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Posts posted by petebkk

  1. We will see...

    What is the ratio of yeast in pastry for making a bread?

    In the events of May 68, it started by a demonstration of 150 Students the 22 Mars, the 6 May 20,000 demonstrators, but the 13 may they were one million only, the peak of the events, then only 400,000 (and 800,000 as De Gaulle supporters) France population is about similar to Thailand one

    So the number of demonstrators currently involved is significant and the event has to be taken into account. The debate on the figures is of poor interest.

    In the demonstrator interviews, (The Nation as well as BP), it appears that most of demonstrators have financed on their own their venue.

    Taking into account that the Center of Gravity of the demonstration is shifted to "Class war" and no more centralised on Thaksin, the movement is going to take more momentum ....

    Why stop at "class war"? How about "global warming"? That will surely bring out more people on the street. If I carry this line of thought this is a bigger cause, affecting everybody. The whole country will be on the street. If they're going to hide the interest of one fugitive kleptomaniac under the veil of 'class war', why don't they hide it under something much bigger and more impressive.

  2. Do you suppose those same donors would be prepared to give blood at a Red Cross or hospital donation day in order to save lives, a rhetorical question.

    I would imagine they would do it, if needed - as they did today

    You didnt understand the word rhetorical? and why would a Hindu Brahmin be laying a curse, when 20,000 good Bhuddist monks were alleged to be protesting?

    A rhetorical question does not seek an answer; it's a statement in the form of a question. That's from my high school English class.


  3. The real issue is that the Democrats suspected Speaker Chai Chidchob's thinly veiled attempt to bring the draft constitution for consideration by both Senators and MP's. Why would both houses need to be convened together, if not to consider major agenda like draft constitution. This draft was put forth by Dr. Weng Tochirakarn to basically absolve Taksin of all the crimes, by ruling that everything none and void from the time of the coup to depose Taksin up to now. FYI, Dr. Weng is a regular fixture at Red Shirt rallies. The Democrats' suspicion is further confirmed today by Speaker Chai's calling for Abisit to call a new election. This is rather out of line for a house speaker that should play a more neutral role, I think. A week also ago, he also said in an interview that Newin his son might embrace Taksin once again (after being branded a traitor by Pue Thai/Thai Rak Thai members for jumping ship). His true color is becoming more evident by the day.

    General laziness as well as bi-partisan politics are also factors, but not for today's failure to get a quorum.

  4. He comes up with his best idea over cups of coffee. That's what the Red Shirts will be told.

    While they are sweating away in Bangkok's tremendous heat (boy, was it hot today!!), these people do not mind if his wife and children are busy shopping overseas and him sipping coffee in a resort town. Apparently, they didn't mind last April. Why should they mind it now? And, these people want to topple elitism while they're perpetuating one. Okaaay, there's inconsistency every minute.

  5. They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

    You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

    There's a simple explanation to this. Last friday before someone offered our office cleaner 1,000 baht and a free red polo shirt to attend the demonstration. She didn't go.

    PAD does not pay people to attend their rallies.

  6. Has anyone seen the Bangkok Post article today showing that soldiers are being paid an additional 300 Baht on top of their salary for every day they spend on the streets against the protests? How is that any different?

    that the soldiers are here in the city, coming across the Rubicon, is an issue that matters.

    that they are getting paid an extra is hardly something to argue about and as they say in the village you cant compare guava fruits with mangoes.

    If you can't see the difference, that's sad. To me, attending a protest is part of democracy, a way to voice your displeasure. If you're doing it for money, then you're renting your right as a citizen here. Not much different than vote-selling. As for the soliders, haven't you heard of per diem and expense account when you go out of town on business?

  7. And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

    Because article 37 of the 2006 interim charter granted immunity to the coup makers.

    FYI, after a successful coup, the new leaders will pass out a law to make them immune to prosecution from treason. People who did this include the general who gave Tuksin the telecom concession, making him a billionaire. Tuksin was quoted, saying that without this general he would not have made all this money and accumulated this great power. And, today, he ranted against generals, coup-makers, and unfair justice system. He perhaps forgot that several years back when he hid his shares with his nominees--his drivers, servants, and gardeners--and the court ruled in his favor, it was nice and fair. A dove appears as a monster to him if he disagrees with it and vice versa.

  8. Why is there an arrest warrant for Arisman for suggesting to overthrow the government but no arrest warrant 2 years after the yellow shirts did the same thing? And also no arrest warrants for the coup leaders that did actually overthrow the government, not just talk about it?

    Equal justice under the law is only a dream here.

    Occupation of Government House, murder in the streets and closing the international airports.

    But there is still no justice for those criminals.

    Which "murder in the street" are you talking about? Did you mean when the Chiangmai Reds lynching the sixty-year old man in the middle of the street? And, closing of the airport? Who closed it? The airport general manager who is related by marriage to Veera Musikapong, the core leader of the Red Shirts, shut it down. As for the occupation of the Government House, they didn't prevent PM Somchai from visiting his office. He just didn't want to face them.

  9. Find this government stil very very mild for the reds, in China and most other third world countries they would have different solutions for such elements and they would have no chance. So far not bad how they just let this pass.

    People disappearing into thin air. Secret police visiting homes at night. Intellectual bonsai-ing and mind-control. etc. All of these, to whatever degree that they exist, is already bad enough. We don't need to go down the path of China. That's why we have to put up with these people.

  10. its obviously who is ruling THAIland really, its the Chinese-Thais and China behind them

    Yes, I see. And who is scamming Thailand. Let's see, that's Chinese-Thai guy named Taksin.

    He pulled this off, colluding with Chinese Thai senior civil servants and high-priced lawyers as well as Chinese Singaporean who run Temasek.

    How his plot was uncovered? Chinese Thai journalist by the name of Sondhi L.

    How's he being prosecuted? By Chinese-Thai judges, public auditors and public prosecutors.

    Who's writing this comment? A middle-age Chinese-Thai guy.

    So, what's your theory? China is behind all this? An episode for the original Star Trek?

  11. Try Beer Hima near Bon Marche market near Wat Samien-Naree Temple.

    You can do that at home, you know. It's simply supercooled beer. My guess is the pressure has something to do with it. Must consult phase diagram for lager beer!

    P.S. I thought foreigners hate slushy beer. Apparently, some don't.

  12. Okay, k. Veera, not Feb.26th.

    May be 24 or 25 th Feb. or how about 27th? I will clear my appointment book.

    And, allright, it might not be 'organized' in the sense that invitations are sent out in proper stationery and you manning the phone for RSVPs. Perhaps, a few people could get together, lighting petrol bombs. Oh, I mean, 'bonfire'. Real spontaneous. Anyone bringing marshmellow?


  13. Thank you to those who have spoken up for this brave couple.

    Not brave but stupid, of course it was a prank as they knew perfectly well it is illegal for gays to register marriages, and quite right too IMO. Personally I have no problem with male homosexuals here, ladyboys or hetros, but the men hating toms and dees, especially the toms are a pain. They often want to thrust what they are who they are in everyone's face. Strange that toms want to look like men and act like men, but actually very often hate them, toms and dees are often very fvcked up.

    Homosexuality does not make a saint out someone. They are just people, good/bad/misguided. I know several toms and dees who are decent, respectable people, not man-hating in anyway. I also know a couple of toms who appear to be looking at the world from something opposite of a rose-tinted glass. What does that prove? Nothing

    Regarding their attempt to register a gay marriage being a prank, I would like to remind you of the name "Rosa Parks", among many others.

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