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Posts posted by kmrazek

  1. Something to also keep in mind with salt water chlorinators is that when the salt level drops with rain dilution, that the efficiency of the chlorinator also drops. The chlorinator electrolyzes NaCl to make Cl2 and most chlorinators have variable voltage output to accommodate variations in salt levels. So this means that as the salt level drops, the chlorinator voltage goes up to compensate but this does result in a drop in efficiency because the chlorinator will start to electrolyze water H2O into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas. What I found was that if I bump up my salt level to a higher level at the start of the hot season/rainy season that I was able to stop the green algae bloom from occurring and the chlorinator did not have to be set to high to keep adequate free chlorine. I did notice a very slight white haze on occasion especially after a big storm that brought in a lot of dust, leaves, algae spores but with regular cleaning it was removed. Before the hot and rainy season I would add an additional 25kg salt for every 10,000 liters. This info might help some of you with the green pools.

  2. My reason for posting is to find out others experience in selling property and what they did to either accomadate the Thai way or how they dealt with it. Its interesting to compare experiences both good and bad.

    As per previous commentor, if someone paid me full price I would be happy to provide a 3% commission but what I have experienced is that after we had negotiated a possible sale price then someone from their family asked for an additional 3% for commission.

  3. I would not turn down a real estate agent if they had a buyer. What I have experienced so far is that the real estate company wants me to sign a commission document that basically says no matter who buys the house (their own client or someone on their own coming to the house) I would have to pay commission to the real estate company. This I would not do. If they bring someone who wants to buy I would consider paying a commission to them based only on that one customer.

    With regards to the norm of paying anyone who brings a person to buy the house, a 3% rate on a 1 million baht sale is probably acceptable but when a property is 10 million baht, this means 300,000 baht which is more money that a Masters Degree teacher makes in a year. For a true buyer, I would have no problem negotiating a possible price reduction of a couple of % to finalize a sale. As per Troger comment, I would never leave the property vacant and am living here until the house is sold.

  4. We have had 3 offers that were almost acceptable but all three wanted all of the furniture including dining, living, bedroom suites as well as TV's fridges etc. One of these offers they have left open to us in case we change our minds. I find that "farang style" homes have become acceptable to the younger generation and middle income people. The older high so so's generally want more along the Thai style with maids quarters etc.

  5. We have had our house up for sale for the past few months and have had a few interesting responses from people interested in buying.

    One offer was for 1 million baht which does not even cover the cost of the land. (it was a serious offer too)

    We had people that are selling their flooded property in Bangkok think that our price is too high because it is more than their house in Bk (do not realize that regular flooding drastically reduces value)

    Have had many real estate companies call and say they have someone interested in buying but we have to pay them 5% commission. (turned down)

    Have had couples come and view and like very much and are interested. Next day we get a call from someone representing this couple and tell us they want 5% commission (we found out later that the call was from the couples brother) and of course we turned them down.

    Our house is 210 sq meters on 123 talang wah lot with JD Salt water swimming pool, western style built in furniture, large western style kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and we had 2 couples with no children come to see. They told us that the house was too small and that they wanted 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and maid quarters (asked what they would pay for this and they said 5 million baht?????)

    We have had taxi and tuc tuc drivers come buy and want 3 % commission if they bring someone to buy.

    It has been very interested and somewhat fun but aggravating in trying to sell our house.

    What have you experienced in selling property in the Rai?

  6. It's a bit sad to put western kids in the Thai educational system since the universities are equivalent to high schools in Europe. Nevertheless, there aren´t that many western students. First year students have to live on campus, don't know if the general segregation has made that not apply to westerners. The university is physically beautiful and Chiang Rai is a very nice place to live.

    First year students for the Health Care Programs are required on campus. Other studies do not require the student to be on campus.

  7. Regarding MFL University. My wife is presently completing her Masters Degree in Applied Chemistry at MFL. There are a significant number of foreign students at this university - from China, Malaysia, Lao, Philipines and a few from Europe and North America.

    The University was established 11 years ago by the Queen and has been growing at a very fast rate for those 11 years. The University lectures primarily in English although alot of the postings are in Thai or are multilingual.

    University ratings in Thailand are hard to come by however, out of the 10's of thousands of Universities in the world, I found an MFL rating in the top 1000.

    Chiang Rai is a smaller centre but does have all of the conveniences from shopping malls such as Big C as well as many local markets.

    My wife selected MFL to complete her Masters Degree because of what she sees as quality of education, and excellent support from scientific advisors.

    I wish you the best in finding what you want - we found what we needed at MFL and Chiang Rai. My wife will be finishing her Masters in Feb/March of next year. We will be moving to central Thailand after she completes her degree - this is where she wants to teach. Our house is up for sale if you are interested.

    If you wish to contact me, email [email protected]

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