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Posts posted by mic59

  1. Herriott, GM Fraser(Flashman books), Tolkein, Harry Potter, Wodehouse, the Iliad and the Odyssey. But reading is a personal thing, what I may like may not be any good for you. A good idea is to find a nearby second-hand bookstore because what is there should have been popular with someone at some time. And there is often a very good range. Just keep an open mind, I did not think I would like "Doc Savage-the man of bronze" which is a real penny dreadful but it was 10c so I bought it and now I love it.  

  2. First time I went to Pai I took the mini-bus and spent 2 days in a guest house bed with acute car sickness. The next time I went I took the public bus which costs less and takes a much less winding route. the scenery is much better but you would want to take a cushion and some food and drink. 

  3. I got a scratch off a dog when I was taking my shoes off to go into a temple. Luckily there were two ladies there who were selling caged birds for tourists to release and they cleaned up the scratch and pointed me to the nearest hospital. The hospital checked it and the ladies had done a good job. I also had it checked when I got home, it seems the first aid was enough. It's a good idea to have a small first aid kit to clean wounds, you might not be able to bring one on a plane, especially if it has small knives so you might have to buy one in Thailand. Shouldn't cost too much, from a few 100 baht for some antiseptic and bandages to a few thousand for a proper kit. 

  4. One of the sentences next to number 1 was "Her goals are lofty and her head is in the clouds. She wants to help the poor and needy — and she’ll tell you about it over many, many THB300 cocktails at Above 11" . Although it wasn't pointed out that although she has a THB125000 salary she will still expect you to pay for her cocktails.

  5. With the costs of airfares and accommodation in Thailand travellers are already saving hundreds of dollars from the cost of a holiday. So you would think that they would be able to put forward a few hundred for travel insurance. The two problems are the one that has been stated, people think they are indestructible, and some people still think it is expensive. I have been quoted up to AUD600 by travel agents in Australia but have also had quotes over the web or from the travelfish website of $100-$250. And these cover unlimited medical expenses and cancellation, basic and silver cover is cheaper.Even basic has adequate medical cover although usually no cancellation cover.

  6. The sad truth is, that there are many like him running around in this country and thinking how invincible

    they're, until they end up in a mess like this....

    and beside, doing steroids and wowing women for what? for cooking together? coz that's all you

    really can do with a woman when you do steroids, your sex life is pretty much in the crapper....

    One guy I saw had broken both legs and STILL thought he was invincible, he was on a motorbike trying to navigate the busy T-junction at soi buakhao, soi chaiyapoon and soi diana with both legs in plaster and wearing shorts, a singlet and thongs.

  7. Don't buy yet, rent and travel around. Recommend you get a condo near the market in Chiang Mai. The nearby bus station will allow you to get public buses all over the place to Pattaya, Kanchanaburi, Hua Hin etc. It's your decision what is best for you but one place I wouldn't settle would be Phuket. You could continue renting for 12, even 24 months.You could pay a monthly rent of 10000THB -30000THB( 200-600 pounds) and it would barely be a blip on your income.

    Or if you find you prefer living in different places you could just rent in different places for the rest of your life. Personally, if I was in your position that is what I would do.

  8. Whats my opinion.....marketed as a girls drink

    Ya,,, exactly,,, because as we ALL know,,, ALL, "girls drinks" are 7%,,,, wink.png

    Putting liquor into cans has been a way the industry have been trying to get girls to buy their product. It still is mainly men who buy bottles, putting the same drink in a smaller container somehow gives the impression that it is less likely to make you an alcoholic. Total bunkum and since this type of marketing the number of female alcoholics has climbed alarmingly.

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  9. First time I came was in 1997 and stayed in Bangkok and Koh Chang. A lot of places still had squat toilets which were fun to use and gave you practice with your aim as to flush you filled up a sort of large spoon with water and hurled it at the offending object. Exchange rate at the time was over 40 baht to 1 USD. Had a beach hut on Koh Chang for 200 baht per night. At the time there was a curfew of 10 pm on Koh Chang as they had to conserve electricity, which was generated on the island. Lost a good bit of weight as there were a lot less places that served western food.

    The number of people trying to relieve you of your hard-earned hasn't changed, but that's the same everywhere. Didn't go to Pattaya in 1997 (I did in later visits) but I heard it was a lot sleazier then.

  10. It is sad to see how people walk around here with their smartphone. No eye for anything happening around them and just staring at that little screen in their hand, combined with walking very slow and hindering other people.

    Maybe people should be educated a bit on how to behave with their phones: step to the side (to not block anyone), stop walking (to be able to concentrate on your phone), and then start texting.

    (same for all countries by the way, this is not a Thai problem)

    And when they walk into you be prepared for a stream of foul-mouthed invective although it was 100% their fault.

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