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Mens salon (skincare/facial treatment)


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Hi everyone,

I thought long and hard about which forum to ask this question, my reasoning, please don't take any offence here, was that gay guys always take so much better care of themselves so I thought this forum may be much more helpful. I realise this might get shot down quickly here and would like to state that it is not my intention to cause any offence. If the mods feel it can be answered better elsewhere please feel free to move this topic.

I have been offered a bit of modelling work and I am looking to give my appearance a bit of a makeover, I am a typical guy and never really cared too much for my appearance but as it might financially make a difference I thought it would be worth a shot. I know absolutely nothing about skincare or whatever else but if you know of some kind of mens salon where you can get whatever it is they do that gets you looking your best, I would like to here about the location website etc.


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No offence taken - The part I have an issue is with I must declare I'm vain :)

Here it goes 4th or 5th floor MBK there is a Japanese facial spa for lack of a better term, under the food court area if that makes sense, the menu is extensive and a basic cleansing which takes about an hour is around 1400 baht I do tip 200. They get out the nasty bits and a few days later your skin is soft and has a much better appearance IMO. They pop fat cells and often this can cause minor bleeding - don't be concerned I've checked the sterilization technique and it's sterile. It is not a gay venue just a really good high end spa. Women who go spend on average 5000 baht for peels etc, I've never had one but I've seen the results and I don't think it's worth it and it's scary.

If you don't already use a shaving brush, start - it's a mild form of exfoliating dead skin cells and it provides a much closer shave - we are lucky here with all of the facial scrubs in a tube for less than 100 baht - a small dab in your hand work the foam then brush lather yoir face for 30 seconds and shave. If you are here it's damn near Impossible to find a decent brush perhaps someone back home could post one for you. Don't worry about foams that say whitening it's all crap, assuming you're Caucasian.

Hubby uses a poultice every now and then - equal parts brown sugar and washing up liquid, leaves it for half and hour and his skin is tight and super clean. He's also does the egg white only and lets it dry - it's a funny look. Chemically it should work and I say to him it does :) :)

Lastly, buy a bottle of rice bran oil - amasing for cooking BTW and apply a drop on your skin nightly - it contains oryzanol which is great for the skin 100 times better than olive oil.

Good luck

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I just use axle grease and wet and dry. Isn't that good enough?

It's probably better than the billions spent on face cream :)

Which I forgot to mention previously is a complete waste of money. OP if you're from the UK or Canada the best is E45 cream it's cheap and works the same as any of the high end "Oil of Old Lady" or Boots no7. Keep in mind lotion is 60% -70% water, oil (lanolin, olive, rice bran) and emulsifier wax with perfume and preservatives added. Same as most bars of soap water, tallow (animal fat) and sodium hydroxide (lye). Oatmeal is also a very common ingredient in skin care the entire line of Avenno is oatmeal based - avina statina (oats). You can grind regular breakfast oats and make a paste as a facial mask.

Axle grease :) or any oil will block your pores however at the same time moisturize your skin so you want an oil with some vitamin value and after it's done it's job rinse with water and a mild soap.

Vanity sermon over - please don't start me on hair care products :)

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