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Posts posted by iBurger

  1. Hi

    When I first joined this forum I had grand ideas to retire in Thailand after an unpleasant divorce... I waited and visited four times in BKK, Udon, Pattaya, and Chaingmai.

    BKK or Chaingmai would be first choice but think differently about the place now. Still love it and met some great people living in Thai, however money would be more of a problem now as although the pounds sinks lower everyday, Thai baht which is linked to the dollar seems not to change. Capital to take there also reduced as investments have slumped.

    Read advice given to others in a similar position... my problem; why do I get the feeling everyone ( most members ) are under the impression Thai society in general have somehow gone off Farang types big time.

    We all know the odd few who come here and are suspect, but is it because of resentment, disdain, or just a healthy dislike of putting up with foreign tourists because they have to.

    A worry if planning to spend alot of time here.

    I am thinking of giving up my job which is ok ish but at 50 odd life is very short and the back end is spent in Out patients anyway.

    Any comments welcome...

    Hi There.

    Its difficult, batton down the hatches time for everyone everywhere at the moment.

    You can do that in the UK or here, its up to you (I would suggest here might be far more enjoyable for you, especially if you havent lived here for any length of time yet :o .)

    you can live simply (still excellently) and happily on a beach somewhere (or anywhere you want for that matter!)- (if you know what your doing) for about 10 quid a day (including everything) very easily.

    With regard to Thai's having gone off farangs?? In my opinion if you behave like an idiot and disregard people around you here you will have massive problems, this is true anywhere. Thai's take no S&(*t from anyone but they have an innate sense of justice on the whole. If you integrate and give something (other than money) into your immediate community, the Thais are some of the warmest and most welcoming people I have met.

    That said, there are obvious tensions at the moment for everyone, and there are many frayed nerves so that needs to be respected.

    Good luck with your decisions.

  2. I just think that many Farangs enjoy living in this country so much that they will bend over backwards, or forwards or jump through hoops to be able to remain here.

    Nothing wrong with trying. However, it is important to keep in mind that foreigners are not seen as part of the social fabric, nor will we ever be. We are curious bunch to kept at arms length and watched. We are admired for our western education and at the same time frowned upon for our impolitness.

    As I say nothing wrong with trying. And TRYING takes a lot more than singing the national songs and wearing different colour T-shirts. You have to start with the written language and take it from there.

    Utter rubbish. Simply by being, we are part of the social fabric and therefore seen. How you personally are viewed over and above that basic truth, is then up to your own "fabric", character, and survival instincts.

  3. I have a friend who is staying with me who normally lives at Ratchada, near Huay Kwang. He is a regular at Nataree Massage. He spoke with his regular girl, she told him over 100 girls have been laid off due to NO customers, not a slow down, she said none, zip, nada .

    People have stopped coming to Thailand!!!!. Think back to Bali......

    Cheap flights wont be enough for people to restore confidence when safety is concerned. People wont compromise safety by buying cheap flights.

    This will be far reaching across all parts of the Thai economy..

    This is terrible...it took 6-7 years for Bali to restore confidence, even with the new PM< he doesnt seem to have big enough gonads to be able to keep this country together...... The only hope is for the Govt to grow balls and to throw all govt objectors in jail, and replace the head of the military..... lock them all up....

    what other industries have you hear that have been affected ???????

    sorry maybe i'm missing your point, but you can't really compare a bombing aimed at completely innocent people which created carnage and terror with a sit-in political protest in a strategic (to your aims) position.

  4. So what is so difficult for foreigners in Thailand?

    Understanding a Thai PM.

    Hopefully he will speak in English at more interviews with the worlds press, and even in Parliament. It might make the other MPs consider learning English and becoming part of the 21st century.

    :o Yeah, OK, cut that last bit about the MPs learning English.

    Yeah , i was about to say you were joking until i scrolled down , the day they just 'May' become part of this century is when they lose the trait that Thai already know all , learning English would not help , they just seem to ignore the 'I understand ' part of conversation .

    You must NEVER forget , Thailand is nor will be THE HUB of everything , they still do not get the fact that Thailand and Thai NEED THE WEST , NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND , THEY KNOW LITTLE AND GIVE LESS TO THE WORLD . America even grows its own rice of superior quality and actualy exports its excess , and so , what was that you were saying , mai fcuing pay when ?

    Foolish words.

  5. Besides Tesco/Carrefour, is there any other places in Bangkok with a good varied range of rice cookers worth recommending?

    I browsed Tesco/Carrefour today, the range was limited, basically just the cheapo large 10 cup cookers. I cook for myself so a 3-5 cup cooker is more practical. Maybe Zojirushi or Tiger rice cookers are available in Bangkok?

    Thanks in-advance

    Its a bit like looking for ice at the North pole dude. They're everywhere. Far more important is how you cook the rice.

  6. On a related thread that is now closed, ThaiPaully had a great idea that Taksin should come back, serve his jail time, and re-emerge as a conquering martyr who would save Thailand. Good point, ThaiPaully. Several famous leaders have gone to jail and come back out to lead their people. Vaclav Havel of Czechoslovakia and Nelson Mandela come to mind, also Gandhi and King served time in jail.

    did you really just compare Thaksin to Gandhi??? :o

  7. I'm looking for *specific* suggestions to woo/impress her family, and to get their blessing.

    Most of my gf's family and friends are against me for the below reasons . . . her family is wealthy upper class conservative . . . they all act kind and cordial around me, but my girl tells me what they say on the side . . .


    "he looks poor, he won't be able to take care of you"

    "he isn't a doctor or lawyer, so you'd end up living a life of poverty"

    "he is 9 years younger, you're dating a child!"

    Then it gets more complicated . . . she has an ex-husband . . . so her mom is freaking out that she'll lose face to her friends that her daughter could get married again. Her mom refuses to even meet me on the grounds of my age, that Im not a doctor, and she has an ex. The rest of her family was friends with her ex, so it makes everyone uncomfortable around me.

    On the bright side, they said nothing negative about me being a farang, nor does it seem to bother them :o

    I'm an engineer and run a successful company, definitely not poor . . . but I don't think Thais hold engineers in high regard - everyone, including the engineers here, tell me all Thai engineers are heavy drinkers.

    I've already played the 'speak thai' card, so other than wearing a suit and tie everyday around her family, what else can I do to ease their worries?

    ps - I've already done the 'just be myself' thing for the last 4 months, but to no prevail :D

    A tasty Cheeseburger normally does the trick

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