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Posts posted by eurasianthai

  1. Thanks Puuchai and Judas but I'm still pretty angry about his death.

    Because he thought that living in Thailand with Aids is just not possible.

    He just could not live with the ostracism he was facing on a daily basis.

    And I'm pretty sure he did not take the medicine we bought for him for that reason.

    He just kept repeating he wanted to die, and he was only 27.

    Another low for Thailand.

  2. To a poor country girl you are well off, but to an educated urbanite you're nothing. That's why wealthy Thais stick together, and poor Thais leech off the stupid farang

    Well, I know quite a few educated Thai girls, and a few over-educated ones, from the best universities in Thailand.

    They're from Bangkok and the rest of the country.

    Their problem? They want to marry, and nobody wants to marry them. Too old for most Thai men (>25 years old), too smart, too..., whatever

    And marrying a farang is sure something they would consider.

    And do very often these days.

    But I'm also sure the 0.1% of really rich Thais stick together.

    And so they do in most countries.

    Good for them.

  3. Not too sure I understand the OP.

    Because the foetuses end up in a wat for cremation, you're questionning Buddhism?

    This is actually respect of life, they want to give a proper burial to the foetuses that were aborted.

    Not sure it is the same in most countries, where they are just discarded as garbage.

    And as far as abortion is concerned, no woman wants to have one, but well, where is the father?

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