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Posts posted by ricbkk

  1. My employment finishes at the old company next month. I have just signed the contracts for the new company so my work permit is still active at the moment.

    Contact labour and explain and have your new compnay start the paper work. When your employement ends, you can get 7 days from immirgation for 1,900 baht. If you can manage to get the new WP within those 7 days, you don't need a new visa but can just apply for a new extension of stay based on your new employer. If you are marred to a Thai you can get 60 days instead of 7.

    But like said, contact the labour office as 7 days might not be enough, it depends on the labour office and job.

    That was exactly what I was going to do but unfortunately I have to go to a partners meeting in Singapore just as my contracts swap over. So there wont be enough time to get the new work permit etc. I will be in Singapore for a week and staying near the embassy so it will be convenient enough to get a visa. I am just confused with this new condition saying I must have proof of a flight leaving Thailand again. I could always get my secretary to reserve me a flight in 3 months and send me the ticket and cancel it when I get back but it seems unnecessary when I will have the WP3 form from immigration. I have tried calling the embassy in Singapore to check the actual requirements but they are engaged. Never mind its not a big issue..... Thanks for your advice though

  2. I will be going to singapore next month to apply for a Non Imm B as I have just changed jobs. I noticed that they now require an Exit flight from Thailand. Although I do travel a lot a rarely know until about two weeks before I fly out. Do I really need this for a Non Imm B or is that just for a tourist visa?

    Any advice from anyone who has recently applied for a Non Imm B in Singapore would be great.


  3. All this paperwork and they are unable to issue a proper ID card for people with work visas. Lame~~~


    - Looks like the bash the Thais fraternity is up early this morning.

    - What ID card are you talking about? You get a work permit book, is that not sufficient?

    - Did Sunbelt give total information about every possible scenario about issue of work permits? No, they gave a quick summary. Do you really expect that the Sunbelt summary would include every possibility about new graduates plus new business and every other configuration?

    - Go to the Labour office in Samut Prakan, Pathom Thani, Chonburi city, Chiang Mai, Lampang and you will see hundreds of people getting work permits who obviously don't have degrees and quite possible many of them have no more than very basic primary education.

    - Many years ago I worked for an oil company which wanted to bring in dozens of specialists needed for a major plant start up. Most of them didn't have university degrees but they did have enormous and highly valuable and critical experience. This was all explained to the head of the local labour office and he quickly agreed to authorize work permits for these people. Plus he visited the plant, he was invited to take a tour, which he readily agreed to then he gave a quick presentation to the Thai staff who were to be involved in preparing the work permit applications, plus he visited another couple of times to check that the process was working smoothly, and it was.

    I'm also aware of another case, one of the international hypermarket operators, they brought in dozens of Europeans, many didn't have a degree but did have long-term enormous experience which was needed to set-up / start-up the business, all explained to the Labour office, no problem, work permits issued.

    I totally agree with you.

    I have been here for 17 years and am now moving to work for my 3rd large Thai company. My career has progressed as it would have in any other country. I don't have a degree but have been able to prove my experience in my field. I have known a number of people who have berated the Thai government and their procedures while here and always wished Thailand would make it easier for them. I have also known another group of people who have always tried to live within the regulations and move with the flow. The latter always seemed more professional and grounded to me and managed to maintain a much more sustainable and stress free work life.

    As I am changing over my work permit from company B to company C I was also a little confused about the information stated by Sunbelt however, all that was needed was a simple call to them to ask what the situation was. They asked me a couple of questions about my experience and qualifications and then explained what I needed to do and put me perfectly at ease again. There was no forced sell and they were perfectly helpful. So, to put it in a nutshell, if you are worried give someone a call it is much more beneficial than throwing out theories of corrupt officials and xenophobes.

  4. great ideas. But are worthless. The government can impliment all the programs they want, but until the desire to learn is in the hearts and minds of Thai students it will all be for moot and a waste of money.

    The kids need to learn, it is not a matter of desire, the desire exists. It's a matter of feeding this desire with proper material.

    Good and positive answer. To change the minds of todays and future generations will not happen over night and is a problem that covers the globe. However, it appears to me that the Thai government is willing to implement infrastructure which will help nuture those who have the desire to learn and make eduction in various sectors more accessible. This is a definite step in the right direction.

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