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Posts posted by Geckos

  1. I have a business here and my double pricing go's to the Thai's !! Everything in my shop has a price tag and when a Farang wants to buy something I tell him everything is 50% off the price and when a Thai wants to buy something they have to pay FULL PRICE !! I love it because most of my costumers are THAI :D

    What go's around comes around and some Thais have heard me telling the Farang they get 50% off and when they ask why they don't I tell them because their Thai and if they don't like it they can GO SOME WHERE ELSE !!! :) I have never had a problem and I've been here 12 years !!

  2. From what I understand because I had a friend hit a buffalo at around 9:30 at night we called the BIB they came out and they tracked down the owner and told him that he had to pay for the damage done to my buddy's car !! (I wish I had a Video camera) The owner was pisst rite off that they were telling him that he had to pay for my buddy's car !! He kept on saying were farang we must pay and of course he had no money !! Cops say buffalo not aloud on road !! In the end we said that he did not have to pay for the damage done to the car (big smile come to face) but we were not going to pay for the buffalo either !! (smile came off face) in the end police agreed that we did not have to pay and we left !! We could here the owner yelling at the cops 1/2 mile away :):D

    First and only time I think I will ever see a farang not get robbed from the cops or bent over from the owner of the buffalo or whom ever they maybe

  3. I may be incorrect but the bar in question is owned by Absolute....which is joint British and Russian....although their main operation is "holiday ownership" so I doubt they are going to worry about a 400 baht scam.


    Owned by Farangs and managed by Thai's !!! Thats probably even worse you walk into a bar where you think its owned by a Farang so if there is a problem you could talk to some one who would understand and then find out the owners are never there and you are greeted by some one who has an I.Q below 30 :)

    Thanks for the tip I for one will make sure I never drink in that BAR !!!! and also let my friend know about that bar !!

    How ever it does not sound like the owners give a shit maybe they will when more and more drinkers stop going there !! "NOT"

  4. The first incident I can see that.

    The second one The first mistake they did was to rent a motor bike from the CLOWNS on the street !! Second which I'm still laughing about is they actually thought the police were going to help them :) they just found out that the police are the worst crooks here and the biggest ass holes.

    Third Make sure you drink in bars that are frang owned or this will happen 98% of the time when some thing like that happens in a Thai bar you will pay !!! They rank just below the Jet Sky renters and two stots down from the cops !!!

  5. Talking to my Accountant he was telling me that the Work Permit Fees will soon be going up 7,000 :D Baht more !! So instead of 5 or 6,000 baht it will soon be 13,000 Baht !! He also said that the Visa B and other Visa's will be going up 7,000 Baht also !! How can they just out of the blue say lets increase the fees 110% :) Oh I forgot T.I.T

    I know this because we are getting another Work Permit in our Company and she said to do it quickly as all the fees will be going up soon !!! :D

    I believe her because I've been dealing with her for 8 years and shes always been spot on in these kind of matters !!

  6. "LoL" :) Take one Drug Dealer out and thousands will not take up Drugs :D

    That has to be one of the STUPIDEST things I've ever heard !!

    Thats like saying take out one PIMP and a Thousand girls will not become a Prostitute !!

    Listen for ever one Drug Dealer killed there's a Thousand waiting in line to TAKE HIS PLACE !!

    The difference between DRUGS and PROSTITUTION and toxsin is you will never get rid of DRUGS OR PROSTITUTION but you will get rid of toxsin !!

    Drug Dealers are just like toxsin !! Take him out and there's a Thousand Butt Heads like him that want to take his place to do as he did "PILAGE AND KILL" !!

  7. WOW I can not believe that there are people here that think that Block Head, Square Head, Toxsin or what ever you want to call it or him think he should go free !!! I bet if Hitler didn't kill him self you would also say he DID NOTHING WRONG AND SHOULD BE FREED !!

    Toxsin should be stung up by the eye lids and kicked in his hairy beads til he BLINKS :)

  8. Phone any Pool Company they have it in stock !!! Remember you want cheap you get cheap !!!

    Should be no more than 200 Baht a bag !! For good Pool salt :)

  9. I just SOLD a bar last year and I know for a FACT IT IS ILLEGAL FOR THE POLICE OR ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER TO TAKE YOUR COMPUTER :) This happened to me and I phoned my Lawyer and he said it was illegal for the police to take your computer !!! When I went to the cop shop I said give me back my computer NOW or I will press charges !!! 10 sec later I had my computer back !! :D You see the bib here know more about breaking the law than they know about up holding the LAW !!! :D

  10. It's better to have a Marriage "O" Visa than a "B" Visa for a Work Permit !!! Because if you quit or get FIRED they "CAN NOT TAKE YOUR MARRIAGE VISA FROM YOU" but with a "B" Visa you have 7 days to leave the country if you quit or get fired no matter how long you have left on your Visa !!!!!! So go "O" Marriage Visa !!! You will thank your self for it and when you renew it it's only 1,900 Bath if you do it your self !!!! :)

  11. (A disinterested person reading the comments calling for Thaksin's demise or comparing him to Kim Il Jung and Hitler, would wonder as to the sanity of such people making these wild and exaggerated statements. Do you people ever stop to consider what your comments reflect? Whatever, Mr. Thaksin's sins and faults they are no more than many of the people currently in power. And yet, I do not see any of you clamouring for the death of various military generals or condemning various ministers past and present.

    I would have respect for your views if they were at least consistent. Thaksin is an easy target. However, I dare any of you brave self appointed defenders of democracy to go and confront one of the army generals and tell him what your views are. You won't because you are scared of the ramifications. Instead you piss all over Thaksin because like good bullies you can get away with it. The constant cheap shots at the people of Isaan, the Redshirts and Thaksin speak to your arrogance and ignorance.

    People do not follow a leader like Mr. Thaksin unless they feel disenfranchised and without hope. Treat the supporters of Thaksin with dignity and respect and stop exploiting them, and you will see Mr. Thaksin's support disappear. More importantly, I defy any of you to put your identities behind your pleas for Mr. Thaksin's death in a public statement, such as a newspaper ad, instead of hiding in an anonymous forum tossing cheapshots. You won't because you are cowards. Talk is cheap. If you are that unhappy go out in public, stand up and say something.)



    The is what he is POND SCUM !!!

  12. :) Funny that sounds just like in my country before I left 24 years ago !!! All the Foreigners coming to my country and bitching about this and that how my country wasn't respecting their religious believes or in their country they were aloud to this but can't do it here !!!! The first word they learnt in my country WHEN THEY ARRIVED was :D" DISCRIMINATION" :D because they new in my country that was AGAINST THE LAW AND YOU COULD GET ALOT OF MONEY FROM THAT WORD !!!!! Now just think if that word had as much power here as it does in my country !!!!!! WOW !!!!
  13. :) I live here because I choose to live here and I've ONLY been here 12 years !!! What I've seen in 12 years is this country is built on GREED AND CORRUPTION NOTHING MORE AND NOTHING LESS !!!! AND I CHOOSE TO LIVE WITH THAT !!! Ya there are worst place's to live with this greed and corruption but not that many !!! Thailand is the second most CORRUPTED country in Asia !!! AND A HUNDRED YEARS OF EDUCATION WOULD STILL SEE THAILAND WELL LIKE THE THAI SAY " SAME SAME BUT NOT DIFFERANT" Like I said thou I choose to live he because I see there's still some Thais with kind hearts !!!
  14. My understanding is now in Phuket if you only show the 400,000 in the bank for a O visa (Marriage) you still have to do a visa run every 90 days !! If you show your making 40,000 a month then you do not have to do the 90 days visa run you just have to check in with the immigration office !!! This started to happen last year in Phuket maybe different CM !!! Many of my friends that have O visa are upset when this started to happen !! :)

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