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Posts posted by Satayu

  1. no problem bringing a dog into Thailand even as a tourist. But make sure you bring it as excess baggage never send by normal AIrfreight

    Air France actually allow small dogs to travel in the cabin.


    In the cabin
    Animals accepted

    With prior approval from the telephone sales department , you may transport in the cabin:

    • dogs and cats weighing less than 6 kg / 13.2 lb (including the transport bag or container).
    • Guide dogs are authorized regardless of their weight.
    In addition, your pet must be at least 8 weeks old to be allowed on board flights to metropolitan France (including Corsica) and between metropolitan France and French overseas departments and territories (excluding Guyana).

    For other flights, our telephone sales department will inform you of the regulations.

    Transport rules

    Your pet must travel in a separate closed container.

    • The container must be sufficiently ventilated and enable your animal to stand up and turn around.
    • In the Economy cabin, the bag must fit in the space under the seat in front of you.
    • Under no circumstances should your pet leave its container during the flight.
    • Each animal must travel in a separate travel container.
    • Each passenger can travel with only 1 animal.
    • Your pet´s travel container is considered an additional baggage item and will incur a fee.
    Please note: snub-nosed pets such as Bulldogs, Boxers, Pekinese or Persian cats can suffer from breathing difficulties in high-stress situations. Please consult your veterinarian before air travel.'
  2. I met this guy on several occasions. RIP David.

    We all know this, but the police here really need to pull their fingers out. To say they are a joke is disrespectful to the thousands of victims in this "joke".

    (I just deleted this paragraph out of respect, but I suspect the girlfriend isn't being 100% forthcoming with the whole story.)

    Andrew, how about elaborating on the length of time Crispin was held by the DSI on the back of the "Five C's" report?

    Yes I read that incredible report. Crispin did the best part of a year from my memory. I think he wants to put that all behind him now. But I'll check

    Actually it was a few days short of 18 months, a dam_n long time in there

  3. Hey thanks PS!

    Question for Samui residents:

    Me and bunch of other riders coming from Phuket on 11th and looking for nice accomodation preferably close to the beach, Chaweng that is.

    Someone recommended Al's Hut and upon looking at their site it doesn't look bad at all.

    Would you recommend this place? Some of our guys will be coming with wifes and girlfiends and just want to make sure place is good as advertised.

    Thanks in advance.

    I'd try the Laem Din Hotel, its near all the facilities and the beach and almost walking distance to the bike event, They have a good pool and safe parking for the bikes. If you book through Agoda its very cheap about 900 Baht.

  4. <br />
    And now we can compare two points of view:<br />-google view<br />-<b>real world view</b>
    <br /><br /><br />Up to the point of carrying the prince to the clinic i believe the 'real world view'. As a prisoner hardly can walk over to the prison hospital, which is in a completely different building outside the Remand Prison, and then to a private hospital outside the prison several kilometers away, the further statements are based on hearsay, rumors etc.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    We spent around 4 days taking him back and forth to the Prison Clinic.

    We actually managed to get him a wheel chair for a while.

    This is 100metres from building one and in the Prison area near central control.

    Next door there is a huge quite well equipped Prison Hospital but until he fell completely unconscious they would only let him visit the clinic.

    I cannot say what happened to him after he fell into the coma as I didn't see him again. We were informed by the clinic staff and guards that he died there.

    An awful situation that ended in tragedy. I wish I could have helped more.

    My statements are not based on hearsay, as I spent quite some time with him and if I can shed some light on the last few days he was with us in prison please just send me a pm.

  5. <br />Any proof of what the guy is saying about the flu and mask? Or just an "email"?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    It is without a doubt true.

    Even stuff sent in to us by embassies wasn't given to us for free, no cigerettes in payment no goods.

    I watched the Prince of Lichtenstein die slowly in our building after he was refused his diabetic medicine.

    Very sad but very true, your life is worthless in a Bangkok Prison.

    Than you must have been imprisoned in a private hospital in Nonthaburi, because that is where Prince Hohenlohe (not Lichtenstein) died. He was also not refused medicine for diabetes, because even neither he himself nor his family knew that he had diabetes. Only tests in the prison hospital confirmed diabetes, and he was straight away transferred to a nearby private hospital.

    But let truth not spoil a good story. :)


    He was in building 1 of Bangkok Remand Prison.

    This is around late July or early August 2007.

    He was never taken any further than the prison clinic not even to the next door Prison Hospital.

    I know because I helped carry him there.

    He told us he was waiting for medicine to be brought in.

    And I was still there a few days later when the Swiss Embassy came for an inspection of the building after the tragic incident.

    They moved most of the prisoners out of the building that day to show the prison wasn't so overcrowded.

    The truth is sad enough !!!!!!!!!

  6. <br />Might be a good time to NOT crackdown on the people smuggling drugs into prisons. The drug they may start smuggling is Tamiflu.<br /><br />On a more serious note, however, when you deprive people of their freedom, whether justified or not, you assume a certain responsibility for their care. In a country such as Thailand, that would include food and medicine since the country is not too poor to provide it. <br /><br />As someone else mentioned, there are a lot of people awaiting trial. They haven't been convicted of anything.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Thanks Scott

  7. They have chosen to break the laws of the people and rightly so have no say in what happens to them. The majority of prisoners are young men and therefore should be last on the list to receive medicine for swine flu.


    More than 70% of all the 5,000 prisoners in Bangkok Special Prison are awaiting court and judgment.

    They have NOT been sentenced and have NOT been given any chance to prove or show their innocence.

    This can take years with the system here.

    I seriously believe someone is innocent until proven guilty, but it seems your judgment is just to kill them all if their unfortunate enough to be waiting their court case in jail.

    Which Embassy do you work for ?

  8. <br />Any proof of what the guy is saying about the flu and mask? Or just an "email"?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    It is without a doubt true.

    Even stuff sent in to us by embassies wasn't given to us for free, no cigerettes in payment no goods.

    I watched the Prince of Lichtenstein die slowly in our building after he was refused his diabetic medicine.

    Very sad but very true, your life is worthless in a Bangkok Prison.

  9. post-73494-1240380954_thumb.jpg

    Hi! My name is Kevin and I'm President of The Samui Pirates MC


    As we say on our website: "We are a biking Club, not a biker gang".

    If you consider Samui is roughly the same size as the Isle Of Wight, then it 's pretty amazing that there are 5 Bike Clubs on the island:

    Samui Pirates MC, Samui Riders MC, Sunriders MC, Independents MC and The Nowhere Riders MC. Thais and Farangs.

    We all get along great and, between us, we have raise many hundreds of thousands of Baht for the local schools, hospitals, orphans etc. etc.

    There is one Bandido living on the island and he's a really nice guy. We have Bike Club friends form all over Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore. All of whom, it's a pleasure to see at all the Biker Weekends we attend. Never any trouble coz we are all brothers. We love to ride, we love to party and we spend a lot of time doing charity work. So we can't be all that bad.


    Thanks for that kevin,

    Be round for a beer later

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