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Road To Cambodia

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Not strictly a "visa" question - that has been answered elsewhere. Thanks.

I wonder if anyone on the board has any experience of travelling overland from bangkok to angor wat. The air fare seems to be about 8000 baht return. To cut down on expenses i was considering flying to Bangkok and then getting the train to Poipet, then get a mini van or a pick up truck to Siam Reap.

Does anyone have experience of this, as my lonely planet says:- A. The train is 3rd class only and is crowded and slow. and B. The road from Poipet to Siam Reap is a pot holed nightmare which can take between 8 and 24 hours to traverse.

Any help is much appreciated.

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Thanks for the link. Makes interesting reading. Overland seems just too much of a pain in the arse.

pain in the arse is not the word for it.

i had my belly ful of siam riep after 2 days tried to get bus back to thailand, had to wait , tried to get taxi, they wanted $50, no way.

got back by motorcycle taxi, 5 hrs. pain in the arse is not the word for it.

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Before I went to Siem Reap, I went to a travel agent on Suk. Soi 4 and asked for a round trip bus ticket. She wouldn't sell me one. She told me that after I went by bus, I would want to buy a ticket to come back by plane. I ended up buying a round trip plane ticket elsewhere.

While in Siem Reap, I met a couple that left BKK the same day that I did. They had to wait for HOURS at some river where the bridge was out. They were ferried across and got onto another bus on the opposite side. Buying a plane ticket then was probably the best travel decision I ever made.

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