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Posts posted by ozgirlinbkk

  1. I'm sure there are nursing homes nearby, but they are more oriented towards Thais and don't really advertise for farang. Here's a link that shows a bunch of homes here in Thailand. Unfortunately, most ads are in Thai.


    I ran across one because a neighbor is starting it up. Would have never found about it otherwise, and it's pretty good. 20k or so for a shared room. 35k or so for a private room. 50k or so for a big private room and 24x7 nurses:


    I know it's not in your area, but it gives you an idea of what's out there. Here's a quick Google search which shows some options in your area:


    This is a thread on Thaivisa started last year. Not sure if the OP ever started the home, but you could PM him. If he doesn't answer, let me know and I'll send him an email:


    I know you can get a nurse from the local hospital (probably a government one, not a private one) for about 500B per day. Not sure if they'd speak a lot of English, but it's an option. And one we've looked into.

    We've got a maid who helps out with my 89 year old mother. It works out OK, but she's not a professional and speaks little English. Both of these issues cause problems. Especially since my mother has severe dementia. But, the price is right and my wife and I do the best we can. I can't imagine our maid being able to take care of mom if we didn't live here. No way.

    There are going to be lots of issues your father in law will have to deal with. Hospital visits are a biggie. Who will manage his care? Brush his teeth every day, etc? Finances are another. Who will deal with this? I've got a friend of a friend who makes about $6k USD per month. Has a young Thai gal taking care of him and at the end of the month, all the money is gone. HIs rent is $800 USD per month and he's an invalid. Rarely goes out. We try to talk with him about this and he doesn't want to talk about it. He doesn't care. Unfortunately, his daughter back in the US does care. But nothing she can do either. She never had a power of attorney filed.

    Not an easy issue and I wish you the best of luck.

    Thanks very much for the links...the scenario you raise at the bottom of your message is exactly what we are worried about - trying to find someone reputable to look after him, once he cannot do it himself...without anyone to regularly check on his quality of care. It's ripe for exploitation.

    We are on the other side of the world. and just don't have the means to fly to Thailand on a regular basis. He could come back here - but we don't think he will do that. He only gets a pension of about $2000 a month, which is not much back here, and the winters are horrifyingly long and cold.

    The zbreeze looks like a possibilty, but again, not sure if he will move out of his house...it is in the ex-wife's name, and once he packs up sticks, she'll sell it off and he won't get a cent, although he did pay for it...

    We found a couple links to home nursing services online, for Anantarak Health Training School and another person called Pi Ying (not sure if she runs a nursing care business, or is the carer herself).. I will try to contact them...but again, will be almost impossible to know if they are doing their job properly, or just collecting a paycheck.

    Thanks again for your message, appreciate the input very much.

  2. There are not any good nursing homes in or near Hua Hin. So I would suggest a good live in housekeeper/ nurse to look after him. You would have to pay 15-20,000 a month. But that is cheap compared to UK You could put him in a nice hotel near the hospital . Full board monthly rate would be quite cheap.

    Thanks very much. Can you recommend any contacts that might help me locate a reputable nurse/housekeeper?

  3. Hello,

    I’m hoping I can get some recommendations about home nursing/elder care for my 80-year-old father in law. He has been living in Thailand for the past 15 years, and his health is declining. He has split with his Thai wife, who he thought would care for him in his remaining years. Recently he had a heart attack, but is now back at home (on his own).

    We live on the other side of the world, with our small children, so we cannot be on hand regularly to help him out. He wants to stay in Thailand and not return to his country of birth.

    My question is…can anyone recommend a reliable nursing service or person who would be able to provide home care/nursing care for him? He has talked about getting his maid to move in, but she is a young woman in her early twenties with no experience caring for an 80-year-old farang in declining health.

    I know that the concept of a nursing home is not the Thai way, but there are many farang who retire to Hua Hin/Cha Am…what do people do when their health is declining and they have no family to assist nearby?

    Thanks in advance for your advice on this matter

  4. Hi,

    My family is staying in Hua Hin for a month, and would love to receive recommendation on activities to keep young children entertained (especially for rainy days).

    Are there any indoor playgrounds? Also, where are the best outdoor playgrounds?

    We are staying near the beach and the complex has a pool, but I would love to hear of other activities/destinations for young kids (2ys and 4yrs).


  5. Hi,

    I bought a second hand car and the interior upholstery (velour/fabric) needs a thorough clean, possibly a steam cleaning. There are a lot of pen marks from where kids scribbled on the backs of the seats, and some other unidentifable stains. Any suggestions on where this can be done in Bangkok?

    I have heard of a place near Carrefour on Rama 4 but they charge a whopping 6,000 baht - just for the interior plus another 6,000 for exterior - not surprisingly there clientel all own Jags and Mercs!


  6. I have done fasts/detox at Spa samui and at the Sanctuary at Koh Phangan - I prefered the Sanctuary (micer beach and surrounds than Samui), but there was not too much difference between the two - both should come in well under your budget. I believe there are also other places on Koh Phangna which are a bit fancier - but would probably still fit your budget - a google search will lead you to those.

  7. Hi,

    Can anyone reccomend a good and inexpensive place for a massage in the Thong Lo area or nearby?

    Looking for swedish/oil massage with no hanky panky! Used to go to Arima Onsen near Silom, which was great, but now I live too far away, and in my new neighbourhood most of the massage places are very expensive or too sleazy.


  8. Ten years ago a friend was back-packing around Thailand and caught with a tiny bit of pot. He didn't have very much money for a bribe, or else he was arrested by an honest cop, because he ended up being charged. The judge fined him a total of 80 baht, given the small amount of pot, but he was deported too.

    He wants to return now for a friend's wedding. My question is, once deported can you ever return? I suggested that he apply at the Thai embassy in Australia for a visa in advance, but he is worried that even if he gets the visa, he may still be refused entry at the border. He would be coming with his 12-month-old son so he really does not want to have any problems when he lands at the airport.

    Does anyone know how he can find out whether he is on an immigration blacklist? Or if he gets a visa in advance can he be reasonably sure he will be allowed entry.?


  9. Molly Malone's Irish Pub in Convent Silom has a lunch deal. 199 baht for any of the following during 12 and 2pm everyday including weekends.

    Fish & Chips

    Rib Eye Steak egg and chips

    Pork Chop & Onion Gravy with mash

    Bangers & Mash

    BBQ pork ribs

    Corned beef and cabbage

    Irish Smoked Bacon Loin with mash

    thats good value for an irish pub. the portions are the same as the normal menu.

    Rib Eye Steak egg and chips got my attention :o That sounds like a really good deal.

    I had the rib eye steak and chips deal at Molley Malones two days ago - my husband and I agreed it was one of the toughest and most sinewy pieces of meat we had ever eaten. Much better offgoing across the road for some issan bbq from the street vendor!

  10. For my driver, basic salary is 9K a month, 8 hrs day, 5 days week. He gets about 100+ hours OT so total pay is close to 15K a month. This is paid by company. In addition we use him on weekends and we pay directly. This probably adds about 4-8k a month.

    Company wide we have about 30 drivers in Thailand. In the 5 years I have been here, there have been only 3 accidents (non fender bender types), none when expats is in the car. Only one resulted in minor injuries to the driver.

    We are serious about driving safety and all drivers are required to attend yearly safe driving course each year at which a test is administered. If they fail they are relieved of driving duties and suspended without pay for a month and given another chance to take the course and test at the end of the test. If failed again, they are fired. We have never had one fail even once.


    Thanks for all those replies. Could you please provide some more info on the safe driving course. When I do hire a driver, I would like to send them for a course like this. Cheers!

  11. Hi,

    I was told by my former karate instructor in Australia - a state champion and also a burly 6'3" - that it is always best to give any mugger what they want - you can always replace money, credit cards, watches, but not your life. If that doesn't work, a swift kick in the nuts and then run like hel_l. Last resort, stand and fight, but only when you truly believe your life is at risk. Using weapons yourself only escalates the risk of getting injured or having them pulled from your grip and used against you.

  12. Hello,

    I recently moved back to Thailand after six years away. Can anyone recommend a good Thai teacher who will come to my home?

    My spoken Thai is okay, but I don't know how to read or write so I would like to take some private lessons on that (and refresh my spoken Thai as well) before joining a group class.

    At the moment I don't have enough free time to take an intensive group course so I am looking for someone who can teach me in my home for about 6-8 hours per week.

    Many thanks for any suggestions!

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