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Doctors / Hospitals & Thai Police

yok yawng

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Ok, Ok I can see now that asking a practical question has absolutely no interest to any one :D ... UNLESS it has underlying elements of scandal, sex or soap -_- Yes there is all of this which has happened, hence the stabbing with a broken bottle by a jealous LOS national !!! :D .. can anyone offer any advice .. apart from asking the police direct :D

The original post ....

As in some countries if a patient has suffered any serious injury (gun shot, stabbing) :o then the doctors are obliged by law to inform the local police. :wub: The question is do doctors or hospitals in LOS have to make a report to the police if they suspect any fowl play?

Here is the scenario:

A mate has recently being the recipient of a stabbing from a LOS national and is concerned if by going to the hospital for treatment, they will contact the police for ‘further enquiries..’ something no one wishes on anyone ... :D

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Ok, Ok I can see now that asking a practical question has absolutely no interest to any one :D ... UNLESS it has underlying elements of scandal, sex or soap -_- Yes there is all of this which has happened, hence the stabbing with a broken bottle by a jealous LOS national !!! :D .. can anyone offer any advice .. apart from asking the police direct :D

The origial post ....

As in some countries if a patient has suffered any serious injury (gun shot, stabbing) :o then the doctors are obliged by law to inform the local police. :wub: The question is do doctors or hospitals in LOS have to make a report to the police if they suspect any fowl play?

Here is the scenario:

A mate has recently being the recipient of a stabbing from a LOS national and is concerned if by going to the hospital for treatment, they will contact the police for ‘further enquiries..’ something no one wishes on anyone ... :D

Well, I would think that your mate would be the one to contact the cops- for protection, if nothing else.

I don't know the law, but I have been in hospitals when such injuries came in, I have known personally of a couple of such similar incidents, and as far as I know, no cops were contacted by the hospital except at the request of one patient I heard make that request when they brought him in...

If it were a gun wound, I would guess the hospital would automatically call the police, maybe not for prosecution as much as for protection from some maniac who shot somebody maybe coming to finish the job.... My sense is that's going to be the deciding factor- safety of the hospital staff- when calling in the cops.

But, just a guess...

So, what happened, ultimately? Did the cops show?

Or is this a 'what if...?' deal?

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So, what happened, ultimately? Did the cops show?

Or is this a 'what if...?' deal?

Thanks Ajarn... What's the deal...? :D

Well this is not a what if :D , so he has not gone to seek any medical attention for the fear of the police getting involved. It was a stabbing, missed the heart by about 30mm, with a broken bottle... and the reason, because he does not have a mia noi... :D.... Oh the thinking minds ....

I guess he has been very lucky.. no glass remained in the wound, no cracked ribs and there are no ducks around either!! :o

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Well what did he do to deserve almost dying ?? Come clean with your story or are u a troller !?

Hey Ned... :D

No this is not a troll.. was seeking advice for a mate who got cobbered by the mia, luckily he has not suffered anything further (like death :D ). I guess we posted this in the wrong forum... so we are no further enlightened for the next time... :o

Situation: Quiet balmy night in 'sunny' Bkk, just slipping out for a few quiet ones, stop at the servo and then off to the local. Meet up with some mates and watch a race, eat and then back home... problem - not drunk therefore must be someone else (another woman). Mia wishes to return home up north - Q: How can you survive alone in BKK, therefore you must have Mia Noi - Stab. :D

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