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Thai Pumpkin In Place Of Butternut Squash


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Back in the states, I used to love Butternut Squash, and regularly prepared it in several ways. Remembering these great & tasty dishes started me thinking: "Maybe I could use Thai Pumpkin in place of Butternut Squash and get (nearly) the same delicious results..." Any comments?

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I cook with pumpkin here all the time. It does taste slightly different, obviously, but it's really quite good. I find that it often results in a softer texture, but it's easy to adapt most recipes. I eat it warm and cold (cooked, but cold).

Of course, on the rare occasion when I've seen butternut squash for sale, I buy it all up. :rolleyes:

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We lived in Australia for 20 years - I'd never had pumpkin in UK, it was classed as pig food (in the North East anyway). The different kinds of pumpkin here taste just like the same looking pumpkins in Aus - a bit sweet for my liking, but nothing a good shake of salt doesn't cure. For a lot of years I have often used it in place of potatoes when doing a meat and 3 veg meal, and it's magnificent roasted.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Royal Project has been producing butternut squash for several years now. Are you anywhere near one of their outlets. Here in Chiang Mai it's easily available. Thai Pumpkin would make a good substitute for the squash. It's denser than squash, but often sweet and very flavorful.

Cudo's to you! And, thanks very much for your suggestion. Went over to Makro yesterday and, lo and behold, there in the refrigerated case sat 6 or 7 (of the smallest) Butternut squash (I have ever seen). The onions n the photo are about the size of golf balls! See the Royal Project stickers? Happily not expensive, I bought 3 of the little fella's. And, last night I fried some in e.v. olive oil with lots of chunky garlic & a few scallions... really good! Guess I'll never know about the pumpkin...


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The Royal Project has been producing butternut squash for several years now. Are you anywhere near one of their outlets. Here in Chiang Mai it's easily available. Thai Pumpkin would make a good substitute for the squash. It's denser than squash, but often sweet and very flavorful.

Cudo's to you! And, thanks very much for your suggestion. Went over to Makro yesterday and, lo and behold, there in the refrigerated case sat 6 or 7 (of the smallest) Butternut squash (I have ever seen). The onions n the photo are about the size of golf balls! See the Royal Project stickers? Happily not expensive, I bought 3 of the little fella's. And, last night I fried some in e.v. olive oil with lots of chunky garlic & a few scallions... really good! Guess I'll never know about the pumpkin...


They've been really small lately. That's a new development. I did by one a month ago that was normal size. And it was delicious. Actually sweeter and stronger tasting than the ones I've eaten in the USA,

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