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Posts posted by ossie99

  1. Slightly off topic but defenitely the same vein. I've been a poker player for some 20 years, and had hoped to suppliment my income whilst in LOS thru online gaming. I've heard mixed reports about the legality, but the funds are deposited and recieved by a foriegn bank account. Will I be forced to quit one of my jobs? Does this mean i can collect unemployment compensation? :o It would be great if we could get the facts on gambling in LOS, to stay in accordance with the Authorities. By the way, its not gambling if you win. Its a job like any other.

  2. I have been invoved with thai women before, but never was there an exchange of money. I find it morally questionable to pay for sevices rendered. As these girls move from their villages across the kingdom to sex trade centers like Pattaya, Phuket, Bkk, and now Chiang Mai, they lose their identity and the identity of this country unless you consider being cattle for the prodding, a worthy profession. Oh, And please pardon my butchery of your native tounge, but your snarkiness isn't appreciated.

  3. So quick to judge others without looking at yourselves first. Is/are drugs an epidemic in Thailand...Compared to the western world, where you guys haven't been in some time, the Drug scence in Thailand is a pittance. What is the real epidemic of this country is a sex trade that has gone unregulated and uncontrolled for so long. The spread of infectious diseases here is 10 fold that of the west. Not to mention the depressed state of women and equality, where tradework and craftsmanship falls to fake breasts and sex shows. So before you take that night on the town down at Patpong, realize that your contributing to the real demise of LOS.


  4. One other thing we have forgotten to mention is why someone would cut off the hand that fed them. Unless there was a extremely large insurance policy, which is nearly inexistant in LOS, on the poor blokes head there would be very little reason for foul play. The man was well to do and therefore so was the wife. 80,000 baht and a handful of crummy jewelry does not equate to the lap of luxury. My condolences to his wife and family, just one more senseless act of violence in a world spinning out of control.

  5. Thanks for the good info. I tried to get a tourist visa issued at Victoria point, but right now they are working on a stamp in/out basis maximum 3 days. They say that the area is opened to tourists and a slow boat takes 2 days to Rangoon. Anyone thinking of going to burma via this route, MAKE SURE TO GET YOUR VISA IN BKK, before heading south. Nothing worse than getting to the finish line only to be told you have to start over. Back to Bkk I go. Thanks for the help.

  6. I just arrived in Bkk from the south (Krabi) and my phone is unable to lock onto any of the networks, it just continues to search. The phone was purchased in the US, but once the thai SIM was in place, the phone worked fine. The phone is a samsung x-105 issued by t-mobile. Is there anything I can do to reset the tower search. I already tried a manual search, but the only network it showed was TH ACT 1900. Whats the deal here? Does anyone have a clue. Thanks for any advice you might have.

  7. I have a US bank account with funds obviously in USD. Are there any financial institutions that give the ATM choice of taking money in Baht OR Dollars? I dont really feel like paying double commissions to turn Dollars-Baht-Dollars. Your advice would be appreciated. I have travelers cheques as well, but I assume those would follow the same course. (Going to Myanmar, by the way, this is the reason for the USD)

    Thanks, Ossie

  8. For any of the Burmites out there, I was wondering if there were anyland bordercrossings for extended stays. Im trying to avoid going back to Bkk to fly into RGN. Im just south of Ranong, and would love to be able to enter the country through victoria point. Also, If i get my visa worked out online, do I need a physical addy for them to send it to, or can I pick it up on arrival at Victoria Point (hopefully) or RGN Airport. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

    Ossie on the move.

  9. I have opted to get my vaccinations whilst in LOS, rather than doing it here in the states seeing as the cost of Thyphoid, Hep A& B, and tetnus was going to run in the USD 400.00 neighborhood. Can anyone suggest a good clinic for these vaccinations in the Bkk area. Also, are they really neccessary? Small phobia of needles and adverse reactions makes me somewhat hesitant. I should also mention that I plan on traveling through Burma, Nepal, cambodia, and Vietnam. Are there any other vaccinations I should get considering my locales? Thanks for the Advice.


  10. Thanks for the information guys. I have a Samsung x-105 and just had them unlock the phone for use in Thailand. The question is, where/how do I recharge the minutes when I run low. Does it require getting a new SIM card each time, or do they just increase the minutes when I fork over the Baht? Are there any contracts, and if so, are any in the 6 month range? Will the phone still let me know how many minutes used/available? International vs. Local. Thanks for any help you might be able to offer.

    See you in LOS in 10 days.


  11. Thanks for the info. One suggestion a friend made was to withdrawl a substantial amount of money from my US bank, say 80,000 bhat when I arrive, and then in turn open a passbook acct at regional bank, with local debit card thereby avoiding paying transaction fees whilst in country. Any suggestions on banks to use. Likewise, can I still use this account while travelling through cambodia and Vietnam. Lastly, anyone know any good banks in the US that have lower fee percentages? Thanks in advance for your replies

  12. Hi all, I am due to arrive in Thailand at the beginning of April and intend on trekking across SEA for the next 9 months. The problem I am having is with my bank(Wells Fargo) charging a USD $3.00 service fee and 3% currency conversion fee on all transactions made outside the US. Are there any US expats that have a better way to protect their money from greedy US financial institutions? I've considered opening a local acct, but will be also in India, Vietnam, Cambodia, etc. and wont have access to regional branches. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.


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