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Outrage Over Expensive Movie Tickets


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Half price for old codgers if they have a seniors card in Oz but if you take the grandchildren you'll need a security van full of money. The confectionary costs are exhorbitant and I feel for the cleaners who have the job of cleaning a sea of pop-corn after each show. It's also my impression that the Thai movie theatres are furnished better too.

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Ahh yes once again the wealthy falangs on thai visa are going to tell us how much something costs back home compared to thailand and how these ingrates on 5-10 k a month complaining about the cost of movie tickets are just so lucky they dont live there and have to pay those prices. Well this aint the uk aus or usa boneheads and these people dont live like you or have your money, they have a right to complain about the high costs of something in thailand. The same theater you defend that charges 240 baht per movie doesnt pay their staff enough to take their wife girlfriend or family to a movie after paying their living expenses. No wonder thailand is tired of falangs.

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I recently fell into an argument with a Thai neighbor after he criticized my decision to spend 50k on a Samsung 3D TV as an 'obscene' amount to spend on a TV. I rightly pointed out that it's like a couple seeing only 100 movies at a cinema whereas the TV will last a decade and I can download movies for free. Of course I, being the foreigner, 'didn't understand', so that was the end of it.

TV isn't cinema. size matters. Furthermore it is also a social experience. Something you cannot download for free.

its a social experience i would rather avoid

smelly, sweaty patrons, noisy eaters and drinkers, armrest wrestlers, mobile phones, seat kickers, loud talkers, late arrivers, bum numbing seats, poor service and stale food

no, thankyou

if i have to go to the cinema maybe to see a major film like a Avatar in 3D, i buy four tickets so neither the wife or i have to sit next to anyone............

the only cinemas worth bothering with in my view are the Imax cinemas

Actually Timekeeper (or is it George?) i think you really should go check out a movie..things have changed a lot since the Seinfeld days :lol:

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but srsly. Id rather they move up the price even more. Less poor people= less chance of noice..

i remember the only thai movie i went to see was that international one with the guy and the elephants

All the poor thais had saved to go there with their 1year old children at 10pm.. baby crying.. 7yo kids running around the whole time screaming, thai parents talking about sumtam and throwing popcorn at each other..

Edited by seriouseats
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I recently fell into an argument with a Thai neighbor after he criticized my decision to spend 50k on a Samsung 3D TV as an 'obscene' amount to spend on a TV. I rightly pointed out that it's like a couple seeing only 100 movies at a cinema whereas the TV will last a decade and I can download movies for free. Of course I, being the foreigner, 'didn't understand', so that was the end of it.

TV isn't cinema. size matters. Furthermore it is also a social experience. Something you cannot download for free.

its a social experience i would rather avoid

smelly, sweaty patrons, noisy eaters and drinkers, armrest wrestlers, mobile phones, seat kickers, loud talkers, late arrivers, bum numbing seats, poor service and stale food

no, thankyou

if i have to go to the cinema maybe to see a major film like a Avatar in 3D, i buy four tickets so neither the wife or i have to sit next to anyone............

Other people, just hell.

Edited by samurai
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I recently fell into an argument with a Thai neighbor after he criticized my decision to spend 50k on a Samsung 3D TV as an 'obscene' amount to spend on a TV. I rightly pointed out that it's like a couple seeing only 100 movies at a cinema whereas the TV will last a decade and I can download movies for free. Of course I, being the foreigner, 'didn't understand', so that was the end of it.

TV isn't cinema. size matters. Furthermore it is also a social experience. Something you cannot download for free.

its a social experience i would rather avoid

smelly, sweaty patrons, noisy eaters and drinkers, armrest wrestlers, mobile phones, seat kickers, loud talkers, late arrivers, bum numbing seats, poor service and stale food

no, thankyou

if i have to go to the cinema maybe to see a major film like a Avatar in 3D, i buy four tickets so neither the wife or i have to sit next to anyone............

the only cinemas worth bothering with in my view are the Imax cinemas

Actually Timekeeper (or is it George?) i think you really should go check out a movie..things have changed a lot since the Seinfeld days :lol:

sorry i don't know any george or seinfeld

i went to Central Cinema in pattaya last year to see Avatar

i did note that cinema had changed for the better unfortunately the patrons and their habits hadn't.......

Edited by timekeeper
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I recently fell into an argument with a Thai neighbor after he criticized my decision to spend 50k on a Samsung 3D TV as an 'obscene' amount to spend on a TV. I rightly pointed out that it's like a couple seeing only 100 movies at a cinema whereas the TV will last a decade and I can download movies for free. Of course I, being the foreigner, 'didn't understand', so that was the end of it.

TV isn't cinema. size matters. Furthermore it is also a social experience. Something you cannot download for free.

its a social experience i would rather avoid

smelly, sweaty patrons, noisy eaters and drinkers, armrest wrestlers, mobile phones, seat kickers, loud talkers, late arrivers, bum numbing seats, poor service and stale food

no, thankyou

if i have to go to the cinema maybe to see a major film like a Avatar in 3D, i buy four tickets so neither the wife or i have to sit next to anyone............

Other people, just hell.

agreed, add to the fact they could be RED almost makes me vomit.......

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payed 120 bath for jack sparrow....last week.

I saw 3d.....and 240bath...so i choosed the normal 120 cheap version...

But it whas a good movie and good to see.

120 bath is nothing compared to europian countries.

I don't think anyone could have 120 "baths" in one day!

the cost of showing a 3-D movie is quite high 240 Baht is ok. in the UK the price is much higher and they don't have the same air conditioning costs.

I buy my Pepsi in the supermarket and smuggle it in, if everyone did that, the cinema would need to bring its prices down to get the sales back.

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Ahh yes once again the wealthy falangs on thai visa are going to tell us how much something costs back home compared to thailand and how these ingrates on 5-10 k a month complaining about the cost of movie tickets are just so lucky they dont live there and have to pay those prices. Well this aint the uk aus or usa boneheads and these people dont live like you or have your money, they have a right to complain about the high costs of something in thailand. The same theater you defend that charges 240 baht per movie doesnt pay their staff enough to take their wife girlfriend or family to a movie after paying their living expenses. No wonder thailand is tired of falangs.

Are you joking? I earn the same as a Thai person doing the same job as I do (I do it better, that's why they employed me) I earn 60K per month. my Thai son on the other hand has no idea how to manage his money but that's teenagers for you!

BTW "who" said Thailand is tired of falangs apart from you? on the contrary I feel most welcome here.

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:ph34r: When I purchase a ticket, I ask the clerk for the time the movie starts and walk in just before it starts.

You really should stop stepping on peoples feet and farting in their popcorn as you squeeze in. :lol:

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I don't mind the prices. You can get cheaper seats during the week and earlier in the day. Excluding the IMAX and 3D, I think the prices are reasonable. And given that the foreign movies, at least, cost the theater the same as they cost a theater in the US or the UK, well, they still have to recoup the money regardless of the average income of Thais.

If cost is that much of an issue, they need to show more Indian movies, of which there are plenty of choices, or more Thai movies. For sure, the Bollywood movies would cost the theaters much less. But the world, including Thailand, wants Hollywood, so they have to meet the customer's demands.

As far as concessions, this is where they really make their profit. But tell me, do you really need to eat and drink to watch a movie? It is not necessary, but if you want to do it, then you have to pay the price. One great thing about Thailand is that I can buy fruit shakes right outside the theater, then take them in with me. No one has ever stopped me. I can't do that in the US.

Thai theaters are too cold, in my opinion. Not for me, but for many Thais. We keep a blanket in the car, and my g/f uses it whenever we go to a movie.

As far as the advertisements, OK, I am onboard with the complaining. Way, way too much. And now I read that there is a limit to amount allowed to be shown?

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payed 120 bath for jack sparrow....last week.

I saw 3d.....and 240bath...so i choosed the normal 120 cheap version...

But it whas a good movie and good to see.

120 bath is nothing compared to europian countries.

The major cineplex in Hua Hin is a total fiasco they dubbel there prices Sat-Sun and only to show english movies with thai sub title and soundtrack!!!!!!!!! There is more then 3000 expats living here..........Shame on you Major Cineplex Manager!:annoyed:

Kids up to 11 years are getting tickets for 80 Baht but they need to be shorter than 130cm my daugther is 152cm and 10 years! so she haqve to pay full price what a hack is this?????:annoyed:

Shame on you again manager!

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Why oh Why is everyone comparing the tickets in other countries to here in Thailand?

Nonsense as usual!!!!!!

Reading all, it is the majority of Thais who are complaining and with most of them earning a ridiculous average wage and wanting to have a trip out to the cinema is EXPENSIVE!

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If you think it is too expensive, don't go.

If you think the ads run to long time, complain and don't go until they shorten it.

Why does the government need to get involved?

The people who don't like the trailers should wake up to themselves, stop complaining and go in exactly 20 minutes after the advertised time for the movie. I always time it that way. As for people claiming that trailers and commercials went on for 40 minutes - get a new watch. It's never more than 20 minutes.

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How 'bout the quality as below in Phnom Pehn? it's not the worst. Have worse than this one. if you think it's too much don't go there. Very childish!!!!!!! to ask for an intervention from the 3rd party.

Give you some options!

1. xxxx

2. xxxx

3. your local Video rental shops

4. cable companies - loads of crap too, movie, drama, lifestyle, news, asians,sport and documents

Ads too long ?, have a quick nap then - OK, this makes sense. we pay to see Craps? shouldn't be there.

junk Foods , too expensive? fix your own tea then

what i will see is "the place is secured". some pictures in a department store. the last show is usually late. so they lock up the place to protect their goods.

Absolutely, Don't agree to complain 'bout them.


Edited by dunkin2012
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Could knock maybe 10 baht off the price if they didn't cool down to level of walk in freezer. Promote matinees with cheaper seats is good idea too. Maybe they should post "official" starting time of the actual movie?

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The cheapest ticket here in Pattaya is 120 B for a regular movie and 240 for a 3D movie.

Maybe is it cheap for us Farang. But for Thai who make an average of 8000 B/month, it is very expensive.

A familly would pay 1000 B to see a 3D movie? Too much for them. Cinema should be accessible for all.

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If you think it is too expensive, don't go.

If you think the ads run to long time, complain and don't go until they shorten it.

Why does the government need to get involved?

I have no doubt a bucket load of complains have no doubt already been made. It's the lack of willingness of the cinema companies to act on these complaints which have probably prompted government intervention.

It's pretty much a given the film is not going to start until at least 30mins after the advertised starting time - me and the missus simply wait until then. Unfortunately we usually have to negotiate the poor brainwashed sods who have been made to suffer the commercial onslaught.

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120 baht in SF Cinema, Major is about 190 Baht, 3D not for me.

I am sure that prices are shown on the advertisements and on the panels near the cashiers, so you can see the price before purchasing. For me the adverts are too long, that is my only complaint.

I don't often go to the cinema, mostly download and sit at home with the wife, cheap popcorn or snacks from 7/11 and no idiots on the phones next to me.

I also hate that ad with the bloke on the bus calling the girl at the cinema before she sees the movie.

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DIT hotline flooded with complaints on overpriced movie tickets


BANGKOK, 31 May 2011 (NNT) – The Department of Internal Trade (DIT) hotline 1569 has been flooded with complaints about overpriced movie tickets and snacks as well as too long series of advertisements before the actual shows.

Consumers have been filing complaints via the DIT hotline for being unfairly treated at cinemas. One of the problems is expensive movie tickets, especially for newly released movies as they can be priced as high as 240 baht each while consumers are not informed of the price until they purchase.

Consumers are also dissatisfied with overpriced snacks sold in front of cinemas such as bottled water and popcorn as they are 100% more expensive than those sold in supermarkets while cinemas ban their customers from taking food purchased elsewhere into their premises.

In addition, consumers are complaining that many cinemas are pushing too many advertisements to their customers, which can be as long as 30 minutes in total, before the actual shows.

The DIT will dispatch its officials to inspect cinemas, especially in regard to movie ticket prices which must be properly shown so people can make decision before deciding to queue up for ticket purchase. As for overpriced ticket prices and snacks, the DIT will summon cinema entrepreneurs for further discussions.


-- NNT 2011-05-31 footer_n.gif

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Prices are reasonable I think but what you get is rubbish. Outside Bangkok the selection of movies is so low brow and narrow I never ever go to major cineplex. They might have 30 screenings a day in my local but half wil be on movie a quarter wil be a mother movie and then you have about 3 others to choose from. Movies are released with maximum screenings and then disappear after a week, maybe two so if youre not on the ball you miss out, then add t that the ridiculously cold air con and ear splitting volume, it's all a sad waste of time. Over priced popcorn is a cinema reality, if you don't like it then bring your own discretely or eat before you go.

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I typically go to Major on Wednesdays as they showed all but the newest and 3D movies for 60 baht. Last time I went on a Wednesday they had upped the price to 100 baht, still a reasonable price, BUT they removed the board at the beginning of the line showing prices and instead placed small paper signs at the window informing people of the change. I wasn't particularly pleased with that sort of 'hidden' price increase but I suspect they just weren't as prepared as they should have been with a replacement rate poster. It wasn't a very smart move the way they carried it out as it resulted in some ill will.

The theaters themselves are good quality though the way they are managed leaves something to be desired. I never minded previews but I can't stand the commercials. Expensive snacks are just part of it and nobody is forced to purchase them. Don't see any reason to complain to the government.

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If you don't like the prices, don't go!

Put up or pack up. Never complain.


Regulators should concentrate on ensuring that consumers have clear info about prices of tickets and any other goods & services before consumers commit to a purchase. They should not interfere in the pricing of a competitive market.

That's the nanny state answer (non-overboard version); it does beg the question though, why don't consumers just ask before they buy?

{An economists way of saying 'Put up or pack up':rolleyes:}

Edited by SantiSuk
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If you think it is too expensive, don't go.

If you think the ads run to long time, complain and don't go until they shorten it.

Why does the government need to get involved?

I think it's because no one here can think on their own. They always have to run and tell someone something.

555 took tong! I used to go the movies a lot but prices have gone up, service down! Tired of arrogant people talking and walking in half way through the movie, long queues, expensive popcorn and drinks, etc...

So now, I just buy the DVD for 90baht at MBK and watch it again and again until I'm bored of it and then lend it to all my friends who love me for it!:) 555555555555

No need to complain in Thailand, there's always other options in this pervasively corrupt country, go with the flow bro', become Thai:) 555

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whereas the TV will last a decade and I can download movies for free. Of course I, being the foreigner, 'didn't understand', so that was the end of it.

Good luck with the decade.

Mine just crapped out after three years, must say the replacement at one third the cost has a MUCH better picture quality.

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payed 120 bath for jack sparrow....last week.

I saw 3d.....and 240bath...so i choosed the normal 120 cheap version...

But it whas a good movie and good to see.

120 bath is nothing compared to europian countries.

You paid with baths, did you include the plug and tap ware as well ?

That was an unnecessary cheap shot

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Doesn't bother me too much as I very rarely go to the cinema but I have one friend who is a big movie buff. He was complaining to me over dinner the other night that in his regular SFX theatre all the 3D movies are in English (240Bht) with the same movies 2D in Thai (120Bht). Therefore, he was suggesting that it was very unfair as many of the alleged 3D movies have such few 3D scenes in them that he would just prefer just to watch them in 2D but can't as they are not in English. Don't know what others' experiences are like around the country. He did mention the 'farang tax' but as mentioned it doesn't bother me too much! I would prefer to watch 2D though in English if I had the choice due to being one of those spectacled people!! Doubling up with the 3D glasses is awkward. Interested to hear if this is a nationwide business practice at your local cinema though.

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