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Posts posted by FrankSolo

  1. After the postponement of the final decision last month, most of us had thought that the current hours won't be changed...alas, we were wrong.

    Some questions though :

    1. OPENING hours have NOT been changed, have they ? There had been talk of having all the venues to open at 6 pm, instead of 1 pm.

    2. How about 'restaurant' type of places (those with no music) outside the zones ? As we know, there are so many of those, most of them outdoors. I hope at least they will be permitted to stay open till 2 am.

    3. Snooker clubs ?

    4. There has been no change to the hours for selling/serving alcohol, right ? I mean one can still get beer from 7-11 after midnight or one can still get beer at a restaurant after midnight, right ? I am asking this because somewhere I read about someone going to a 7-11 and being told that he cannot purchase beer, as it is past midnight.

    Assuming the opening hours have not been changed, I feel that the owners will have their venues (yes, even the dance clubs) open at a much earlier hour. But for instance, how many customers will feel like going to a danceclub around, say, 7 or even 8 pm ?

    For drinkers and bar/pub-goers, they will simply start drinking 1-2 hours earlier. Of course for people who work, till, say, 6-6.30 pm, they might have to start immediately after work !

    Whatever the answers to the above questions are, the 'easy-going' and 'fun' atmosphere of the nightlife will certainly be ruined. Sad :o



    I was denied buying a beer after midnight at 7-11 on Sukhumvit soi 23 yesterday, they even had brown paper covering the cooler.

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