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Renters' Association In Samui?

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I have a small problem with the owners where I live. It does not amount to any real legal actionable issues, but there is a problem that needs to be addressed, vis a vis maintenance.

It seems they have the upper hand in doing nothing since whenever I bring up that these routine and obvious things need repair, I either get, "Okay," and nothing is ever done, or some lame excuse why it hasn't been done yet, and nothing ever is done.

Is there some ombudsman organization that can intervene to make something happen?

I could withhold rent until these things are done but I can see how that would, or could, end up -- with ill will and they could just call in the boys in brown. I mean they ARE Samui born and bred.

Do renters here have any real actionable rights at all?

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this post made me laugh wink.png .... how long have you been in Thailand ???

Long enough to write a piece of satire on it. Very funny.

My humble advise, fix it yourself and move on.....if its a major thing and it gets too expensive, move out.....

The OP is asking.....

Is there some ombudsman organization that can intervene to make something happen?

There is, the local mafia AND it costs less than the legal system.

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problem is simple, tell them if they don't fix it you'll either leave or repair it and deduct the bill from your rent.

I would tend to agree, if you try that root of fixing your self.... make sure to give him the Bills, and receipts for labour etc.... Whether he accepts that is the BIG question.... or perhaps ask if he'll accept that... first... ???

My land lord pays sometimes or used too, he seems to think everything is my problem now... actually I think more his latest wife thinks that.... I am thinking of looking around for new place soon...... too many "goal posts" have been moved from the original agreement... mad.gifbut she was not around then... wacko.pngannoyed.gif

Certainly some of the improvements that have been made will be going with me.... things that are easily detachable... Grounded electric wiring etc..(unless new house has!) ..... . curtains & rods and the like...

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fix yourself or move on, thats it. The rental agreements do not have anything to cover it and its a cival matter which is a long term way of solving things, and with the landlord. i have the same problem with a farang landlord, up to now i have paid up as i like the place but straw camels back has arrived. Move on and take all your paid for improvements with you is what i intend to do.

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It takes most a while to adjust.

By the time you get to understand the saying UP TO YOU, you'll know what to do.

Thanks for the laugh though. Hillarious........I have a small problem with the owners where I live...........Is there some ombudsman organization.

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