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Posts posted by androssi

  1. Hi

    Does anyone still have Panini World Cup Football stickers that they would like to swap please?

    Stickers I have to swap;








    Stickers I need to get;








  2. Hi

    Does anyone still have Panini World Cup Football stickers that they would like to swap please?

    Stickers I have to swap;


    Stickers I need to get;




  3. http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/asia/4748903/McCully-demands-answers-over-Carter-death

    Foreign Minister Murray McCully is demanding answers over the death of Kiwi Sarah Carter in Thailand.

    Chiang Mai authorities yesterday said the cause of death for three tourists, including Carter, 23, remains mystery. It was thought she died of food poisoning.

    McCully said the reponse from officials was ''less than fully convincing so we are going to ask the appropriate further questions.'' He now wants ''further scrutiny.''

    Some further forensic work is still to be done on samples, he said. ''We are looking forward to seeing that too.''

    Asked if New Zealand should conduct its own investigation, he said ''lets not get ahead of ourselves.''

    '''Let's just ask the questions methodically . It's a very sad case obviously...the obvious questions need to be asked and answered fully.''

    Thai officials yesterday said they couldn't confirm food poisoning killed Carter. More blood tests are required from two friends who were travelling with her.

    The Wellington woman was one of four guests at a city hotel over a three week period last month.

  4. :)


    We saw our first outbreak a few months ago, and treated it. Now they are back in several areas all over the house. The landlord sent 2 guys armed only with a screwdriver and some sort of dust to treat it... I even had to strongly encourage them to look beyond the most obvious areas..

    Clearly I need some serious action by professional people...

    Can anyone recommend a reputable company (who also uses chemicals that are human and dog safe)

    Thanks alot

  5. Newbie Here. I have been reading the TV posts and the New Zealand government sites and all I got out of it was blind from too much reading. I am trying to find out what is required of myself, U.S. passport holder, and my Thai GF, Thai passport holder, to make a 30 day trip to New Zealand.

    Thanks for all advice in advance. This is a great forum and I appreciate the sharing here.


    For you, go here www.glossary.immigration.govt.nz/VisaFreeCountries.htm

    For your GF, go here www.immigration.govt.nz/migrant/stream/visit/visitors/quickcheck.htm

    and then I assume to here www.immigration.govt.nz/branch/BangkokBranchHome/Checklists/

    Good Luck...

  6. Hi,

    JSixpack is absolutely right. V-soy is the best with no dairy ingredients, comes in 2 variants - no sugar and low-sugar - both hi-calcium, and in 250ml and 1 L cartons..

    You might also like to try Nature Up from Tipco. Made from Oats - no dairy - in a few different flavours in a 200ml carton.

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