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Posts posted by funmanager

  1. Dear All

    We just settled down in Pattaya and lived in Na Klau. We have 2 kids - Girl aged 6 and Boy aged 2 who are homeschooler. Would like to meet other homeschoolers for fun and activities. All nationalities are welcome.

    We speak Chinese, English and Thai.

    Please PM me if interested.

    Seems not too many practise home-schooling here.

  2. Dear All

    We just settled down in Pattaya and lived in Na Klau. We have 2 kids - Girl aged 6 and Boy aged 2 who are homeschooler. Would like to meet other homeschoolers for fun and activities. All nationalities are welcome.

    We speak Chinese, English and Thai.

    Please PM me if interested.

  3. My wife`s son was insured with AIA. When he was killed in a motorcycle accident they sent an insurance investigator who obtained signed statements from the boy`s friends to say that he had been drinking. 5000 Baht goes a long way here. The claim was refused & instead of paying out the 600K that his life was insured for they refunded the cost of the policy. Leave them well alone.

    That's because the agent do not tell you the Exclusion clauses. In any case, buy Life Insurance instead of Accident Insurance, which have a lot of exclusions, that's why it is cheaper!

  4. An AIA insurance salesman came to my house that other day and offered a health insurance and a savings program that not quite looks real.

    1. savings program - pay about 25,000 per year. after 7 years you have 400,000(???)

    2. Health insurance - covers everything - pay about 10,000 per year. and listen to this: you can quit any year and get your money back! even if you were sick and needed medical treatment through all that time!

    Is he pulling my leg? or is this dreamland?


    25000 x 7 =175000... Please read carefully on the contract you signed!

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