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Does This Happen More Often Than Not?


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My wife and I are living with and working for a Thai lady. I am doing consultancy work.

She has been together with a younger Thai man for 5 years. He is 27 and she is 57.

Recently, he left the scene for a while to 'think about things'. Naturally the lady was confused and quite eager to find out what was going on. She is well heeled and not used to being kept waiting, so to speak.

I told her what my thoughts were and that it didn't look too promising.

To cut a long story short. The young guy waited until we went away on business and then made his move. He left the residence with the Toyota pickup and headed home. Though he is nowhere to be found, at least he thinks so.

Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo.

The straw that has broken the lady's back is that he is now demanding a cash payment of 300K Baht as a parting gift.

Now here I was thinking that this stuff mainly happened to farang men, but it seems quite rampant.

I'm not so naive as to believe these things NEVER happen, but are they more prevalent that we realize?

Has anyone else heard of such blatant prolonged players Thai against Thai?.....just interested to know and definitely not trolling.

Suffice to say, the lady has now had lunch and drinks with several 'connections' and the young man will be located soon, stripped of his 'candy' and taught a lesson.

The question was asked whether my employer wanted the young fool to disappear or just get a lesson. For now she has opted for option 2, much to the young guys relief, so I would presume.

The words 'Som nam nah' come to mind, but irrespective of who, it's a harsh wake up call.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

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My wife and I are living with and working for a Thai lady. I am doing consultancy work.

She has been together with a younger Thai man for 5 years. He is 27 and she is 57.

Recently, he left the scene for a while to 'think about things'. Naturally the lady was confused and quite eager to find out what was going on. She is well heeled and not used to being kept waiting, so to speak.

I told her what my thoughts were and that it didn't look too promising.

To cut a long story short. The young guy waited until we went away on business and then made his move. He left the residence with the Toyota pickup and headed home. Though he is nowhere to be found, at least he thinks so.

Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo.

The straw that has broken the lady's back is that he is now demanding a cash payment of 300K Baht as a parting gift.

Now here I was thinking that this stuff mainly happened to farang men, but it seems quite rampant.

I'm not so naive as to believe these things NEVER happen, but are they more prevalent that we realize?

Has anyone else heard of such blatant prolonged players Thai against Thai?.....just interested to know and definitely not trolling.

Suffice to say, the lady has now had lunch and drinks with several 'connections' and the young man will be located soon, stripped of his 'candy' and taught a lesson.

The question was asked whether my employer wanted the young fool to disappear or just get a lesson. For now she has opted for option 2, much to the young guys relief, so I would presume.

The words 'Som nam nah' come to mind, but irrespective of who, it's a harsh wake up call.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

i believe the thai expression for that is the woman is what is known as a mair yok.

yes more prevalent than you realise, however for obvious reasons not spoken about in public.

yes, happens all the time, again unless you live in the neighbourhood or know the parties involved you probably wouldnt be aware of it.

as for the young fool, well he has youth as an excuse, whats the ladies excuse, sounds like she has more money than sense.

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My wife and I are living with and working for a Thai lady. I am doing consultancy work.

She has been together with a younger Thai man for 5 years. He is 27 and she is 57.

Recently, he left the scene for a while to 'think about things'. Naturally the lady was confused and quite eager to find out what was going on. She is well heeled and not used to being kept waiting, so to speak.

I told her what my thoughts were and that it didn't look too promising.

To cut a long story short. The young guy waited until we went away on business and then made his move. He left the residence with the Toyota pickup and headed home. Though he is nowhere to be found, at least he thinks so.

Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo.

The straw that has broken the lady's back is that he is now demanding a cash payment of 300K Baht as a parting gift.

Now here I was thinking that this stuff mainly happened to farang men, but it seems quite rampant.

I'm not so naive as to believe these things NEVER happen, but are they more prevalent that we realize?

Has anyone else heard of such blatant prolonged players Thai against Thai?.....just interested to know and definitely not trolling.

Suffice to say, the lady has now had lunch and drinks with several 'connections' and the young man will be located soon, stripped of his 'candy' and taught a lesson.

The question was asked whether my employer wanted the young fool to disappear or just get a lesson. For now she has opted for option 2, much to the young guys relief, so I would presume.

The words 'Som nam nah' come to mind, but irrespective of who, it's a harsh wake up call.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

I would say nothing special. Very common.

But I would say I feel sorry for the guy. Rich exploiting the poor, that's it. Hope they never find him.

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I think it is exploitation going both ways. There is absolutely no need to be a prostitute to simply satiate greed.


Even if the woman can have him killed anytime she likes?

And I think it is quite difficult to differentiate between need and greed. Where is the line being drawn?

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"Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo."

Why are some members defending this greedy fxxxer on this thread?

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"Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo."

Why are some members defending this greedy fxxxer on this thread?

Because we have not seen the video of how they talked to each other yet. Or no one here has the power of Jesus Christ to know exactly what happened. It is all assumption. No one knows!

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I think it is exploitation going both ways. There is absolutely no need to be a prostitute to simply satiate greed.


Even if the woman can have him killed anytime she likes?

And I think it is quite difficult to differentiate between need and greed. Where is the line being drawn?

uhm, by the list of stuff that he got, and the way that he left. Talk about thinking you have the power of Jesus Christ ^. Look at your previous post (#14)*. :o

I'm not defending her though, but if it was a voluntary arrangement, and he got all that stuff, she doesn't deserve to have him steal from her.


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I think it is exploitation going both ways. There is absolutely no need to be a prostitute to simply satiate greed.

Exactly, they both got what they deserve.

Greedy boy and a boufant hair "hi-so" employer. Ahh I have one now next door who in deepest Issan is exploiting a Lao women to live on her land and basically be a slave to her whims :o No visa, no chance, just do as I say

Is this "lady" still employing you now?

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I think it is exploitation going both ways. There is absolutely no need to be a prostitute to simply satiate greed.


Even if the woman can have him killed anytime she likes?

And I think it is quite difficult to differentiate between need and greed. Where is the line being drawn?

I'd be more inclined to think HE often thought of killing her and then get even more toys.

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Yes, I am still working for this lady, though my wife has 'warned' me. Neither of us trust her and I am seriously reconsidering my contract.

The money is reasonable but the stresses are mounting.

She is obsessed with finding this guy and he cannot hide for ever.

Both my wife and I thought we could see this may be the case. IE the young man being a player, but the act was pretty good and we oscillated between suspicion and confusion.

But there again, to be honest, they are/were both players.

I'm not sure of the impact on his family as she apparently respects them a great deal and they her...Duh..!! she has built them a bluddy house, so why wouldn't they respect her.

But, I find it slightly 'challenging' that she refers to as Khun Mae and Khun Pho....feels weird everytime I hear her talking that way.

As some posters have mentioned, this obviously goes on far more than meets the eye as there is little or no distinct separation line in ethnicity, as there would be with a farang.

As for the Lao lady in Isaan being enslaved, that just sucks to high heaven. The 'rich beach', should be 'spoken to', or at least reported. It would be immoral to let something like that persist. But there again, I don't know the details and cannot comment.

Maybe for the moment, I will just keep my head down and follow my wifes gut instincts, cause I can't trust my own when it comes to these so called hi-so Thai ladies, or farang for that matter.

I'm not too sure what to feel for the young guy, excpet that he played a bluddy good game for a long while and in front of my wife and I for at least the past 8 months.

But, also as others have observed, who knows what went on behind closed doors. Apparently she threatened him several times to 'evict' him if he kept bad mouthing her.

Anyway, life goes on and each to their own.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

PS: Secret video?....mmmmm...that sounds like a good idea but also a death sentence, don't ya think? Talk about loss of face, more like having your face ripped off, if something like a 'bedroom video' made the rounds.

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Lets be honest the average Thai with a fair few quid in their pocket think they rule the world, be good to see one brought down a peg or 3.

Hope he left her for a fellow aswell just to rub salt into her wounds.

Quite coincidental you should mention this, as discussions between my wife and the woman have indicated that this may very well be the case.

This is yet another reason why the woman wants to find him. IE to confirm if there is another person in the picture, or is it just a case of alleged greed.

Mai pen rai.

Big Paulee.

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My wife and I are living with and working for a Thai lady. I am doing consultancy work.

She has been together with a younger Thai man for 5 years. He is 27 and she is 57.

Recently, he left the scene for a while to 'think about things'. Naturally the lady was confused and quite eager to find out what was going on. She is well heeled and not used to being kept waiting, so to speak.

I told her what my thoughts were and that it didn't look too promising.

To cut a long story short. The young guy waited until we went away on business and then made his move. He left the residence with the Toyota pickup and headed home. Though he is nowhere to be found, at least he thinks so.

Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo.

The straw that has broken the lady's back is that he is now demanding a cash payment of 300K Baht as a parting gift.

Now here I was thinking that this stuff mainly happened to farang men, but it seems quite rampant.

I'm not so naive as to believe these things NEVER happen, but are they more prevalent that we realize?

Has anyone else heard of such blatant prolonged players Thai against Thai?.....just interested to know and definitely not trolling.

Suffice to say, the lady has now had lunch and drinks with several 'connections' and the young man will be located soon, stripped of his 'candy' and taught a lesson.

The question was asked whether my employer wanted the young fool to disappear or just get a lesson. For now she has opted for option 2, much to the young guys relief, so I would presume.

The words 'Som nam nah' come to mind, but irrespective of who, it's a harsh wake up call.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

He is 27 and she is 57. He was with her for money - he got it and buggered off!!!

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"Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo."

Why are some members defending this greedy fxxxer on this thread?

Agreed. Seems to me he has been extremely well compensated, for whatever service he provided during those 5 years. He is getting exactly what he deserves for his attempt at extortion. He is also fortunate that this woman only wants to teach him a lesson. To bad this kind of thing don't happen more often, people would not be getting ripped off so much.

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I repeat, no one knows who is right who is wrong. But my observation is poor people are usually no match to rich people.

And for this case, probably the man was right at 7 o'clock but at 7:30 he went wrong and the woman was right, then later at 10 o'clock the woman bullied the man again then at half past ten the man became bad and the woman was bullied. Well in this case who is wrong who is right? God bloody knows?

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My wife and I are living with and working for a Thai lady. I am doing consultancy work.

She has been together with a younger Thai man for 5 years. He is 27 and she is 57.

Recently, he left the scene for a while to 'think about things'. Naturally the lady was confused and quite eager to find out what was going on. She is well heeled and not used to being kept waiting, so to speak.

I told her what my thoughts were and that it didn't look too promising.

To cut a long story short. The young guy waited until we went away on business and then made his move. He left the residence with the Toyota pickup and headed home. Though he is nowhere to be found, at least he thinks so.

Bottom line is that the lady has been scammed. He finally called her up and was quite abusive and essentially told her that he had enough, that he had what he wanted. IE she had built him and his parents a house, he has 2 pickups and a BMW in his name, plus a brand new motorbike, as well as God knows how many buffalo.

The straw that has broken the lady's back is that he is now demanding a cash payment of 300K Baht as a parting gift.

Now here I was thinking that this stuff mainly happened to farang men, but it seems quite rampant.

I'm not so naive as to believe these things NEVER happen, but are they more prevalent that we realize?

Has anyone else heard of such blatant prolonged players Thai against Thai?.....just interested to know and definitely not trolling.

Suffice to say, the lady has now had lunch and drinks with several 'connections' and the young man will be located soon, stripped of his 'candy' and taught a lesson.

The question was asked whether my employer wanted the young fool to disappear or just get a lesson. For now she has opted for option 2, much to the young guys relief, so I would presume.

The words 'Som nam nah' come to mind, but irrespective of who, it's a harsh wake up call.

Cheers n beers.

Big Paulee.

Well I even know of family members ripping eachother off. Sister buys house payed by BF for mother (In cash) and brothers sells back the house to the bank take the money and get lost. Sister says, cannot do anything, he is family. Just another scam?

Not sure as the sister used all of her savings money and sold her bizz to pay back the bank.

Cheers all, and welcome to amazing Thailand.

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The lady obviously is well heeled enough to supply plenty of toys, I think she will face a lot of hassle to relieve him of such.

The important factor about the whole situation for the lady is the lose of face. That is one big thing in Thailand, it go's down to all levels of Thai society. The higher up the ladder, the harder to swallow it.

You can bet it will be niggling around you for god knows how long into the future.

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