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Posts posted by jeanclaude

  1. I live near Klong3 Rangsit. Passon selling town house for 1.3 mb not too bad. You can also get a loan from bank to increase your buying power

    Thanks for your replies. I have a bit more than £25K but don't want to spend loads on a house in Thailand as I move around quite a bit. My mate recently bought a house in the North and paid about £20K, thats why I asked. Is the north cheaper. I am still a young lad so don't want to put all my eggs in one basket, if you know what I mean.

    If I was to get a loan to buy a bigger house, I'd prefer it to come from the UK but this may be difficult when working overseas?

    have a great one chaps.


  2. Hi all,

    I hope you all have a nice xmas.

    I live and work in Bangkok and I would like to build a house or purchase a new one here in BKK. However, I am unsure on how to do this? Can I do it for £25,000? I don't want a mansion, just a small house will do - not bothered about swimming pools etc, just a nice comfortable house where the wife and I can live.

    Could anyone give me any advice or point me in the right direction for further research? I am aware of the potential scams etc that can happen so would appreciate some advice.

    Cheers all,


  3. He had refused to pay his bill of 600 Baht in Candyshop and was very drunk (and a bit combative as well). The Manager decided to let him off the bill but wanted him removed from the establishment. He eventually left himself with a bit of help from two Thai Volunteers with me and another Foreign Assistant there as back-up.

    Thats all.

    If you would take your work serious, like a professional, you would never ever talk on a public forum about individual cases, its called work ethics, which you clearly lack, shame on you.

    Why shame on him? He's explaining what happened.


    I can't win Dave !

    I keep quiet and I am criticised.

    I answer questions and I am criticised.

    Don't you just love the internet!!!!

    Howard, anyone who watches Big Trouble in Tourist Thailand would know you are professional in your daily duties. Clearly sanctimonious posters on here can not compromise this.

  4. If you be respectful in Thailand and have a laugh without upsetting others one would like to think you'd be fine. I don't know what the tourists did but it must have been something bad to annoy the security there and provoke such a vicious reaction.

    However, I do not condone their actions! The owners should be shown this tape, and the police, so legal action would be taken. If it was my bar, these animals would be given their marching orders straight down to Pattaya police station along with the video footage. We have moved on since the stone age and this should not be happening - get these animals off the street!

  5. I really don't understand the posters' on here who have ill feelings towards the Tourist Police. As a previous poster mentioned, if (God forbid), you got in to a serious problem here in Pattaya, who would you prefer to help you a) a Thai man who probably can't speak English, doesn't care and has a complacent attitude, or Howard & team who can speak English and provide a unique service to help you? Regardless of their motives for being there (which is their business!) they can assist you if you ever get into difficulty. Look at this logically; I know which party I'd prefer.

  6. After seeing the first two episodes, I would like to congratulate Mr. Miller and his team for doing a fantastic job. I will reserve my judgement until I have seen all eight episodes, however, if the first two programmes are anything to go by, they are doing a great job! Well done Mr. Miller and the rest of the Tourist Police for assisting tourists' that get into difficulties!

    I must ask though, I have noticed that the transsexuals who operate on Beach Rd. are a major problem here in Pattaya and commit many crimes that go unpunished - are the Tourist Police and Thai Police working together to put an end to this or impose sanctions which will eradicate this?

    Well done Mr. Miller & crew for giving your free time to help make the country a safer place!


  7. Although I sympathise with Mr. Metcalf's situation, I find it impossible to condone any act of terrorism. Like the judge stated, what about the people working at the bank facing the terror of an alleged bomb! Nobody is perfect but I wonder how he, and many other westerners in Thailand, manage to get themselves into such desperation.

  8. I am new to Thailand and have been warned to avoid any type of confrontation with the Thais. Having watched this programme, I was surprised by the sergeant's approach to the Thai man. Do you feel the sergeant handled this situation correctly, or, should he have called the police?

  9. There seems to be some conflicting information on here regarding the Regent's school. I was looking at this school for my son and daughter later on in the year. I know they have a twin school in Bangkok, but, would appreciated it if someone can clarify if the school still has IB status?

    I was under the impression The Regent's school is an outstanding school with excellent facilities and educational standards?


  10. Hi forum,

    My wife is Thai and she currently has Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK. We will be returning to Thailand sometime next year as my company are sending me there. However, I am a little worried about her ILR. It states that if you are out of the UK for longer than two years it can be revoked. We have no plans to return to the UK but want the security of being able to come back for holidays, or, if anything goes wrong.

    Can a Thai get dual nationality with Thailand & England? I am concerned (if we don't get a brit passport and just keep the ILR) the UK will ask questions when we come back to the UK for holls and, if we state we are now living in Thailand, they will refuse entry and the ILR will be cancelled. Will this be the case? I know if we get her a brit passport this can't happen but then I am worried about her Thai nationality over in Thailand. How can she travel on a Thai and British passport?

    Please can someone advise.


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