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Posts posted by RugbyRugbyRugby

  1. <br />as posted in another topic<br />number of tourist in thailand for april 09 has increased by 25% compared to april 08, that is teh first month this year that tourism is up compared on month to month. <br />and in april last year there was nothing, compared to april this year the songkran riots<br />
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    your figures are wrong... incoming people into Thailand dropped from 160-170 thousand now at 20 thousand a month......or the article is typical Thai propoganda

  2. <br />Now everyone knows its proving a bad year for tourism. 5 star hotel occupancy is currently between 15% to 30% in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket around half normal levels for this time of year. I suspect the lower end of the market is doing a bit better. I dont know the exact numbers but I am sure they will show few tourists and tourists spending less money.<br /><br />Now it is easy to blame this all on the global recession but there is more going on out there...<br /><br />Compare this showing record numbers flocking to Bali....<br /><br /><a href="http://indonesia.homesgofast.com/news/bali-tourist-arrivals-now-up-I1376/" target="_blank">http://indonesia.homesgofast.com/news/bali...s-now-up-I1376/</a><br /><br />With this showing arrivals down 25% to Phuket...<br /><br /><a href="http://www.travelfish.org/board/post/travelnews/5796_phuket-tourist-arrivals-continue-to-plummet--grim-times" target="_blank">http://www.travelfish.org/board/post/trave...met--grim-times</a><br /><br />Why should Bali's visitors be at record levels and Phuket's collapsing. Is it simply the politics? Is it the slew of bad press over crime by here?<br /><br />One hotel owner told me that travel agents 'simply dont market Thailand anymore' and that 'there were just so many alternatives.' Another said there was no sign of there being 'anybody here' for the foreseeable future.<br /><br />So has Thailand had its 'day in the sunshine' as far as tourism is concerned or is it just a temporary decline due to politics and the economy?<br />
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    sorry yr wrong with your numbers, hotel occupancy all across Thailand down to about 10%, incoming travellers to Thailand down from 160 to 170 thousand a month now and 20 thousand a month... thid has more to do with what Thailand has down, and peoples percecption that Thailand is NOT a safe place to come to, they are simply going to HK, Vietnam and Singapore and yes Bali..Bali's numbers are going through the roof!

  3. <br />Hey I appreciate the replies, could you also mention why you are recommending a particular place? I have read a lot of recs for Banyan Tree, is it really that nice? I kind of get the impression it's a little cheesy and pretentious. It looks like the views are really nice, does the atmosphere match? <br /><br />It's a splurge night so expensive is doable.<br /><br />Rib Room looks kind of stuffy - I just checked out the website which doesn't have a lot of info from but from the photo it reminded me of the top floor at the Hancock Tower - place for a drink but probably not dinner. Please correct me if I'm wrong! Also it all looked indoors - do they have tables outside?<br /><br />thanks!<br />
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    i suggest you get away from all the tourist restaurants like vertigo..... try Giusto on soi 23, its probably the best Italian and mos classy restaurant in Bangkok.. wine expensive great atmosphere !

  4. <br />Well in my opinion this is the best place to go <a href="http://www.banyantree.com/bangkok/facilities/dining/vertigo.html" target="_blank">http://www.banyantree.com/bangkok/faciliti...ng/vertigo.html</a> ......... but make sure you have got deep pockets with arms to get to the bottom of them <img src="style_emoticons/default/cool.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="cool.gif" /><br />
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    Vertigo is great is you lke your tables one inch apart....... and people listening into your conversations.... terrible restaurant !

  5. <br />Hi,<br /><br />Today I had a piss in a public toilet - in the cubicle. Nothing wrong with that, except as I was doing the business, I noticed 2 empty ice-cream tubs, each with a small plastic spoon in the waste bin next to the toilet. it was inside a shopping mall with, as far as I know, no ice cream vendors nearby.<br /><br />How do you think they got there? Do you think someone (or 2!) actually ate ice cream whilst having a crap? Or is there some other explanation? Is this a common occurrence in Thailand?<br /><br />Plz help me solve this mystery.<br />
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    Maybe they were eating ice cream, and they bought elsewhere.... you surely cant be serious, whata wasted of a thread.......

  6. <br />Living in a tourist town with few tourists is, in a word, FANTASTIC! Let's hope it stays this way. The last thing any of us wants is a bunch of farangs clogging up our lives...<br />
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    wow, thats a smart response, none of us want the locals out of work, and businesses closing down, which is what will happen.... without tourists !

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