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Posts posted by IvanDobsky

  1. Mr Ydmark, said when asked whether he could conmfirm it was an electrocution: ''We don't have the full facts. I can't say yea or nae to that.''

    Well, which one means yes?

    Cutting corners to reduce costs and maximise profit at the expense of basic health and safety is both criminal and widespread.

    Another reason not to go to Phuket.


  2. According to the PCD, each cubic metre of air should contain no more than 120 micrograms of PM10 matter for safety reasons.

    A goal of reducing PM to 119 and declaring it safe and worthy of a pat on the back is scary. Instead, why shouldn't the people of the north have the right to blue skies, beautiful views, and clean, fresh air to breathe and make that the goal? The air quality should match what makes sense for a beautiful countryside, not just an acceptable level of a giant metropolis.

    Absolutely. They also failed to mention that PM10 should not exceed 50 on more than 35 days per year.

    That is, of course, a US / EU figure: Thais must have superior lungs.

  3. A concerted effort should be made over a 24 hour period to catch the pyromaniacs.

    There should then be a prime-time TV slot given over to educating the populace on the dangers of PM10 and PM2.5 particles and explaining the Roman concept of decimation.

    At the end of show, the aforementioned decimation should be graphically demonstrated using the pyromaniacs who have been detained.

    (yes, I'm a little right-wing when it comes to the health of my wife and children)

  4. Isolationism, brilliant. Cut all ties with the rest of the world. Solves a major part of the $14 trillion debt as well. Why didn't anyone thought of this before ?

    America can't do that, they need oil and the war-machine needs profits.

    I feel doubt over the ever-changing official version of OBL's demise; dismay at the power of the military-industrial complex; concern that some Americans appear oblivious to the last hundred years of foreign policy conducted around the world in their name; and a feeling that more people are realising just who runs our politics.

    Why did Obama fudge the healthcare bill and leave the government unable to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies? Why didn't he close Gitmo like he said he would? Why did he stir up the Libyan rebellion? Well, my opinion is that he is only allowed to do certain things. He has no real power. Obama is a great orator and that's all.

    Eisenhower warned us "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist"

    Abraham Lincoln said "I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war"

    These are ideas, opinions and facts that today would be dismissed out of hand by mainstream media as "conspiracy theories".

  5. What do you assume that Al Queda wouldn't have the ability to delete EXIF information from a file? Do you really think that they are that technically incompetent? And why would you assume that they had no reason to create confusion over when their various Bin Laden videos were recorded?

    The only confusion created revolves around the constantly changing narrative from the Americans.

    How would the Americans know it was filmed between those two dates? If anything, they would know either the exact day or know nothing at all.

    Perhaps the date range could be deduced from the content of the recording? The date stamp in a file means nothing anyway, I can set the date and time on my camera to anything that I want.

    The main issue though is that now that the readership of ThaiVisa has proven that the Americans did not take out OBL, what do we do with that information?

    From the content? Freak weather patterns? It started to get dark at a certain time? He was watching a film on UBC that was broadcast all month long? I agree with you that if it means nothing, why would they claim it?

    I don't think anything has been proven either way about OBL, if he has been taken out by the Americans, if he died before November 2007(according to Bhutto) and that's my point.

    No body, no photo, no video, no evidence, a constantly changing story. It's almost like we are being lied to. Now then, they have done it before (Iraq, Jessica Lynch etc) why would they do it again now?

  6. What do you assume that Al Queda wouldn't have the ability to delete EXIF information from a file? Do you really think that they are that technically incompetent? And why would you assume that they had no reason to create confusion over when their various Bin Laden videos were recorded?

    The only confusion created revolves around the constantly changing narrative from the Americans.

    How would the Americans know it was filmed between those two dates? If anything, they would know either the exact day or know nothing at all.

  7. just watched the other silent vids released here http://sanfrancisco....fe-pentagon.htm

    the more they show the closer we come to the proof that it all was staged and that the vids were probably planted.

    I found this interesting from your link: "One of the four recordings...possibly contained the usual diatribe against the West and capitalism and was a call for Jihad. It was made sometime between October 9 and November 5."

    First of all, when I take a photo or film a movie, the device records the exact date and even the time. Are we to expect that this millionaire mansion owner, the head of an international terrorist network, hadn't moved into the digital age?

    Secondly, "...possibly contained..."

    so we can just put that down to idle speculation then?

    many basic image editors have a program where you can extract the date, time and even the brand of a camera, unless it was washed out. I doubt they knew how to do that.

    exactly :jap:

  8. just watched the other silent vids released here http://sanfrancisco....fe-pentagon.htm

    the more they show the closer we come to the proof that it all was staged and that the vids were probably planted.

    I found this interesting from your link: "One of the four recordings...possibly contained the usual diatribe against the West and capitalism and was a call for Jihad. It was made sometime between October 9 and November 5."

    First of all, when I take a photo or film a movie, the device records the exact date and even the time. Are we to expect that this millionaire mansion owner, the head of an international terrorist network, hadn't moved into the digital age?

    Secondly, "...possibly contained..."

    so we can just put that down to idle speculation then?

  9. I think nuclear electricity development should go ahead, I suggest the plant is placed near the ocean for cooling purposes, I suggest somewhere between Bangkok and Pattaya is where this safe electricity plant is placed.........close to the main beneficiaries of such low risk advancement..........also providing employment opportunity..........

    I think it would only be fair to have a poll of the Bangkok and Pattaya residents as to the locality within their region they would prefer?

    Good idea. They can bury the waste in your garden.

  10. BHO is a narcissistic socialist who is clearly harmful to America.

    Yes ... and BHO will be narcissistically and socializingly harming America for a minimum of another 624 days until the 2013 Presidential Inauguration and then for 4 more years unless the GOP can come up with an adult (maybe IN Gov. Mitch Daniels?) who can beat him...

    meanwhile you can hide out in your bunker in CM.

    How much worse can it get? http://www.usdebtclock.org/ With kind regards to the original poster, this will be both Bush's and Obama's legacy.:o

  11. Incredible that because of the US inability to get the story straight, unwillingness to release the photographs or video, history of Hollywood scripts (Pat Tillman/Jessica Lynch, Iraq invasion, Gulf of Tonkin "incident" et al) we had to wait for confirmation from a bunch of scumbags.

    Peace be with you all :jap:

    The invasion of Iraq was the most covered (both video and print) military incursion in the history of mankind so you are way off base on that one, as for your other examples I sadly agree with you, and as for the handling of the Bin Laden killing the White House (Obama) has screwed the pooch ever since the imprpomtu press conference on Sunday evening! Given the fact that gas at the pump in the U.S. has gone to over $4.00/gallon recently and Obama's approval rating dipped to just 42% last week(the lowest so far) this whole thing sure does smack of "wag the dog" :o If it were not for the fact that Al Kaeda came out yesterday and admitted that Bin Laden had been killed, I might find myself in the camp that this was just a staged event :whistling: I mean after 10 years the U.S. military finally catches up with its #1 high value terrorist target, and instead of capturing him and extracting intel they put two in an unarmed mans head? then instead of producing the body they bury it at sea?? then they fail to publish the photos saying that it is in the interest of national security??? If there was ever a real life script for "wag the dog" this sure fits the bill ;)

    Perhaps I didn't explain myself clearly enough as regards Iraq. I meant to explain that the Hollywood touch comes from the creation of a reason to invade, not from the invasion itself. Apologies.

    Regarding the other issues, I am pleased that you agree with me but like you, I am far from pleased with the way this episode has been handled.

  12. Incredible that because of the US inability to get the story straight, unwillingness to release the photographs or video, history of Hollywood scripts (Pat Tillman/Jessica Lynch, Iraq invasion, Gulf of Tonkin "incident" et al) we had to wait for confirmation from a bunch of scumbags.

    Peace be with you all :jap:

  13. 1) He was shot dead in a firefight hiding behind his wife who was also killed

    Shortly after we are told he was unarmed and his wife was only shot in the leg

    2) We are told – and shown pictures – that the US Senior Administration watched to operation on Video in real-time

    Now we are told there was a significant blackout in the Video coverage – 25 minutes according to some reports.

    3) After the operation the President spends days agonising over whether 'photos of the body should be shown to the public – this should have been carefully considered and a firm decision taken before the Operation.

    4) Various Administration and other figures come out to tell us how a "gutsy" President spent many hours considering whether to authorise the Operation – in case the man was not there, or worse, the Operation failed in similar fashion to the attempt to rescue the Iranian hostages.

    This was a long term, carefully planned Mission to remove the most wanted – and hated – man in the world, the only thing this "gutsy" President was worried about was the affect any such situation would have on him and his political future.

    There's nothing at all "gutsy" about that.

    Some excellent points. The story changed again yesterday, I would like to add one more to your list:

    5) First, we were told that there was a 40 minute gun-battle. Now Reuters are reporting that there was no resistance at all. http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/05/us-binladen-pakistan-raid-idUSTRE7442NW20110505

  14. Bin Laden is dead, he is as dead as a dodo.

    About 2000 years ago there was a Jewish citizen who was publicly executed, his corpse dissapeared and no trace was ever found. thus the saying "He is dead but he will not lie down"

    Publishing his official death certificate would consitute valid proof of his death.

    Bin Laden may well prove the saying in the future.

    When you are dead you must lie down and you are out of the game.

    Yeah, the guy who came back to life three days later? OBL should be due any day now! :lol:

  15. SHow me any evidence to the contrary and maybe I will question more the official version of what happened. Oh, I might tend to agree that this could have been a kill mission, not a capture. But the base facts that Osama was there and killed is by far the most reasonable conclusion of what happened. Someone went there and had a firefight, that is pretty evident. People were killed. That is pretty evident. The US government says they got bin Laden. Leaders in the government have seen the photos. Bin Laden's daughter said she watched her father get killed. His wife identified the body as his. People saw the body being loaded on a helo.

    No one has come forward with any evidence that bin Laden is alive. No one has said that what the US government has reported is false. Pakastani government leaders have agreed that bin Laden is dead.

    So until there is any evidence to the contrary, choosing to believe the most logical version of what happened does not make a person a naive lackey of the government.

    The fact that the story keeps changing is a problem for me. Please consider this news from the BBC today:

    A senior US defence official says only one of the five people killed in the raid on the compound was armed and ever fired a shot, AP news agency reports. The official says that person was killed in the early minutes of the attack - an account that differs from original reports of a prolonged firefight and stiff resistance.

    You are right that we've been told "Bin Laden's daughter said she watched her father get killed." by the Pakistani ISI. However, this is the same ISI that claims it raided the house in 2003. Only problem is that the house wasn't constructed until 2005 according to CBS :

    The claim that ISI agents raided the compound in 2003 are also dubious, since U.S. intelligence indicates it was only built in 2005. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503543_162-20059361-503543.html#

    The official line is full of holes, no wonder there is so much debate all over the internet.

  16. Who cares about photographic evidence. It would only make matters worse.

    Is there mis-information? Possibly. Probably. Who cares.

    Firstly, how could it be any worse? A photo would shut up a lot of people.

    Secondly, the fact that you think your government lies to you and you don't care is quite amazing.

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