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Posts posted by sweetest_mango

  1. hi all-

    your favorite stir pot...

    i find it laughable everyone arguing and parsing the words of the writer. the bottom line is - unless you have the money, you cant stay. period. slice it and dice it anyway you want.

    what is seriously f-ed up about this is that no one i can remember even said...gee, poor guy. hes right you know, what a shxt and thanksless thing to do (to us all). i mean the guy is supporting someone here and that is the thanks. the entire policy is wholly daft and im not going to indirectly support it with my money.

    the govt is playing each and every one of you for succkers. your life savings will be robbed when the current construction/land bubble comes due. the economist this months states that 15-25% of banks have unservicable loans on books that could crash each institution.

    the govt is major, big time ######. foreigners come to thailand and clean up the garbage and chaos the thai men leave behind. they marry women who are unamrryable, take care of lazy, drunken thai mens children. and this is the thanks.

    no where has anyone posted. yeah! that sucks. im boycotting thailand....im very curious what would make you boycott? answer =nothing. youll go when the pussy is taken away. until that, youll endure financial rubbish requirements an dendles sinsults.

    th etruth gentlemen....it is easier for us/european/aus/nz to come and go and live in each others countries without this bogus requirements than to come and live in a third world country.

    i think at a minimum - all foreign asst (ngo, community based orgs...) should be talied and a letter of boycott be presented to govt AND stop funding all programs as a general boycott measure. further, cut off all monies to thai 'wives'. no illusion you all would actually stand up for one another -so maybe it can be done as a anon group.

    its is really an outrage the way foreigners are treated. 12 million persons pass thru the country each year acc to tat. and the thanks.....F-you falang! its not just the govt, you see it every day in the attitude in the street these years.

    every country has a right to set its own rules however xenophobic and jingoistic. you have a right to visit or not. excercise your right gentlemen. stand for something for once in your life besides in a line for a pint of ale.

    ps: the idea that you cant get a 'clear answer' because its songkran, do you ever get a clear answer? i think the fact this board exists says NO. they are playng you all for suckers.

  2. well well -

    yes, you got me. it was april fools and the only defense i have was that i just came off a 20 hour flight, had no idea what day it was (lest of all april 'fools' in thailand) checked my mail, saw the thaivisa story hit the roof.

    was quite tired when i typed the missive and what i meant to say was -if you are an old guy rooted here for years, i understand why you are here. its home. it was in many ways my home. what i dont understand is all these other guys coming over in droves (esp that last 3 years). well, i really do -PUSSY.

    BUT... my turn to fire back -esp since i have been cajoled

    pattaya used to be fun. now, ever freak imagined and many that i cannot are here and guess what -thems is yous.

    youre old, your fat, the girls make fun of you, you cant speak thai worth a <deleted>-k, you dont know sonkran from loi krathong, but hey -you got the monnee. even though youve been here for a few years and you think you have some god given right to thailand because you at the END of your pathetic, divorced life have cobbled together a pittance and have come to thailand to blow it all. your childrens inheritence. the thais aint genuinely nice to you pal - its the MONEEE.

    this self righteous attitude as if like you belong here is a joke. youre no more thai than a wash basin. THIS WHOLE CONCEPT THAT YOU ARE BETTER THAN OTHERS BECAUSE YOU HAVE 'MONEY' IS SO SORDID AND BANAL it makes me puke. most of you losers have no idea what serious money even is. if you did youd be at home in a posh house with a lady there -cause i know ###### well you freaks dont eat the food, cant suffer the heat, cant speak the language and have not a clue about the culture (this is not necc directed at old timers).

    id be utterly shocked if more than a few of you atthe end of your dire, pathetic, babbitt troll of a life is/are worth more than a million usd. not that that is real money mind you, just a figure. thats why your here -duh! cause you can be a big spender even though you are not. you can harrass and poke fun and belittle people that have less than you. maybe during your selfish life others were doing good things and making honorable merit - you the salesprick babbitt, the insurance <deleted>-k, the peddler, the ambulance chaser, the menial middle manager, the 'financial advisor' [lol!].

    ive had a good life, worked some, played a lot, TRAVELLED A LOT. good education despite my rants and keyboard bangings. whats the harm in a travel to india? indi is loads of fun. course MOST OF YOU have never been much of anywhere save for the pub and back to the squlalor of your tired little house and frumpy wife. bet my bag weighs less than your gut -im positive. as if travelling and seeing the world is a bad thing. you smug chuckleheads sit at your computers at type this and that, angry words they are to be sure -its because you now its all true:

    youre a loser

    youre a big fat dope

    the girls arent payng attention to you -its the wallet

    your just a dumb ass, uneducated babbitt. you wouldnt know culture if it bit you on your ass -the snide india comments go to the heart of this truth. both to travel and culture.

    you came to late to the party. SORRY ..thermae is done, so is patpong -YEARS AGO. guess what -nana, pales to its former glory and soi cowboy, well that was done even before i hit the scene

    what is so great about this modern thai culture? the country has TOTALLY lost its compass. were any of you aware that thailand owes a huge part of its culture TO INDIA? of course you were. fact is most of you twits havent been anywhere and if youd all be honest you would not be in thailand if it were not for the sex that you pay for.

    most of you are too clueless to know when you are getting gamed. so be the fat happy bastards. and look at the ego in the replies!! this was never an -i know thailand better than you. i was a post noting:

    thais -just plain rude often times.

    april fool joke i got played to be sure

    i understand why the old guys are here, but as thailand continues to throughly insult and harass the foreigner -the dumb ass SEX TOURISTS (thats really waht you are OH > drunkards too!)

    thailand has squandered its resources. its a huge cesspool. theres not a decent reef, the noise, air pollution...

    what is really funny, you fat ugly, drunk ass pricks 9to toss a few names about myself). never had an attractive date in your lives. you come to thailand for the sex. find some woman. marry/settle and then go cheat on her!!! then you rationalize by saying that its the 'thai way'. in any culture that is a loathesome act.

    what is even more pathetic than the man that comes here for sex. the lonely loser that comes here for love.

    but i will have the last laugh from you dumb ass sex tourist drunks (i can say all this since the issue had degenerated into NAME CALLING -not addressing the issue/post) -when this country has serious water and power issues in less than a decade and muslim terrorism has dropped the bottom out of land prices, air pollution, global warming, chemical waste, bank crash and corruption that can match africa. my money (my trust) will be secure and i will be having a blast no matter where i am in this great and dangerous world.

    its so funny -you are SOOOOOO stupid. you invest in a house, put half mil baht in the bank AND marry a local -and you still grovel for the 'privilage' of living in a third world country. guess what dummy....THAT IS WHAT THE THAIS - YES, THE THAI PEOPLE -NOT THE THAI GOVT >> TELLING YOU EXACTLY WHAT THEY THINK OF YOU. but, like the oaf you are -you whine and cry and crawl back. you get lawyers, play games with your money.... but no one does anything about it -why, cause of the pussy.

    its fine for a holiday and once was a paradise - but i cannot see how being forced to be married, own a business/home, have mils of b in the bank -is a good thing. and much of that you still have to make a visa run 3-4x a year! its a TOTAL LAUGHABLE JOKE.

    namaste - see you in tibet next year guys? trekking the kkh hwy in n.paki? tribes in lao/burma golden triangle (or just go to the bigc in chang rai HAH), diving in southern phils or sabah/sarawak? no -its the bar stool for you bloke-ies. and as people go on fantastic adventures -youll just be there, on your ass, the permanent sex tourist and bar fixture - just you and your gut as company (and whomever else youve PAID FOR). doesnt sound like much of a life to me, but then again, most of you have never had a pretty girlfriend or sex without paying for it.

    -but as they say, up to you

  3. this is my first post and perhaps the last to the group. ive been travelling to thailand for about 12 years now, spending no less than 4 mos a year in thailand and another 6++ somewhere in asia.

    what i am about to say most likely will elicit the response from the 'wealthy' newbies to thailand -fine, go, we dont need you anyway. they forget i (we) were doing this while they were stuck in stupid jobs often to afraid to come here -or the more clueless had not much known of the place.

    anyway, i came in to the arirport and met all the sourness that th eland of smiles -know to beknown as the land of <deleted> could muster. the girl at the bmta booth, true to forma had no change for a 500 and instructed me to go break my money -all the while doing her makeup. im beyond letting this outwardly get to me anymore -its just the stupid, lazy thais. foregt they have no skills and how hard it is working for a living in the fields.

    now i read of a SHOWER BAN? of course, no one is doing anything of the sort. not only that can you believe it?!! people travel 1000s of miles, many see this heat as insane (im good with it) and the thai govt wants to fine tourists for showering -it goes right to the heart of the thaksin administrations hatred of whitey and promotion of chinese.

    im going to spend more time at 'home' as well as india, philippines and who knows where panama? id go to lao but id have to do it via thailand -its getting personal.

    i personally think unless you are an old guy with serious roots that you have to be a moron to settle here. the sourness and hostility, the anti-farang campaigns to make us out as monkeys, idiots and sex fiends, the morons that put huge sums of money into dodgy, non insured banks with no interest, the land speculation bubble is back -

    im headed to india. i knwo that this is not for most of you guys. in fact youd not be in thailand if a 777-200 did not get you here, live in aircon, eat at mcd/pizza hut and of course get more no fee pussy in a week than youve ever scored at home in your lifetime. what kills me is this total wave of bs coming out of the govt - whats even worse, the single male continues to flock here -

    and i migh add - even when policies harm th elocal people, as long as the pussy is about, youll endure any insult. nowadays i 'feel' like a sex tourist. no thai -not even men want to sit next to you, few chat you up and the smiles -

    that is just marketing hype.

    good day gentleman and please dont shower on the way out to the gogo even though you built 3 in your b10,000,000 home.

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