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Posts posted by lissy

  1. After reading this thread, I'm getting a little nervous - as a smoker.

    I'll be coming over next month and my pack a day Marlboro habit is coming with me.

    For those of you who still smoke: Is there a brand that I can easily get in LOS that resembles Marlboro's? Yes, the reds, no I can't quit (been doing it almost 25 years now) and the idea of not getting them makes me want to light up right now!

  2. Axel.

    Thanks so much for the info - and yes natee, I don't want to put them through unnecessary stress. I thought if it was simple maybe I'd give it a shot. Looks like I'll have to find them comfortable homesl here. Thanks for the input all.

  3. Well, she's a geezer, has a lot of health problems and is on medication. The vet advised me to put her down but I have found a friend who I trust who will treat her like gold until her time is up. The vet says she doesn't have very long anyway.

    But the cats are healthy, relatively young and could make the transition.

  4. I know it sounds completely impractical, but did any of you bring your pets with you? I would consider it if it isn't the hassle I imagine it to be. I'm unsure of restrictions (mandatory quarantines, if any) and wouldn't know where to look for this information. I'm coming from the U.S.

    For those of you who have: What did you have to go through to do it? If it doesn't include a quarantine I'll actually consider it. Any thoughts on this topic would be appreciated.

  5. Thanks for the advice sbk,

    I know I'll be wary at first but I'll feel it out. One phrase I've learned already is 'mai ow'. I don't think I'd describe my view as rosy right now - its clouded with the jaw dropping fact that I'm moving to the other side of the globe. I do tend to be niave, unfortunately, but the newness and strangeness will hopefully bring caution. It's going to be a very Alice in Wonderland experience at first.

    Thanks for the advice and I'm sure I'll be back asking for more.

  6. Hello all,

    Well, I did it - I have accepted a job in Chiang Mai and will be moving to LOS in July. This is my first post and I don't even know where to begin. I expect I'll be ready for the initial isolation upon arriving but I'm wondering - I've read that Thai people are very friendly and helpful, what about other farang folk? Are there places I'll be able to meet friendly and helpful westerners? Clubs, groups, organizations? I'm posting on this forum because I'd like to hear from females who have made the move. Thanks ladies, see you soon!


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