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bangkok country gal

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Posts posted by bangkok country gal

  1. For those fellow die hard Aussie rules footy fans can anyone pleeeease tell me a pub around Bangkok that has ABC asia pacific that will be vieweing the footy grand final this weekend?

    There is probably hundreds but i dont normally go to a pub to watch T.V.

    This is urgent as the game is this Saturday!

    The first non-victorian grand final ever !!!!! YAY!!!!!!! :o



  2. Hi fellow aussies or others interested in Aussie rules fotball.

    Me and my Aussie mates are looking for a pub to watch the footy grandfinal this weekend, do you know anywhere that will be viewing the game?

    Of course needs to be somewhere we can yell, scream and be obnoxious (in true Aussie football style).

    The first non-victorian grand final EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Go the Port power :o

  3. I am a little suprised that some of you on this forum are suprised or shocked at the fact that a girl was raped in Thailand. Are you aware that Thailand has one of the highest rates of domestic violence and sexual abuse in the world !!

    Women are raped and murdered every day here - many cases a result of love triangles and affairs and ultimately a lack of basic human rights. How about the human trafficking problem here - now theres a situation where women are raped daily by clients.

    Did you also know that many of the girls who work as sex workers also experience terrible forms of violence and emotional abuse from their friends, families, husbands, boyfriends and clients.

    These farang girls are sadly victims of this social issue.

    As the Blackeyed Peas say... where is the love...where is the love..where is the love.. the love.. the love....da..da..da..da


  4. and.....some of us ladies don't have sex with prostitutes.

    But be sure to know that whether we do or we don't it really doesn't matter.

    Can anyone help me out with a ticket to Jamaica? - like the sound of that.

    But then a well endowed man down below is not always well endowed above.

    Good sex is great, and great sex is good, but lets face it where's the fun if you can't communicate enough to wake up in the morning and tell each other how shitful you both look after a hard night ??

  5. My guess is that the tipster was a pissed off Thai girl - just a guess though. There are so many groups selling fake passports in Thailand, it is a lucrative business.

    Walk around Nana and start asking the foreigners for their passports and see the "of shit" :o look on their faces. Not something i do for pleasure i might add, but related to my field of employment.

    There are many refugees (legit and non legit of course) from Africa, Middle East and India who seek assylum in Thailand. Of course these people do not have a passport and usually make their money from passport selling and or other illegal activities. Westeners are lucky that international laws permit them to get a passport to anywhere with no/few questions asked - sadly not the same treatment if you are Indian, African, Middle Eastern. Not that i am justifying illegal activites by any means but just stating the reality of it all from my own experience with my job.


    Was out at dinner the other night and a farang person was handing out cards asking for 50 baht to buy a plastic keyring. On the card it was written that he was deaf. i thought i would test this and started communicating in sign language - he was quick to go to another table with a look of 'busted' :D on his face.

    chok dii

  6. Well i have to be honest and say that in the short time (14 months) that i have been here i have definately not found any Thai man attractive. For me i am definately in the wrong country if i'm looking for a relationship!!!!

    However, i have met many nice Thai guys i just dont find them attractive. Physically they are all wrong for me personally, too small and too feminine. Mentally i find them them on another planet, cannot save money, do not think about future. Spiritually i find them too hopicritical. We can all be hipocrats and nobody is perfect.

    Anyway you asked for our opinion so here is mine. Thankfully i love many other aspects of Thailand..the food..the temples...the history..the close proximity to other countries...the festivals..the happy go lucky nature of Thai and i love all my Thai friends dearly - both male and female!!

    Its just nice to be out of a western country and living somewhere where rules and regulations have not taken over the simple pleasures in life and i love the craziness of Thailand - who wouldn't??

    It's nice to hear that farang girls have found lovely boyfriends and husbands here.

  7. Impy....

    Hi there and welcome to BKK

    I am a farang chick living here (but relatively new on the scene - 10 months). If you want to catch up for a drink and to check out some hot spots around Bangkok then give me a bell at my email: [email protected]

    Sorry i'm a bit of a computer pleb and don't know how to respond to you personally.



  8. I'm in Bangkok but would love to get some work in your neck of the woods...anyone need an assistant :o oops am i allowed to say that.

    No seriously though if you are aware of any jobs going (teaching, environment) please give me a hoy.

    Ooooh the beach....the beach......the beach....


  9. ######


    When someone asks a question how do i respond to them. Currently i just do an add reply and put att in the topic tittle (as i have done here).

    Sorry i realise this is a pleb question :o



    Also how does the bold work. I have tried to type a word, highlight it and then click B but no go??

  10. Hi Penny,

    Well threatening to call the police bought him to his knees fairly quickly, considering he is here illegally!!

    Secondly, thankfully, i have security at my apartment who stood at my door whilst he packed his bags.

    It was not as smooth as that, he had already called a friend to come and help him so i had about 3 minutes to get him out of my house, throw some clothes in a bag of my own and get the *^$# out of there because i knew if his friends arrived it would be a showdown.

    By the way thanks for everyones interesting responses and support...


  11. Dr Pat Pong,

    I have a Bachelor of Science in environmental management.

    I am currently studying my Diploma of Education (science) via distance education. I have completed 5 of the 8 subjects required to complete the course.

    Currently i have a 2 year working visa - however if/when i resign from my current position as a volunteer i will lose this visa status.

    I currently work under the Ministry for Environment and Natural Resources in the Environmental Education Section.

    It's a bit of a tough decision to quit my current job as i am lucky to have a two year visa. However, i find the Government system rather frustrating and i feel my skills are not being used efficiently here, also and i am not particularly enjoying the Bangkok lifestyle.

    Any help will be appreciated!!! Do you currently work in Phuket?



  12. Hi there Phuketian's,

    Can anyone inform me of my chances of getting a teaching job somewhere in the Phuket area?

    I am currently working in Bangkok....a volunteer from Australia working with the Thai government, looking at environmental aspects of the thai national school curriculum.

    I love Thailand but need to get out of Bangkok and closer to the beach and fresh air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am currently studying to be a science teacher however i am not yet qualified....so i guess that is a useless piece of information - ha.

    Also i am a native english speaker which i know is a big requirement for many teaching jobs.

    If anyone can assist me with some contacts/websites/etc i will be very grateful.

    P.S phut thai daay nii noy kah!!

    Happy Songkran!!! :o

  13. After reading Regals latest troubles i thought i should post my story on this forum...if it wasn't for a miracle of waking up from my daze i would proabably have my arse in the "Bangkok Hilton" right now...

    After a night at Immortal Bar on Khao San Road i met a very charming and sexy man. He is an African man who works by the name of Jojo (sorry to all you sincere Jojo's out there).

    After a few weeks he was no longer crashing at my house, he had moved in permanently...i was feeding him.. shouting him drinks,,buying him clothes and supporting him in every way possible - not realising he was hiding.

    Before long i found myself learning about shonky business deals going on and all sorts of shit...the not so nice side of Bangkok. :o

    I was trapped in my own house afraid to do anything because of this mans violent nature. Never having been a victim of an abusive relationship beofre i wasn't sure how to handle things...and all the while he was still charming me.

    In my humble way can i please warn girls to be careful who you bring home. Bangkok is a great place with lots of fun to be had but remember that there are many people here who are here illegally and doing whatever they need to do to survive - including conning girls like you and me.

    I just wanted to tell my story (or a small piece of it anyway) because i look back now and cannot believe how quickly my life down spiralled. I met many girls during this time who were in a similar situation and felt they could not leave their boyfriends as they are afraid of the consequences.

    Keep shining!!! :D

  14. O.K you experienced winers, diners and 69's...

    Can you suggest a restaurant i can take my friends out to when they arrive from Australia.

    Thai food...funky atomoshere...good view of the city at night...price range 300-400 baht per person

    Preferable somewhere we can sit outdoors


  15. Hi there....my first email on this forum...i can't believe i have been here for 10 months and only just discovered this forum.

    I'm on the hunt to meet some fellow farangs to have a beer or two with. I have read many emails on this forum but can't seem to track down where you fellow Bangkokians meet??

    Can anyone shed any light??


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