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Posts posted by Hanlie

  1. Hi All,

    I am wanting to have a money clip engraved. Does anyone know where in Bangkok I could have this done?

    I have heard possibly MBK? Does anyone have experience with this? If possible I would prefer central Bangkok.

    Many thanks!

  2. I am referring to the paste used in black olive nut fried rice that I have bought in Thai restaurants and also food courts. On the menu it says 'black olive nut fried rice' I believe in Thai it is called Thew Makak. It is not a really a western/international food if Thai people cook with it, is it.............?

  3. It can be found at most every Thai local market, I would be surprised if it wasn't sold. If you cannot find grated coconut in Thailand I suggest that you really need to get out a bit more (IMO).

    Have you tried to go to a Thai local market with two small children...??????? Think before you just comment!!

  4. Hello, I am wanting to see the Mambo Cabaret Show. Have any of you seen it?

    I believe booking the ticket online with a travel agent is cheaper that just buying it at the show. Which travel agent would you recommend?

    I have found two online - Oriental Escape and Alex Holiday. Does anyone have any experience with either of them?

    Also, what is address of the place where the show is held? I have found some conflicting information on the internet.

    Compared to the show at Calipso, how does it compare?

    Thanks, any information would be appreciated.

  5. Hi, can anyone tell me where I can find a travel shop in Bangkok? Specifically I am looking for packing cubes (like the ones seen in the photo attached). If anyone knows where I can buy those, please let me know.



  6. Sorry, I see now i did not finish my sentence. Does anyone know if it has opened up again. I know it was closed for a long time for renovation, and just wondering if it is open again. Thanks

  7. I recall one of these threads a few years ago and the consensus was noone had found them, but its been awhile and they may now be available in Thailand, but if they aren't at Central or Siam Paragon, then I wouldn't know where to look

    Yeah, I read that one from 2008 I think it was. Was hoping they might be sold here now...

  8. Hi all, a friend is wanting me to buy her a GHD hair straightener in Bangkok. Does anyone know where I can buy one of these? I have looked at Siam Paragon The Mall, MBK and the department store in MBK (can't remember the name now). Could not find any.

    Thanks a mil!

  9. Finally ............. they could extend to business class also .. I love babies but when you pay 3,000euro for a ticket ,you deserve some quiet time without some babies crying.... not their fault of course , we all have been babies but it can be really disturbing , specially when you have early meetings and need some sleep in the plane.

    You OBVIOUSLY do NOT have children...you should be ashamed of yourself for your comment!

  10. the night market in china town is as close as the thais have to a swapmeet or flee market.

    Thanks for the replies. I was just looking for an easy option... I have two little ones, so doing the markets with them is a nightmare.

  11. Pawn shops would be the only thing I can think of, other than people selling used boots and stuff on the steps to banks after hours.

    Not much of a market for 2nd hand stuff here from what I can see. I bought a 2nd hand Sony Home Entertainment system off an expat once - it took the wife 3 months to get over the fact that it wasn't new. :lol: I won't tell you her reaction to my contemplating purchasing a 'pre-lived-in' condominium - spooky that was.

    LOL! Yes, I have heard that the Thai people don't like to buy second hand. I am a thrift store junky, love getting stuff at a steal...

  12. Thai market "Talad Thai" Navanakhon, just past Rangsit have it. But you haven't said where you are, so it's a bit hard to help ya.

    True, sorry. I live in Ekemai.

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