price ? :o

    Reputation -with the disruption that occurred at the international airport and with more disruption likely

    until the red and yellow shirts sort things out permanently- I suggest their reputation will be very much on hold.

    Fifteen years ago, the world didn't even have access to some of Thailand's neighbouring countries e.g. China,

    Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and even Burma. Now that people can visit these places and even start up business

    enterprises in these countries, theymay find these other locations offer something completely different to Thailand.

    Trying to endlessly prop up the Thai baht would just be another example of its futile attempt to look better

    than its neighbours and while in reality yes Thailand is very unique.................but so are the all others :D

    You are wrong. Your diatribe is racism disguised as analysis. Of course they compete look at the export figures. Look at growth over the last few years.

    They don't compete on quality, they are not adaptable and midas is anything but a racist. I disagree with midas on many economic views but racist ? Never ! His assessment looked close to spot on to me - you have 3 years advantage on me, but that does not necessarily make you right and me wrong.

    Thailand's best hope is to compete on price and whilst Cambodia and Vietnam might beat them on that, they must just edge it on reputation.

    Mitsubishi Thailand in 2007 announced it had exported its millionth pick up truck. According to you they don't compete on quality. Thailand are the worlds largest exporter of pickups. You know, those big things eulogised and drooled over by the same dumb falangs who post about crap quality. You are living in the past. If you condemn a whole nation as economically illiterate and in flexible and incapable of producing quality I cannot think of a better definition of racism, even if unwitting. Any country that has developed and grown as fast as thailand is flexible and adaptable. Dont make the mistake of projecting upon a nation the difficulties you...a falang have with Thais on an everyday level. Every immigrant makes the same charges against a host nation because it does not do things the way the immigrant is used to. You can find postings about inflexibilty on every expat site in every country. I've lived in six and heard it all before. And each disgruntled expat thinks they are saying something profound and deep about their host country. All they are doing is highlighting the problems immigrants have.

  16. It doesn't take a PhD to recognize that export based economies are going to be in real trouble in the future. Devaluing the Baht to try and remain competitive in a dying industry isn't the answer. It's time to take a hard look at the fundamentals and change perspectives. The whole world is going through a consumption crisis, and Thailand will be no exception.

    The long term solution is to try and decouple as much as possible from the rest of the world, and stop trying to grow. Growth as an economic paradigm is finished for a few decades anyway. Concentrate on sufficiency and conservation. Thailand's biggest problem will be energy. So actions right now should focus on modifying the economy to free themselves from energy imports. The way to do this is to raise oil prices to encourage alternatives. The primary method for this would be done through taxes, the proceeds of which are then invested in R&D for alternative energy and infrastructure projects such as improved interprovincial rail systems and metropolitan mass transit. People will never adapt until they are forced to. Taxes are a strong weapon that can be used to prematurely force adaptation.

    Many people are currently arguing against protectionism and trade barriers, and they can probably make a valid argument in the short term...but only the very short term. When the whole world is in turmoil your best options are to insulate yourself as much as possible and try to ride out the storm. It seems to me that a controlled weakening of the Baht would accomplish several things, namely providing a smoothing period for phasing out exports as a key part of the economy, similarly allowing tourism a soft landing vs. a hard crash, and finally raising the prices of imports, particularly energy, to encourage domestic production and adaptation. The eventual goal being the sufficiency economy, with little to no dependence on external trade.

    So I'm going to argue the counter position, but not for the reasons you traditionally hear. Yes, weaken the Baht, but do so in the context of an entire policy to roll back globalization, and use the weakening currency only to smooth the harmful, transient effects of that policy. Do not try and compete against other Asian countries. Thailand can never win that race. The proper strategy is to drop out entirely when you realize you're outmatched. Interestingly, you wouldn't even have to print money to make this policy happen. Just announcing it would start the foreign investors withdrawing their money, and then you just have to manage the fall, which is always easier than an active devaluation. This would take courage and enlightened leadership however, neither of which are prevalent in the Thai government today.

    And I can already anticipate the arguments coming. Cuba! North Korea! Hey...Cuba and North Korea might look pretty good before this crisis is over. The biggest mistake will be in underestimating how bad this is going to get.

    Encouraging a self sufficiency economy in a world wide recession is like throwing petrol on a fire. What pray, are the poor countries that rely on a meagre export trade with the developed countries to do in your sufficiency paradise...starve to death of course. You presumably think Americas discredited buy American policy is a good thing. What do you think the effect of that if replicated around the world would be on Thailands exports? You are advocating exporting ruination around the world. Economics of the madhouse.

  17. In the current world depression the "pot" has been substantially reduced. I would argue that the best approach for Thailand is to maintain the current policy and NOT devalue against the other Asians, but to compete on quality, pricing and reputation. This is in any case the only way that has a future in the global competition for a market share. Yes, the world will suffer, but any attempt by one country to go it alone will only make it worse for everybody.

    Anybody care to take up the argument?

    I have lived here for six years and in so many ways a really great place .

    But one thing I have learnt is that Thai's in general are not adaptable

    enough to compete with other Asians economies. Justifiably perhaps because they

    are one of the few countries in this region never to have been colonised,

    their national pride can sometimes mask a more serious unwillingness to listen

    to the ideas of others and in some instances their outlook is arrogant.

    They believie they can be the " hub " of this and the " hub " of that

    instead of concentrating on what they can be good at.

    I have seen so many instances over the last 6 years

    where they never seem to learn from making a mistake.

    Quality ? You have to be joking -do you see quality in building construction? Can you honestly say

    the new international airport is anywhere near the standard of those in places like Seoul, Hong Kong,

    Singapore? Yes they can produce good quality foodstuff but does quality come to mind

    when you look up and you see those hideous overhead cables in every street and soi?

    Pricing -are you talking about the unique Thai perspective of economics where it's

    something doesn't successfully sell -their answer is to increase the price ? :o

    Reputation -with the disruption that occurred at the international airport and with more disruption likely

    until the red and yellow shirts sort things out permanently- I suggest their reputation will be very much on hold.

    Fifteen years ago, the world didn't even have access to some of Thailand's neighbouring countries e.g. China,

    Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and even Burma. Now that people can visit these places and even start up business

    enterprises in these countries, theymay find these other locations offer something completely different to Thailand.

    Trying to endlessly prop up the Thai baht would just be another example of its futile attempt to look better

    than its neighbours and while in reality yes Thailand is very unique.................but so are the all others :D

    You are wrong. Your diatribe is racism disguised as analysis. Of course they compete look at the export figures. Look at growth over the last few years.

    China is the worlds factory and that was built without any reputation at all for quality, even if quality is dubious, which in many areas it isnt you can still build exports at the right price.

    They build crap houses because people pay for them. Including Falangs. Thats smart marketing. Just because you offer some anecdotal evidence about thais unwilling to accept lower prices, you draw negative conclusions about Thais grasp of economics. You really think thats unique to Thais? Take a look at housing markets around the world. Take a look at your own flawed analysis of Thais aboilty to compete.

    Thais are world players in some major areas and they didn't get there because they dont understand economics.

    As for propping up the baht. No government like to devalue where there is a viable opposition. Tha's because like it or not strength of currency relates to other countries appraisal of economic fundamentals. If you can have healthy exports despite a strong currency where's the problem? If you can't manage that the opposition call it mismanagement. Given the state of flux in Thai politics that is a charge the government are wary of. The opposition will attack with the proposition that it was the government mismanagement that lead to a fall in strength after a fall in exports. The government are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

    As for increasing prices, if you knew anything about economics you would know that in some circumstances that is exactly the right response to a fall in demand. It doens't mean that's the situation now, but it does mean as a blanket criticism its nonsense.

  18. hello robblok.where is bang bua thong.yes i enjoy fishing.now of any places around khon kaen.that is where i will be coming to in july of this year.i may put in a pond in roi-et province if my wifes uncle will convert his rice land into a pond.i think he would be able to make more money that way.the fish will be in the pond all the time,but with the rice he only gets one crop from the land.what does everyone else think of what i am saying.do you think it is a good idea.thanks buffaloe

    There's lots of threads on making ponds in the farming forum. I've made one of three rai up to three metres deep and stocked it with pla duk and pla buk and pla nin and pla chon and a silver barb fish whose name I cannot recall. If you only stocked with pla duk you have no oxygenation worries as you would not believe the stocking densities they use commercially. (literally you will think the figures are a typo) They can air breath and live in mud and are indestructible and delicious. Just green the water with manure of some sort and enjoy.

  19. sorry new at this i did not mean to cut someone off

    Don't worry about it it happens, do you like fishing ?

    I must add that part of the fun of fishing is catching fish when others don't. I thought i had figured a certain lake out because i got 8 last time while others had zero. I went with a thinner line smaller hook and smaller spiral. It seemed to work like a charm, but when i tried again yesterday it did not. So back to the drawingboard and try to figure something else out.

    I think the skill in fishing is to catch when others aren't catching.

    One of the other posters stated something about fishing in the wild, but would that not mean that someone who goes to a good site for fishing is cheating too ? I mean you got more chance then an other. The skill part is when your both at the same place and one catches a lot more then the others. Although this can be luck too (i'm the first to admit that)

    I rented a cottage once in the wild west coast of Ireland. Walked down to the deserted cove and caught 8 pollack up to six pounds in twenty casts with a spinner. I sat on the rocks in the sunshine and wrote postcards to all my friends describing my exploits. I rented the cottage for six months and fished at least three times a week at the cove. I never caught another fish.

  20. Did your urologist have the composition of your kidney stone analised before giving you dietary recommendations?



    Composition is key. Drinking more is not universally recommended. I used to think so but was informed by a professor of nursing that in fact some authorities believe it makes no difference. I'm inclined to believe that. Similarly where composition is largely calcium I seen too much and too little in diet as a cause. I think it's a symptom of something else wrong. What is wrong depends in my view on composition.

  21. OK, got some questions for neverdie since he did offer to answer all our male related questions.

    1. Why is it if I ask my husband to do something (easy even, like get the milk out of the fridge) and he's standing right next to me he can't hear me but if he's in the other room with the door closed and the tv on I could whisper "How about a steak and a bj" and he'd hear every word?

    2. Is there something wrong with my husband, he noticed my shoes the other day. "Cute shoes" he said. Whats up with that?

    and finally 3. Why is it that my husband can never find something if its right in front of his face but can strip apart and repair his outboard engine without ever losing a piece?


    Dont you just love lazy stereotypes and platitudes as a subsitute for an interesting post, can't wait to see how this thread develops. If you are trying for a job in stand up, you just failed the audition. If its an application for a renderer of tired old jokes and recycler of joke forum stalwarts, you passed the test.

  22. Tourism my be down because of the economy, but the people at immagrations attitude make it undesireable for people that have some money and want to be here to tolerate their attitudes. Their are other places to go and live where they make it a lot easier to stay long time and spent your money. I think thailand is running out of feet. You would think the attitude would be changing but nope there still just as short and nasty as they have always been . I live here and have a Thai wife and house but i'm seriously thinking of packing it in. Who needs the abuse, shooting, rip offs , with little recourse because of the rampid corruption. aloha

    Most of the suggestions are like putting a sticking plaster on a newly amputated limb. Thailand, like everywhere else is falling off a cliff. Of course the fall is lessened if you don't panic so the politicians are endlessly talking up the economy. That can only be a good thing as long as they are believed. If all confidence in them disappears then they contribute to the problem and will be replaced by yet another government. Perhaps next time one of national unity. With such a government there's nowhere else to go since the opposition ceases practically to exist. One thing is fairly certain decisons will be taken in the interests of the ruling elite. Its the poor and lower middle class that will feel the pain.

    When you have a stake in the country you have a stake...you can't just Unthai your wife and family. You married into the whole deal for better or worse.

    The things that annoy us immigrants are but a gnat bite compared to the everyday life of a poor thai. We have a miniscule influence on the wider economy but a huge unfluence on the micro economy of our Thai friends and family and the village. To desert them now would be a betrayal of the worst kind. Where you gonna go? I've lived in six different countries and after a while they all drive you nuts. All you do is find fresh pasture to rear a whole new set of annoyances.

    Better to concentrate on the things you like about Thailand. As countries develop, inevitably there's a shortage of the old fashioned step-n-fetch-it family retainer or ever smiling server or waitress. That phase lasts until the jobs are revalued as part of a wider service economy and are perceived as being worthwhile rather than low paying, low status paths to nowhere.

    In a real downturn there is always a shakeout. If tourist places are unfriendly and the service is bad they will go to the wall before the friendly, good service places. Basing decisions on soundbites and media fads is stupid. No one has any real clue about crime rates, just a series of personal anecdotes which are easily countered by another set of anecdotes. My Thai family are always worried about crime but have never been burgled or robbed, cheated or scammed. Where as in the West I've been robbed, burgled, ripped off and felt almost as if I was serving time in precinct 13, surrounded by hostiles.

    In the west Thais often meet unfriendy faces and sour officialdom. Often the perpetrators are scared of contact with aliens, of their odd language, of being asked questions they cannot understand or answer. Why should immigration officials in Thailand be any different? In fact they face a worse problem because in the West many Thais try, in halting and broken English, to make themselves understood, how many falangs at a border have one word of Thai? How many feel their inate superiority will carry them through? You only have to skim these forums to find anti thai racism writ large, carping sarcasm about thais education, intelligence, powers of reason and morality. Would you fancy dealing with a stream of such gilded beings gracing your country with their presence? I already know the answer.

  23. Hi everyone,I just wonderd if anyone know any Farang in ban pong or close by that teach English as my son is 9 years old & we would love for him to come & live with us in England but he needs to have some understanding of English as he has some basic study but he needs to gain more experience & teaching while away from us.

    We try to help him as much as we can so that when he comes here the transition isn't so much of a shock.

    If anyone can give us any info. to help we would appreciate it greatly.

    Thank you


    There's an english language school in banpong and the schools run extra classes too. Same set up in kanchanaburi near to me. You can always find extra english classes if you want

    Centre of town and per hour was 200 per hour one to one

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