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Posts posted by jai

  1. Zorro = The worlds most succesful trader.

    very strange how internet forums has these peeple, always so many are successful and rich and handsome and have the best wife ever in a forum, in real life , maybe not. 5555

    jai your a goose. Click on my posts and you will find where I disclosed what I bought several months back and what I paid . Do it goose! 30-50% profit in a few months . Are you able to do that ? I will help you, click on my nick then search back . Then please post here with humble apologies :D

    p.s you will need to check their current pricing but you wont know how to do that either :)

    was just giving advice and your making it personal. Any further conversation will have to be via P.M your derailing the thread

    Yes Zorro, I'll owe you a dinner, I'll pick you up in my mercedes you can leave your motocycle at home. 55555555555

  2. . Better off investing it in the stockmarket on the global uptrend and triple it in 3 years right? give them the profits and thay can watch it grow everyday via internet platform, but hey its your money, up to you


    that is why you are so rich ?

    Garantee a 300% percent profit, you must be the only person on the planet to be abel to do such a a thing, i wish i was you. If you can garantee 300% pfofit you will be billionaire already and the worlds most succesful trader, maybe internet warrior/trader/milionaire is best description for you, in reality.....................555555

  3. farang peeple are lucky, they have choose over where they go to live, when not happy in thailand, why stay in thailand ????

    i want to go stay in european country but its difficult, im thai people but not easy for visa so difficult, why farang complain about thailand, they can come here easy and leave easy too, thai peeple cannot have big choice

  4. reading back through the original posters posts, I would imagine he would be very happy.

    he has nothing at all positive to say about thailand, why would he would want to come back ?

    Stay in australia is better for you, be happy there, don't come to thailand and be sad, think of your children.

    best luck for you,

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