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Posts posted by birdbirdbat

  1. Hello ladies,

    Got my saliva tests back and was told Progesterone would help. (I sent to a US lab directly)

    Where can I buy online and best brands?

    ProFeme 10% Progesterone Cream for Women from OZ Is attractive but it's over 3000B a tube PLUS SHIPPING. I live in a remote area so Bangkok or Cambodia is not an option for me.

    Any favorite brands or online chemist can you recommend? Please help.


  2. Facial Onset Sensory Motor Neuropathy FOSMN That's what it is being called. This is now considered a RARE disease. And it is suppose to be related to ALS.

    RARE, because so few people have been diagnosed. I've read there may be 50 people worldwide with this diagnosis.

    ALS because it involves the peripheral nervous system. Both the sensory and motor systems. It is progressive. There is no known cure or treatment. The ability to eat and breath are slowly diminished to unsustainablity without aid.

    OK, I have the rare blessing of acquiring this strange disease. There seems to be no way to know how or why I've been so lucky.

    As of now I can still eat, although it's very difficult. Most food needs to be processed with a blender or something. I use a CPAP machine through the night while I sleep to help with extreme apnea. During the day I have to very conscious of my breathing.

    The major issue seems to be with my facial, skull, neck sensitivity, Also the muscle atrophy to my upper body. Loss of weight due largely to the inability to eat properly. And whatever else seems to be taking over my bodily functions.

    Does anyone out there have this “condition” or know of some who might? Please step up and say something so that we might begin to get the answers we seek.

    thank you for any light to be shed.

  3. Hello Arkady,

    Thank you for the response.

    If I have a blue book with no "owners" name on in and all previous occupants names removed? Can I hold on to this as proof of owner ship of the said house? Or is it best to keep it in a Thai name and make a contract? (This is just for the structures)

    The other 500 houses in this village do not have land papers, everybody own the structures separate from the land, as they have been classed as temporary structures, there is no deed, nothing to do with the land dept. most houses are made from wood and could be moved. All though this village has been there for 100 or more years. So I believe the issue of the land is not relevant. Just the house.

    What is the best action to hold this property?

  4. I would like to legally own a house separate to the land.

    For a legal sale:


    Can I have a blue book, with the previous name of the Thai owner removed? So a blank blue book (same as a condo)


    A yellow book, for where I am listed as living on the same address


    A bill of sale from the previous Thai owner, to my name? or company name?

    4. Once I have the yellow book, I can change the electric meter to my name. Is this true?

    All comments welcome

    Or should I just draw up a 30+-year lease on the house building?

    Spoke to the pu yai baan, and he said getting me a yellow book was no problem. i'm on a non O visa. but no Thai spouse.

    thank you

  5. Changing from a Non IMM-O to another Non IMM -O

    I have had 5 years of Non Imm O visa's based on marriage. My partner and I have decided to divorce and in 2 months my visa expires. I want to change my Non IMM O based on marriage to Non IMM O multiple entry based on friends and family. I'm a US passport holder.


    Can I do this at my local immigration office and keep permission to stay valid?


    Do I leave and get a new Non IMM O multiple entry visa in KL ( or somewhere else) ? :jap: THANKS FOR HELPING!

  6. Sorry dumb question. :o

    Just to be clear.... can the farang Wife or Husband draft a holographic or public will (in Thai of course) at the Amphur and leave their assets: Car, Motorbike, Condo and House (lets say the farang has pulled it off and put it in his name) to their surviving spouse as well? Or must it be filed by a lawyer and registered "aproved" first somewhere else, What would one need... a certified or notarized passport copy I would assume?

    I too, was quoted 20k for a simple will.

    Thanks! BBB

    BTW Dragoman YOU ROCK! :D

  7. BK : I called them last night and they told a different story:

    Fidelity must first transfer the money to a Intermediary Bank WITH A ABA/Routing Number FIRST. Once there, it can move over to international Bank, thats where the SWIFT CODE comes in. You must call them, then fax a "non -retirement redemption form" with all the information on it.

    In other-words: it cant go just with a SWIFT number. And the internet was not available, only into a US Bank- Not the SWIFT part of the transfer. that step has to be done via phone & fax.

    Cheers BBB

  8. Fidelity does not have a problem with being in Thailand- and the transfers seem to be a good rate $15 U.S. I do maintain a ( friends) address in the states thou- I heard that Siam Comm has branches in the states- so Im hoping they have a Intermediary Bank ABA/Routing Number that I can use here- It will make life o' so much easier!! Anybody know it , or have a contact at SCB I can call? THX!

  9. I have a fidelity investment account in the US and Im wanting to transfer into my Siam commercial account- just got off the phone and was told I can't use the swift code letter but needed a 9 digit NUMBER to a US correspondent bank first ( ABA routing number). Anybody have experience with this? Dose Siam Commerical bank have a Intermediary Bank ABA/Routing Number? Or must I find another US bank to do this?



  10. help! Small red ants have moved into my G4 i book. they seem to like its compact space and sleek design :o this can't be good! ive cleaned it well and i store it at night inside a plastic bag, inside its case. any other suggestion to get them to move out?

  11. My partner owns some land in southern Thailand– it has rubber trees (most are too big and old now) and it’s near more and more houses. It sits low on a hill. The land office says it will make upgrades soon from a Bor tor ha to Nor sor sam. It’s well marked with cement markers and its been surveyed by the Or bor tor.

    Can this be true, Are Bor Tor Ha deeds being upgraded in the south?

    So the question is: Has anybody (or their spouse) on the forum successfully upgraded a Bor tor ha or s or. Kor. Nung land title? If so, could you share your experience?


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