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Thai Overseas Students Abusing Rights: Tax Evasion


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If a billionaire buys a luxury car, the taxes are just peanuts for them. The main root of all this is rather the demand from "poorer" people to own such goods and brag. One might question the values of some people. Do they want a Porsche because it's a high quality car or just because its brand and fancy looks?

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i was shocked when arriving in Thailand to see the amount of tax slapped on car imports. upto 400% i was told for luxury cars, and hardly any tax at all on two seater pick ups, which are classed as essential, as opposed to a 5 setear, and none on small motorcycles . Now I understand why two seater pick ups have so many people sitting in the box at the back and scooters have upto 4 at a time riding pillion.

How true!

And, I found your 'Cardi' comment quite amusing...as opposed to racist, etc. After all, I'm Scottish, and all my Jewish friends feel sad for me inasmuch as I cannot control how cheap I am.

BTW, what's the root, origin or etymology for 'Cardi'?

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I'm simply shocked that any Thai would be mixed up with anything that even hints at official corruption!

(tongue locked firmly in cheek)

Yes, I also find it hard to believe that any Thai official would be involved in taking bribes.

While on the subject of "Tongues in cheeks". Well we are now anyway.

I notice on many N.Americal forums that when someone uses sarcasm (tongue in cheekism) they then feel the need to add (sarc) at the end.

Now maybe it's my Brit upbringing, but I thought one of the great benefits of sarcasm was that the recipient was meant to be left wondering "was that really sarcasm - or was he just being brutally honest with me?".

So why spoil the effect?

Americans are forward, open and honest and don't BS around, don't want any confusion. Brits seem a bit more evasive; maybe its your proximity to the French.

Different strokes for different folks, right?

I rather think the real reason is the American inability to think logically. It all has to be spelt out for them, just like kindergarden babies.

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Serve the thieving little grubs right. But after all they are only doing what's bred into them. If their fathers were not corrupt money grabbers, they would probably not be able to afford to be overseas students. Corruption, its in their blood.

I only hope and pray that these spoiled little grubs are persued to the limit. All their ill gained profits taken away, heavily fined and this recorded for all time. After all, these thieving little sods will one day be ruling Thailand and they will just carry on as their fathers did. Another thing, the cars must be traced and conviscated , all paperwork inspected and any collusion must also be punished. However you can be sure that this will be 'scotched' somewhere down the line.

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I'm simply shocked that any Thai would be mixed up with anything that even hints at official corruption!

(tongue locked firmly in cheek)

Yes, I also find it hard to believe that any Thai official would be involved in taking bribes.

While on the subject of "Tongues in cheeks". Well we are now anyway.

I notice on many N.Americal forums that when someone uses sarcasm (tongue in cheekism) they then feel the need to add (sarc) at the end.

Now maybe it's my Brit upbringing, but I thought one of the great benefits of sarcasm was that the recipient was meant to be left wondering "was that really sarcasm - or was he just being brutally honest with me?".

So why spoil the effect?

Americans are forward, open and honest and don't BS around, don't want any confusion. Brits seem a bit more evasive; maybe its your proximity to the French.

Different strokes for different folks, right?

I rather think the real reason is the American inability to think logically. It all has to be spelt out for them, just like kindergarden babies.

Now, now...let's do be kind and not to overly-generalize the bases of our opinions.

BTW, the spelling is "kindergarten" and I'm not directly of German descent.


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I'm simply shocked that any Thai would be mixed up with anything that even hints at official corruption!

(tongue locked firmly in cheek)

Yes, I also find it hard to believe that any Thai official would be involved in taking bribes.

While on the subject of "Tongues in cheeks". Well we are now anyway.

I notice on many N.Americal forums that when someone uses sarcasm (tongue in cheekism) they then feel the need to add (sarc) at the end.

Now maybe it's my Brit upbringing, but I thought one of the great benefits of sarcasm was that the recipient was meant to be left wondering "was that really sarcasm - or was he just being brutally honest with me?".

So why spoil the effect?

Americans are forward, open and honest and don't BS around, don't want any confusion. Brits seem a bit more evasive; maybe its your proximity to the French.

Different strokes for different folks, right?

I rather think the real reason is the American inability to think logically. It all has to be spelt out for them, just like kindergarden babies.

I'm quite sure you were educated in a garden, judging by your silly comments.

I can see why you are upset though; when we say jump you jump, right? Must be frustrating to be America's lackey. I'm sure the next war we have you will make good on your orders to send troops there to fight for us.

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I'm simply shocked that any Thai would be mixed up with anything that even hints at official corruption!

(tongue locked firmly in cheek)

Yes, I also find it hard to believe that any Thai official would be involved in taking bribes.

While on the subject of "Tongues in cheeks". Well we are now anyway.

I notice on many N.Americal forums that when someone uses sarcasm (tongue in cheekism) they then feel the need to add (sarc) at the end.

Now maybe it's my Brit upbringing, but I thought one of the great benefits of sarcasm was that the recipient was meant to be left wondering "was that really sarcasm - or was he just being brutally honest with me?".

So why spoil the effect?

Americans are forward, open and honest and don't BS around, don't want any confusion. Brits seem a bit more evasive; maybe its your proximity to the French.

Different strokes for different folks, right?

Or unable to understand sarcasm......

God bless America.... they do need it

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if thai good s were to be receive reciprocal duty from recipient countries would Thailand object?

That's the question I would ask as well. I wonder how many of thousands of Thai assembled vehicles go into the USA virtually duty free,....as opposed to how totally many foreign students they have in the USA, and what small percentage of them that might be so engaged in bringing a vehicle back to Thailand.

What a rediculous waste of time !

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How exactly is this abusing their rights? Where's the tax evasion if they qualify? Sounds like vested interests trying to plug a legitimate import option. Great way to help cover the school fees if you can afford the upfront for the car, actually.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

There`s a world of difference between being able to come to Thailand for 30 days and losing your job because of another country`s blatant protectionism. At the end of the day Thailand needs to collect punitive import taxes to avoid their home industries going under in the face of superior European and American products because if Thais could purchase a Mini Cooper for the same price as a Toyota Camry I know what I`d put my money on them parking on the driveway. Thai exporters are already bleating about the minimum wage doubling. If they had to pay the same duties as foreign exporters Thailand would go belly up in a week and revert to an agrarian society.

Why on earth would you prefer a pokey little pommie shitbox over a Toyota Camry

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

There`s a world of difference between being able to come to Thailand for 30 days and losing your job because of another country`s blatant protectionism. At the end of the day Thailand needs to collect punitive import taxes to avoid their home industries going under in the face of superior European and American products because if Thais could purchase a Mini Cooper for the same price as a Toyota Camry I know what I`d put my money on them parking on the driveway. Thai exporters are already bleating about the minimum wage doubling. If they had to pay the same duties as foreign exporters Thailand would go belly up in a week and revert to an agrarian society.

There`s a world of difference?

So Thai people should be treated as 3rd class citizen of the world?

Just like the little black lawyer got thrown off the train in Pietermaritzburg station, South Africa.

When has anyone treated Thai people like third class citizens? Many other countries have to apply for a visa to Western countries. We are not singling your country out. Once you have the visa, you are generally left alone.

Could you say the same as Thailand amd how it treats its 'guests'? We deal with 90 day reporting, re-applying for a new visa every single year, even if you've worked for the same company for years, no autromatic right of re-entry without a permit, etc. Don't get me started about double pricing.

By the way, 'same same' is actually 'same as', yes, one thing is for sure, you're definitely a Thai, nationalistic and you use those fuc_king two words as if they mean something. Also, not to be anal about your use of English, but 'Oz' refers to the country and not the people, so next time please use the phrase 'Australian people'.

Have a nice day!

Edited by bedu
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Import taxes & duties are ridiculously high anyway and for what logical reason? Cap all imports at 30% and enjoy a rise in imports.

There is also uppricing even after the import duty is paid. Example; 250 grams of Lavazza coffee beans from Italy. Retail price in Cambodia after shipping and duty, 5.50 USD = 165 thai baht

Same coffee in Thailand approx 500 baht, almost triple of the retail profit included Cambo price. Even if the Thai price was double the Cambo price 330 baht, it would allow for the so called 90% duty.

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I wouldn't mind getting use of an Italian or German exotic car as a university student in return for using my status to bring the car back home duty free. I either took a bus, a motorbike or eventually got a cheap nissan car.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

There`s a world of difference between being able to come to Thailand for 30 days and losing your job because of another country`s blatant protectionism. At the end of the day Thailand needs to collect punitive import taxes to avoid their home industries going under in the face of superior European and American products because if Thais could purchase a Mini Cooper for the same price as a Toyota Camry I know what I`d put my money on them parking on the driveway. Thai exporters are already bleating about the minimum wage doubling. If they had to pay the same duties as foreign exporters Thailand would go belly up in a week and revert to an agrarian society.

There`s a world of difference?

So Thai people should be treated as 3rd class citizen of the world?

Just like the little black lawyer got thrown off the train in Pietermaritzburg station, South Africa.

I`m looking but I can`t see where I said Thais should be treated as 3rd class citizens and I`ve certainly never seen Thais being treated as such in the UK, quite the opposite in fact. In my many years here I`ve met lots of humble Thais, but you sound like a Thai with an oversized chip on your shoulder and a whiff of racism about you.
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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

There`s a world of difference between being able to come to Thailand for 30 days and losing your job because of another country`s blatant protectionism. At the end of the day Thailand needs to collect punitive import taxes to avoid their home industries going under in the face of superior European and American products because if Thais could purchase a Mini Cooper for the same price as a Toyota Camry I know what I`d put my money on them parking on the driveway. Thai exporters are already bleating about the minimum wage doubling. If they had to pay the same duties as foreign exporters Thailand would go belly up in a week and revert to an agrarian society.

Why on earth would you prefer a pokey little pommie shitbox over a Toyota Camry

Not me, I have to go around in my wifes overpriced Teutonic car. Come to think of it the Mini is really a re-bodied VW styling exercise but the Thais seem to love them.
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200% taxes, sounds a bit over the top, no wonder people try to evade them.

Yep, no big surprise, there. Some foreign cars are much more expensive to buy in Thailand than in other places. For example if you buy a mini-cooper in Thailand it will cost way more than if you lived in the U.S. and bought it there.

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In places like the UK, the fuel carries a huge amount of duty/tax/Vat.. whatever the vendors are told to collect from the motorist that increases the price you pay for a tankful to, say £150, which is an £120 increase from the actual fuel cost of £30 (guesstimate)

In Thailand if you want to drive a car and pay the real price of the actual cost of the tankful of fuel, say £30, you can do that . If however you would like to spend some of your money and drive an imported "Luxury Goods" car and still pay the real cost of fuel you can, but the government still need the tax revenue and unlike the UK they don't collect the £120 tax from you at the gas station. Therefore those that can afford the "Luxury" can also pay the Luxury tax up front when they purchase the car. This way those that can't afford the luxury goods aren't having to pay the £120 at the gas station every time they fill their low cost (non luxury) vehicle.

IMHO, It's a very fair system.

Petrol prices here are actually similar to the UK, and the cars produced here in Thailand are still double that of the UK, so I dont see any fairness here.

Edited by newermonkey
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Petrol prices here are actually similar to the UK, and the cars produced here in Thailand are still double that of the UK, so I dont see any fairness here.

I think petrol here is still quite a bit cheaper than the UK, and cars produced here in Thailand are sold for about the same as the equivalent car in the UK. Take for example the Jazz. Starts at about 600k baht - that's about 12,000 pounds - are you saying then the Jazz sells for 6,000 pounds in the UK? I think it is more like 11, 12 thousand.

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Petrol prices here are actually similar to the UK, and the cars produced here in Thailand are still double that of the UK, so I dont see any fairness here.

How long since you were in England? Unleaded is 40% cheaper in Thailand than the UK. Diesel less than 1/2 the price.

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Life is unfair, so what.

You want same same both ways.

Oz come to Thailand no need visa. The reverse is not true.

You still want same same both ways?

There`s a world of difference between being able to come to Thailand for 30 days and losing your job because of another country`s blatant protectionism. At the end of the day Thailand needs to collect punitive import taxes to avoid their home industries going under in the face of superior European and American products because if Thais could purchase a Mini Cooper for the same price as a Toyota Camry I know what I`d put my money on them parking on the driveway. Thai exporters are already bleating about the minimum wage doubling. If they had to pay the same duties as foreign exporters Thailand would go belly up in a week and revert to an agrarian society.

Why on earth would you prefer a pokey little pommie shitbox over a Toyota Camry

as opposed to an australian car you mean ?..........is there one ? , .....not seen one in the grand prix or wrc lately

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Overseas students abusing rights




BANGKOK: -- Representatives of four luxury-car importing companies called on the Justice Ministry yesterday to look into reports of Thai overseas students allegedly abusing their right to bring cars into Thailand without having to pay fees and 200-per-cent taxes like proper importers have to.

Thai students or citizens living overseas to bring their cars back home tax-free provided they can prove that they have owned it for at least a year and a half.

Once the car is brought back, the owner then needs to obtain permission from the Commerce Ministry's Department of Foreign Trade, Customs Department, Thai Industrial Standards Institute and the Land Transport Department.

So let me get this straight. When the missus(Thai) and i move back to LOS next year, she can import her 7 year old Lexus RX 300, any idea of import costs???


-- The Nation 2012-01-26

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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This is great news !!!! When I send my daughter to college in America in 17 years, I will buy her a Ferrari to drive around in. Then when she comes back, she can bring it along and sell it here. Who knew the rich people here were so smart as to come up with special laws ?????

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So let me get this straight . When the missus(Thai) and i move back from the uk next year she'll be able to import her 7 year old Lexus RX 300. Any idea of how much it'll cost in import tax and registering?? Is it a viable option, or is it better just to flog it before we leave and buy when we arrive??

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Toyota Australia have just announced 350 job losses at their manufacturing plant here; high Aussie dollar, falling sales. Didn't mention other countries charge 200 % import duties crushing any chance of export. Meanwhile a vehicle produced in Thailand could be exported to Australia with nothing like that kind of duty charged.

Summary of Motor Vehicle Import Duties & Taxes (Aust)

Vehicles UP TO 30 years old (from 1/1/10) 5% Duty + 10% GST 4WD 'Off Road' Vehicles & Commercial Vehicles 5% Duty + 10% GST Vehicles OVER 30 years old & Motorcycles 0% Duty + 10% GST

The High import taxes definately protect local jobs. I guess Australia can start impoting Toyotas manufactured in Thailand a great win for Thai exports. You won't see Australian manufactured Holdens in Thailand in Aust average price 40,000 AUD to buy in Thai 120,000 AUD (3.6 Mil Baht)

Edited by chooka
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as opposed to an australian car you mean ?..........is there one ? , .....not seen one in the grand prix or wrc lately

That can't be true: the roads in Australia are full of Australian made 1 seater carbon fibre F1 cars capable of 300 km/h. We don't have service stations in Australia we have pit stops.

That's what you mean right? You haven't noticed grand prix cars that are made in Australia so ordinary registered road vehicles mustn't be made in Australia. That's some strong use of logic you've got there.

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