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Posts posted by salizar1

  1. How does a (presumably) OLD, WHITE, man get a 10 year old Thai girl into a guesthouse alone? And not once, but multiple times? Isn't anyone at the front desk, or a cleaning person, or another guest, or anyone else at all around who asks what their deal is? I mean, everywhere I go people ask me where I'm from, where I'm going, how long I'm staying, if I'm married, anything and everything about my business.... So how does an old white man with a little Thai girl not set of any alarms?

    And where were the child's parents/caretakers? Do they normally just not know where she is for substantial periods of time?

    Really strange.

    I mean, if the guy nabbed the girl on her way home from school once, then maybe it's a little more likely to have gone un-noticed. But this happened multiple times. You would think someone would notice.

    How do any of the people pull it of??? Because something should be hard to get away with doesnt mean it is. Your defence of him based on it being difficult is foolish. And if he did it I hope he is dealt with very harshly

  2. Thanks for the info Nigelmartin. I figured that was the case but thought I'd throw the question out there. I've done a litte judo too. Are your classes only for CMU students or can others attend as well? I'd be interested to drop by if people in addition to university students can take your class. Please let me know. Thanks!

    There is BJJ pedro schmall has opened a school here. I have just started training with him, and after spending last winter training in Brazil, I must say I am happy with his style of teaching. He is quite inexpensive, only 3000baht per month. classes 6days a week open mat 7days a week. If you want to find out more check out the group chiang mai BJJ on facebook.

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