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My Refusal To Learn Thai


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I don't know if anything we say here can make you change your mind - you might even just be trying to create a commotion you can smile smugly at over a beer. Fair enough. I will still take you seriously.

You really should consider what it would feel like to run a business in your own country and have foreigner after foreigner come in the door and *expect* you to speak their language, even get upset or condescending if you don't.

The truth is, if you had experienced how much nicer the whole Thai experience is once you speak and understand the language, you would not make such assumptions as above. That being said, you are not really experiencing much of Thailand in the areas where you hang out - which is also your choice. Take it from somebody who has been here for a while - I just think you are missing out, that's all.

Then again, there has been one or two posters here who say they would not have learned Thai if they could do it all over again. A clear minority though.

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Good work guys and gals....I'm sure that because of your blatant disrespect and good arguement the OP has changed his mind and is signing up for Thai classes. Thank you all for your help in this effort. Mission accomplished!!!

I have a question...a hypothetical question...IF Thai people had their choice between 1. All people coming to Thailand miraculously being able to speak excellent Thai, or 2. All Thai people miraculously being able to speak excellent English, which would they choose?

Edited by chownah
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Good work guys and gals....I'm sure that because of your blatant disrespect and good arguement the OP has changed his mind and is signing up for Thai classes.  Thank you all for your help in this effort.  Mission accomplished!!!

I have a question...a hypothetical question...IF Thai people had their choice between 1.  All people coming to Thailand miraculously being able to speak excellent Thai,  or 2. All Thai people miraculously being able to speak excellent English,  which would they choose?

"Farang learn Thai Bad" - this statement comes to mind - heard it a few times, guess Thai(s) realize can't easily hoodwink farang if he knows the language. :o

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Good work guys and gals....I'm sure that because of your blatant disrespect and good arguement the OP has changed his mind and is signing up for Thai classes.  Thank you all for your help in this effort.  Mission accomplished!!!

I have a question...a hypothetical question...IF Thai people had their choice between 1.  All people coming to Thailand miraculously being able to speak excellent Thai,  or 2. All Thai people miraculously being able to speak excellent English,  which would they choose?

They would choose number 2.

They have far too much fun chattering about frangs behind their backs to let us in on the act.


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I read this forum all the time and hear so many people speak proudly of their Thai speaking prowess. I've been here 6 years and I flat out refuse to learn or speak this language. It is kind of funny too because I am an American very fluent in Spanish. But Thai, no way pal, I won't make any effort whatsoever and let me tell you why:

If you've been here for 6 years it doesn't take that much effort to speak thai. You pick-up words along the way and before you know it you get along fine with thais in a thaiglish way. At least that's how I've experienced it.

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Good work guys and gals....I'm sure that because of your blatant disrespect and good arguement the OP has changed his mind and is signing up for Thai classes.  Thank you all for your help in this effort.  Mission accomplished!!!

I have a question...a hypothetical question...IF Thai people had their choice between 1.  All people coming to Thailand miraculously being able to speak excellent Thai,  or 2. All Thai people miraculously being able to speak excellent English,  which would they choose?

"Farang learn Thai Bad" - this statement comes to mind - heard it a few times, guess Thai(s) realize can't easily hoodwink farang if he knows the language. :o

I only hear this kind of statement in the tourist areas. Never in 7 years by a Thai who normally does not associate with farangs. They are typically either impressed or appreciative.

Also, the times I have heard such remarks, they were delivered with a laugh. Never interpreted them as anything else but jokes.

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Good work guys and gals....I'm sure that because of your blatant disrespect and good arguement the OP has changed his mind and is signing up for Thai classes.  Thank you all for your help in this effort.  Mission accomplished!!!

I have a question...a hypothetical question...IF Thai people had their choice between 1.  All people coming to Thailand miraculously being able to speak excellent Thai,  or 2. All Thai people miraculously being able to speak excellent English,  which would they choose?

Luckily is only a Hypothetical question...

I am with Thaipwriter in this one :o

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Some people think it is fun to learn to do something difficult like speak thai, get to see the world a new way. Thai people usually have warm feeling for this, like watchiing a little kid talking to adults. We never think little kids are stupid to try to speak.

I agree that it's better to learn the language of the country you are living in, not only just the respect issue, but also for your own benefit. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to understand what people around you are saying, and to be literate?


Witty comments made subtly... hit the bull's-eye...


I like it mak mak when Thai members post. :D:D:o

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3 different languages = trilingual

2 different languages = bilingual

1 language


english or american

germany france and spain and italy have already more then 280 mio people they speak aready 7 different languages but their area is not even 1 third of usa

so this is just farmers and cowboys talk and understanding

how many american can speak esperanto or spanish or french or even german how many even know where to find this countries if they are not business mans abroad

give it up

an average european speaks 2or 3 languages and some dialects on top

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Its a lot easier to be bilingual when your second language is English....English is the common demoninator for countries to communicate with and thus an easy choice to make. If English is your first language, what language gets priority to learn as a second?

Have a Russian, Japanese, Frenchman, Italian, German, Chinese man in a room, whats the one language that all will most likely have to communicate with if they are all bilingual?? English. Like it or loathe it as it stands English is the most important language in the world. Even if Mandarin is apparently the biggest 1st language due to the population of china, English overtakes it by miles when you take into account 2nd languages aswell.

That said, if your actually living in a country, I think it is worth while learning some of the language.

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If it wasn't for us fat Americans you would be speaking german and goose stepping up and down Trafalgar Square.  We kicked your butt twice and had to save it twice...that was worth a couple hundred thousand lives...

It makes me laugh when a Yank brings up this diatribe , if this is the respect they give the Brits, their closest allies, is it little wonder that the rest of the world has scant regards for them these days?


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If it wasn't for us fat Americans you would be speaking german and goose stepping up and down Trafalgar Square. We kicked your butt twice and had to save it twice...that was worth a couple hundred thousand lives...

do not start with those kind of post...I am Spanish...Think about what I could replay to you...I give you a clue...1492 :o

I am not proud of that date but just think about it...

Wow, from the pros and cons of learning Thai, to fat Americans, to WW2 and now to the Spanish expulsion of Jews from Spain, this thread is completely out of control, I love it, :D:D

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WOW, I hope I never meet the OP on my travels!

Ive chatted with a LOT of farangs in Thailand, some good some w*nkers.

Not trying to dis Americans but there were 2 ocasions when I wanted to throttle a couple of them. 1 was in a lift in a hotel in Jomtien, some American kid with 2 gals was threatening to spit on the porters face for some reason I dont know why, the porter was smiling as he held the lift open too.

The second occasion was in Udon, me and my friend saw a farang sat in the hotel lobby, we went up to say hello and got the cold shoulder.

Ive met a few American military guys in Pattaya, sound as ###### they were, so not all yanks are retards, just the ones that voted for Bush and obviosly the thread starter too!

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To be honest I get an arrogant vibe from the original poster.

I think it is great that more and more people that live in Thailand or visit here learn the language. The Thais respect you a lot more if you attempt to speak their language and often help you.

Knowing the language would be very useful to you if you were a long term resident or a tourist regardless of where you are visiting and most people that learn this beautiful language are usually people that wish to associate with Thai culture and get to educate themselves more about it. And I believe it is always helpful to know another language.

You stopped the farang male speaking in Thai to his lady? That was very rude of you. Everyone must start somewhere when learning and it is all trial and error, practise is something that is very important.

I am learning the langauge at the moment and I know I may sound silly at times but as a recent English guy said to me who comes to my school and talks with me now and then "Don't be shy, if you don't get laughed at whislt speaking Thai you're not learning anything at all."

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I've lived here 3 1/2 years and I've only just started to have lessons, I'm doing it to make my personal and business life much easier. Not being able to speak or understand Thai has given me many problems in the past, cost me a lot of money and restricted my enjoyment of the LOS. If the original poster doesn't want to learn Thai then that's ok with me, it's his loss and his money. He frequently won't know if he's getting ripped off or not, if he does realise then he won't have the ability to do anything about it, he'll always be the odd man out in a group, his choice of the young ladies will be VERY limited, the list is almost endless. Leave the guy alone, let him continue living in his own little dream world!

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I've lived here 3 1/2 years and I've only just started to have lessons, I'm doing it to make my personal and business life much easier.  Not being able to speak or understand Thai has given me many problems in the past, cost me a lot of money and restricted my enjoyment of the LOS.  If the original poster doesn't want to learn Thai then that's ok with me, it's his loss and his money.  He frequently won't know if he's getting ripped off or not, if he does realise then he won't have the ability to do anything about it, he'll always be the odd man out in a group, his choice of the young ladies will be VERY limited, the list is almost endless.  Leave the guy alone, let him continue living in his own little dream world!


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Speaking a countries language will gain you respect no matter where you travel in the world. :D

Except France. :D

Funny, I found the French much more accomadating than most. :D


I worked out of Marselles for two years and have to say just the opposite.

Encountered a preponderance of the stereotypical rude French men - mostly, who wouldn't give you the time of day because you spoke bad French.

Back on topic: I've always found it quite strange a guy like Jim Thompson who lived in Thailand for a real long time, never spoke Thai either.

He was a 'spook' too.

Go figure... :o

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Not trying to dis Americans...

I love it when I see a preface like this. It's right up there with "Some of my best friends are...". Of course you are trying to "dis" Americans, just admit it, drop the pretense then move on with the pejorative comments like, "...so not all yanks are retards, just the ones that voted for Bush...". So now we're up to what, 48 million Americans who are "retards"? That certainly shows respect. I honestly believe the OP's comments were a lot more mature, well-thought out and presented than this anti-American drivel posted by hapless, and others here.

Why not present a case to the OP, focusing on the potential benefits of learning the language?

Maybe acknowledge, and yes thank him for presenting his views, experiences and opinions. Acknowledge that it is possible to live in Thailand without learning the language. Present first-hand experiences (challenges, rewards) you've had learning the language. And then extoll the benefits for you and your Thai friends, acquantances, colelgaues of you having learned the language. Maybe close with a suggestion that the OP re-consider learning the language and even offer suggestions as to how he might go about learning?

It seems like a lot of people here are drinking the same Kool-Aid as the tone and tenor of responses here on this thread, and on TV in general, are universally negative. Maybe it's the temperate climate, or something else altogether, but I for one would welcome a bit of civilty and respect for and from everyone.

Re: anti-American sentiment. Maybe we could set-up a separate sub-forum or shoutbox where people can go to vent their anti-American feelings? Those who enjoy this sort of thing would have a single place to titter away, and others who find it overwhelming when sprinkled in just about every single thread could avoid that sub-forum? Just an idea.

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I lived in Thailand for about a year and half and I managed to learn SOME Thai so that I could get around a little easier. Man if you go to a country, live there, and don´t speak/flat out refuse to learn some of the langauge, that´s pretty sad. Another poster mentioned respect and I agree with that 100%. Imagine all of the Spanish speaking people that go to the USA and don´t speak English, and how much it annoys a lot of people...

(I´m American too, and I speak Spanish too...can even trill my r´s...)

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